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Sargun has a point. Someone breaking a rule and not addressing for X amount of time is no excuse to let them off the hook. Personally, I would send a PM outlining why the ban might have been sudden, but different strokes for different folks. I'm still waiting on any logs before I can say, without doubt, that someone is guilty. Better to take matters with a grain of salt and watch where fingers are pointed than jumping the shark and making accusations. That there is just libel at that point.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1293224246' post='2552860']
If you commit a crime one day, you can be arrested for it next week. There's a legal concept called a statute of limitations - after a certain period of time, someone cannot be arrested and prosecuted for a crime they committed. If you act like an !@#$%^& and I get complaints about it (and I get complaints about everybody, especially from cochin), then I'm going to take action regardless of whether it happened five minutes ago or five hours ago. I'm not on IRC every minute of every hour of every day.

By the way, I don't know why you're !@#$%*ing. You haven't been banned for a while.
No, I haven't been banned for a while, but I have been telling everyone for quite a while that I don't mean every sarcastic little thing I say on #CNRP. I'm sorry if my sense of humour offends people who can't understand that it's just humour and not serious. No one has ever approached me on IRC and said I've genuinely offended or insulted them

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1293222586' post='2552828']
"I'm not popular so I'm going to cry about it"
Actually I don't give a flying $%&@ if I'm popular or not. I just recognize that the trend in CNRP is might makes right. Either through ingame numbers or swaying the community to favor you. *shrug*

It's pretty much how any community works.

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[quote]I just recognize that the trend in CNRP is might makes right. Either through ingame numbers or swaying the community to favor you. *shrug*

It's pretty much how any community works.[/quote]

A perfect example of diplomacy outside of the political circle: proving oneself as a capable and trustworthy pillar. Flaws are understandable, but showing you are reasonable is the might that makes right. At least, that's my opinion.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1293224655' post='2552872']
No, I haven't been banned for a while, but I have been telling everyone for quite a while that I don't mean every sarcastic little thing I say on #CNRP. I'm sorry if my sense of humour offends people who can't understand that it's just humour and not serious. No one has ever approached me on IRC and said I've genuinely offended or insulted them
You shouldn't have to be told. You should know judging by their reactions, judging by the kicks and bans, judging by the warnings.

[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1293224792' post='2552875']
Actually I don't give a flying $%&@ if I'm popular or not. I just recognize that the trend in CNRP is might makes right. Either through ingame numbers or swaying the community to favor you. *shrug*

It's pretty much how any community works.
I could point out that you only started saying this once you became unpopular but you'd ignore it.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1293225129' post='2552888']
You shouldn't have to be told. You should know judging by their reactions, judging by the kicks and bans, judging by the warnings.
Their reactions were usually playing along with whatever I said. They never went 'dude, that offends me' or something like that. They know I'm not being serious, but you insist on kickbanning me anyway, even though I've not offended anyone. Again, if I have offended anyone, by all means, tell me, and I'll apologise for it. But to date no one has done so, and as I said, nearly always whenever I make a comment like that the reaction is playing along. [i]Because they know I was not being serious.[/i]

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1293225278' post='2552890']
Their reactions were usually playing along with whatever I said. They never went 'dude, that offends me' or something like that. They know I'm not being serious, but you insist on kickbanning me anyway, even though I've not offended anyone. Again, if I have offended anyone, by all means, tell me, and I'll apologise for it. But to date no one has done so, and as I said, nearly always whenever I make a comment like that the reaction is playing along. [i]Because they know I was not being serious.[/i]

Except they didn't, hence the complaints and the subsequent bannings.

Thanks for playing :v:

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Couldn't it be possible there was a mix of both? That is, there were people who gave dotCom their blessing on his humour, and others that found it vile. People [i]can[/i] lurk in chats, and after going AFK, come back to a line they find offensive. Then it's just a matter of a report being sent, and the rock goes downhill from there.

I can't say anything definite unless somebody gives me a log to analyse.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1293225580' post='2552896']
Except they did. Or else they would not have played along.

But I can see you refuse to be swayed.
Nobody can sway Sargun unless they have a pair of breasts and/or nice legs. It is the way of life

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[quote name='SK Wynter' timestamp='1293225694' post='2552898']
Couldn't it be possible there was a mix of both? That is, there were people who gave dotCom their blessing on his humour, and others that found it vile. People [i]can[/i] lurk in chats, and after going AFK, come back to a line they find offensive. Then it's just a matter of a report being sent, and the rock goes downhill from there.

I can't say anything definite unless somebody gives me a log to analyse.
It is possible. But admittedly I never poked fun at anyone I thought was liable to find my humour a bit off. I only did so with those I knew would play along and not be offended.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1293225897' post='2552903']
dotCom this thread is for actual rule violations, not complaining because someone is being mean to you.
Actually this thread is for anything OOC (the title is, after all, CNRP OOC Thread). I think you're thinking of the GM's Court.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1293225129' post='2552888']
You shouldn't have to be told. You should know judging by their reactions, judging by the kicks and bans, judging by the warnings.

I could point out that you only started saying this once you became unpopular but you'd ignore it.
Of course I only started saying it when I became unpopular, you don't rock the boat when you're sitting in it. But once OTHER people are sitting in the boat and you're in the water, that's when you start trying to rock it. :v:

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1293233048' post='2553024']
Its that attitude DC.
That attitude exactly.

Just learn to keep your mouth shut and ignore people. There is an ignore button, your on it everytime your banned.
I can't help if the kind of person I am is to make sarcastic comments from time to time. I don't think I should be banned for it.

I don't honestly think I'm that much of an !@#$%^&. I really don't think I've said things that would actually, truly offend anyone--I've never made any racial/religious cracks of any kind (though I can think of a few RPers who have on IRC). I don't call people insulting things in a serious tone.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1293237328' post='2553107']
That aside.

If anyone wants to buy tech, I would definitely be glad to sell >_> I really need a tech deal right now XD
You could try selling $3 million for 100 tech in the "Black Market" forum section if you are really desperate. Watch the tech hungry buyers come charging in.

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