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Due to the recent... events with TPF, does the sudden militarization of my nation need to be reflected in RP? Should I make a thread? I've gotten tons of satellites and MD's that I didn't have before.

Then again, I don't wanna cause any IC apprehension in the already volatile Africa we have.


You CAN RP everything you have ingame.

You do not HAVE to.

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I would like to submit a proposition. We all know landing ships, in amphibious landings are used in much greater numbers than what they are IG.

I would like to propose that instead, IG landing ships be termed as IC troop transports.

I say no. Landing ships and troops transports are two completely different things. Landing ships carry troops, yes, but they also carry tanks, helos, and landing craft. These landing craft are what bring the equipment to shore, very rarely is it the landing ship itself. So, for this reason, I say no.

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LSTs are better likened to helicopter carriers / Amphibious Transport Docks and are platforms for amphibious assaults. They may host LCVPs and other amphibious landing crafts and hence are better restricted to IG numbers itself.

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I say no. Landing ships and troops transports are two completely different things. Landing ships carry troops, yes, but they also carry tanks, helos, and landing craft. These landing craft are what bring the equipment to shore, very rarely is it the landing ship itself. So, for this reason, I say no.

So why do they even call it a landing ship? I don't get it...

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@Elrich: I see how much this means to you. Instead of political wrangling or continuing out or trying to get concessions out of you, I'm just going to stop the thread entirely and act as if it never happened. This is for you, I won't do it for anyone else (and I sure damn well didn't do it for lavo)

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Second part of my "be nice to the people I $%&@ed over" story: Leaving Taipei with DET/Lavo/whoever wants it so that they don't have to worry I'll do something stupid. As far as I'm concerned, Raiyku Shinje never made a comeback and I have no IC reason to go back to him again.

On that note, I hope you all accept the retcon because I damn sure already have moved on. Have a good night.

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