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Surrender Terms For The Fallen


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Not really because TE hasn't been around for 4 years so you couldn't have recognised the difference 4 years ago..

Anyway, in advance, i won't be able to reply again as i'm leaving for the evening. Finally, good luck :P.

Yes really because I've been in CN:S politics for so long that I can easily tell the difference. So ;)

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I'll relay to the other Rodents to double check their targets on the off chance we're engaged with any who are complying with NAACWs terms.

Though we would request a bag of nuts, mixed, unsalted...and in an oversized package. :)


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These are about as funny as the judgment surrender terms. lol. How did those work out for you? Oh that's right out of the HUNDREDS of nations you guys are attacking, 6 are currently judgment pows. Honestly guys surrender terms?

When will it get through to some of you that this is CNTE, things are different here. The only POW's you'll get are the nations that are brand new to CNTE, so enjoy your looser camp. A few more people and you guys can shoot some hoops together.

I got some better options for those who want to surrender. Find a window to delete your nation, re-roll, join back up and start helping to get back at those who meant to destroy not just your nation, but your spirit as well. Better luck next time, it takes more than Cm's to crush TUF's spirit.

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"better than what Murder Inc. will offer our slain opponets no doubt." - elb, a few posts up.

If you reroll after this war it just shows that you have no skill whatsoever. If you have skill, you build your nation back up. Rerolling is for those who can't play or people who need better resources.

It is obvious you know little of what you are talking about. You think its better to end with a 850 Average NS like NAAC did last round? Thats the sign of skill?

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It's a joke, chill out. No one is going to follow these terms anyway. You know, when you guys post a DoW or something and we get pissy about it you're going to be like "oh..it's just a game" but yet you can't take it the same way when we post.

Also, Archimedes I was not leader then and we had no active nations because people were caught up in CN:S by the end of the round. When we were active we were top 4. Try to think before you post, k? I know it's hard.

Edited by FreedomvilleAT
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Except for the fact that most have their offensive slots full and will be protected by NAAW.

Why would POW's have their slots filled if they have surrendered?

Edited by James IV
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Why would POW's have their slots filled if they have surrendered?

Because as long as they have their slots full, they can't get attacked by their own alliance for surrendering.

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Because as long as they have their slots full, they can't get attacked by their own alliance for surrendering.

Isn't it slot filling though? (which last time I checked was against the rules) Unless of course you are attacking unarmed POWs.

Edited by James IV
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Isn't it slot filling though? (which last time I checked was against the rules)

It's called, cowering away from your own alliance to surrender from the big dogs because you can't handle the heat. I'm sure that's nowhere in the rule book but hey, if you want to fill your slots...we're fine with it. Less nations for TUF anyway.

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It's a joke, chill out. No one is going to follow these terms anyway. You know, when you guys post a DoW or something and we get pissy about it you're going to be like "oh..it's just a game" but yet you can't take it the same way when we post.

Also, Archimedes I was not leader then and we had no active nations because people were caught up in CN:S by the end of the round. When we were active we were top 4. Try to think before you post, k? I know it's hard.


Edited by Archimedes
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You are saying the reason NAAC was weak at the end of last round was because they were caught up in standard? Thats ridiculous. Why don't you take your own advice about thinking before you speak.

How is that ridiculous? Everyone left for the end of the round, how can you challenge that when you have no clue? All our members are in CN:S also and they eventually got bored with CN:TE. We did not even try to build up, just waited for the round to end. So stop replying to me when you have no idea.

And for the last !@#$@#$ time, it was a joke.

Edited by FreedomvilleAT
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have you seen what we've done to Roman Empire. The only reason they're still around is because judgment came to their rescue. At the end of this round i can garuntee that some of the alliance involved in this conflict will not exist anymore.

regardless of the outcome of this war Murder Inc will still be victorious. You can beat an alliance down, but you can't stop us from getting back up. We've lost most of the cowards that were hiding in our ranks and when the wars start to expire from the current round of battles all hell is going to break loose.

Like members ghosting your attackers?


Edited by hornguardtn
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Im completely sure that you have[/sarcasm]

And its TE, 'there aint no surrender yo, jus' re-rollin'

I don't think you're in a position to be debating if your alliance wants peace or not, sir.

Excuse my laziness for not taking a photo, but as of 12/12/08:


Anarchy: 68

Total Nations: 122


Anarchy: 4

Total Nations: 109

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Why would POW's have their slots filled if they have surrendered?
Because as long as they have their slots full, they can't get attacked by their own alliance for surrendering.

Is everybody still sticking to that fiction? I thought it was common knowledge by now that the slots are really kept full to keep POW's from re-rolling and going back to their alliance to help. Huh.

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Is everybody still sticking to that fiction? I thought it was common knowledge by now that the slots are really kept full to keep POW's from re-rolling and going back to their alliance to help. Huh.

..That is the second way it can be used. It's not the only way. Duh.

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