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Surrender Terms For The Fallen


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Due to the amount of nations begging us to peace and make terms, we're going to have to post this a bit early.


If you do not want to be attacked further by NAAW and allies, you have to put "Arctic POW" as your AA within 24 hours.

Every update you do not have the AA, your nation will be attacked. You must also put "Frostbite" in your nation bio with nothing else.

These terms will be given to you if:

1) You have reached anarchy

2) You agree to the PM sent from NAAW nations.

Peace will be given to those who:

1) Do not return to TUF

2) Do not return fire

3) Do not engage in this war in any other way.

Peace will be cancelled and you will be attacked if you fail to obey the terms.

Any other alliances that feel the need to attack our alliance will also get anarchied and given these surrender terms.

Special terms:

If you have been attacked by HisK of NAAW, you must put in your nation's bio

"Thrashed by He Who Shall Not Yet Be Named" The rules above still apply.

/s/ For NAAW

FreedomvilleAT, council member

Bob, council member

HisK, council member

Bill Nye, council member

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These terms \a\ren't re\a\son\a\ble \a\t \a\ll, how could you be so cruel?

How aren't they reasonable? It's just a game and they get to reroll after the war anyway. Most nations won't really change their nation bio and that's fine. It's not like we're going to ZI everyone.

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You \a\re so cruel, why don't you just fight for \a\ while longer?

...You're being ridiculous.

But you're grammar could make any girl fall in love.


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Your slain opponets? Wait what? :huh:

have you seen what we've done to Roman Empire. The only reason they're still around is because judgment came to their rescue. At the end of this round i can garuntee that some of the alliance involved in this conflict will not exist anymore.

regardless of the outcome of this war Murder Inc will still be victorious. You can beat an alliance down, but you can't stop us from getting back up. We've lost most of the cowards that were hiding in our ranks and when the wars start to expire from the current round of battles all hell is going to break loose.

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have you seen what we've done to Roman Empire. The only reason they're still around is because judgment came to their rescue. At the end of this round i can garuntee that some of the alliance involved in this conflict will not exist anymore.

regardless of the outcome of this war Murder Inc will still be victorious. You can beat an alliance down, but you can't stop us from getting back up. We've lost most of the cowards that were hiding in our ranks and when the wars start to expire from the current round of battles all hell is going to break loose.

There is truth in this statement.

We're almost counting on you to build up again. And when you do, I hope NAAW will be on either side of the war. You're great fighters and it's honorable that you will not surrender.

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Due to the amount of nations begging us to peace and make terms, we're going to have to post this a bit early.

What a silly thing to say, our member base has only increased since the start of the war and im pretty sure none will surrender.

Any nations displaying Arctic POW as their AA WILL be attacked by TUF nations. :)

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What a silly thing to say, our member base has only increased since the start of the war and im pretty sure none will surrender.

Any nations displaying Arctic POW as their AA WILL be attacked by TUF nations. :)

Except for the fact that most have their offensive slots full and will be protected by NAAW.

Also, I have seen messages from members in your alliance asking for peace and terms.

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Im completely sure that you have[/sarcasm]

And its TE, 'there aint no surrender yo, jus' re-rollin'

You can't reroll while involved in a war. NAAW could easily keep declaring on your nations making it impossible for them to reroll. Surrender terms will be used ;)

I have and if you want I could take a screen shot for you.

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Don't worry about the screen shots, its really not that important.

That wouldn't be very sporting of you. Our policy is anyone who we have anarchied is offered peace, if they do not accept peace they will be attacked and then peace offered again. Simple and fair :) And it doesn't spoil the game for anyone who is just having a bit of fun.

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Don't worry about the screen shots, its really not that important.

That wouldn't be very sporting of you. Our policy is anyone who we have anarchied is offered peace, if they do not accept peace they will be attacked and then peace offered again. Simple and fair :) And it doesn't spoil the game for anyone who is just having a bit of fun.

I didn't say we were going to, I'm saying rerolling can not always be used. It was an example.

Terms are being used because 1) it's funny to post although most won't follow and 2) we don't want your alliance to have as many nations. It's pretty simple. MI is going to have worse surrender terms then us and you're allied to them so I'm sure your perfectly fine with sending out terms.

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We don't think that TE is serious enough for surrender terms unless they don't make any sense, at all. So, we won't have any and I hardly doubt MI will create worse surrender terms, but each to their own I suppose.

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We don't think that TE is serious enough for surrender terms unless they don't make any sense, at all. So, we won't have any and I hardly doubt MI will create worse surrender terms, but each to their own I suppose.

"better than what Murder Inc. will offer our slain opponets no doubt." - elb, a few posts up.

If you reroll after this war it just shows that you have no skill whatsoever. If you have skill, you build your nation back up. Rerolling is for those who can't play or people who need better resources.

Edited by FreedomvilleAT
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Or perhaps this is TE and its for fun and people like you who can't loosen up a bit and have a laugh should stick to CN:S. To re-iterate my point there,


Look at those surrender terms up there. Maybe you should loosen up? After all, you took them seriously.

I'm laughing right now actually...at the fact that you really think I'm taking this all seriously.

:thumbs up:

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I'm laughing right now actually...at the fact that you really think I'm taking this all seriously.

That is an easy thing to say, much more difficult to show and so far you haven't :). Well anyway, I hope that you actually are telling the truth as it would be a relief to know that more people recognise TE as being the complete opposite of CN:S in the way of politics :)

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That is an easy thing to say, much more difficult to show and so far you haven't :). Well anyway, I hope that you actually are telling the truth as it would be a relief to know that more people recognise TE as being the complete opposite of CN:S in the way of politics :)

I would know. I've been playing CN for almost 4 years now.

I always take this as a joke and I don't honestly care if I show it or not. It's over the computer.

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That is true, but the fact that you have been playing for 4 years has nothing to do with anything :P

"a relief to know that more people recognise TE as being the complete opposite of CN:S in the way of politics"

I recognize because I have been playing for so long.

So yes, it is relevant.

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Not really because TE hasn't been around for 4 years so you couldn't have recognised the difference 4 years ago..

Anyway, in advance, i won't be able to reply again as i'm leaving for the evening. Finally, good luck :P.

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