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What can you offer ME that no one else can.

Something that no other alliance can? If there is something, I haven't been able to figure it out...that's asking for quite a lot ^_^

However, United under Scorn is rather unique...compared to most alliances anyway.

Here is the basics from our constitution:

United Under Scorn Constitution (US)


We, the Nations of the United under Scorn (US), hereby pledge our commitment to peace for every nation. We follow a hierarchy of service and allegiance to each other, to ourselves and our allies, and to the world at large. This constitution is created to give guidance and governance to all member nations. We are an alliance founded on the principles of sovereignty, peace, freedom and prosperity for all. We promote nuclear disarmament and through our leadership, hope to influence other alliances to do the same. US isn't just an alliance, it is a philosophy. (Global peace to planet Bob!)

Rules and Regulations

By the act of joining the US alliance, it is assumed that you have read this constitution and that you agree to the following rules:

A. No one in United under Scorn shall own, use, or request of another the use of nuclear weapons either as a first strike OR in self-defense.

B. Remain Peaceful

1. The alliance and individual membership of United under Scorn shall NOT start a war against ANY other nation or alliance. All attacks shall be in self-defense or retaliation for an attack against a member of US, be it a nation or an alliance.

2. The membership of United under Scorn shall not “tech raid” ANY other nation. All “tech raids” are treated as war (this goes both ways). We don’t do it and we don’t put up with it.

3. There is NO distinction made between aligned and unaligned nations in foreign policy. Respect both.

4. The membership shall not use spy operations against any other nation except by express order of the Emperor/Empress him or herself.

5. Members do not demand tribute of any outside nation without being in a current war. We do not threaten other nations unless already threatened. Only the Lord, Lady, or Vicereign (i.e. Min. of Foreign Relations) can threaten another nation as an act of diplomacy.

Invitation to Join

US invites anyone who is willing to follow our constitution to join as long as you meet the guidelines below. United under Scorn does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, age, religion, sexual preference, political class or affiliation. (Nose-pickers are still a toss up.) Send questions regarding US to Necroseer and/or White Chocolate, by game e-mail or on the forum site at http://z10.invisionfree.com/United_Under_Scorn/index.php?

Admission to Membership:

1. In order to be eligible for US membership, a nation must either have not been in any other alliance or have left their previous alliance(s) in good standing.

2. Applicant must not be involved in any wars.

3. Applicant must not be the targeted enemy of any alliance.

4. Applicant must have already paid off all debts (prior to entry).

5. The first 10 days of membership is entirely probationary.

6. Members must register on our forum.

7. Members must have their Cyber Nations alliance affiliation to “United under Scorn.”

Imposters (“ghosts”), spying and lying on the membership application are grounds for immediate expulsion and possibly war.

8. Applicant agrees to the philosophy of no nuclear weaponry (although nuclear power is fine).

Rights of Members

1. The individual nation is sovereign and has the right to rule the internal affairs of his or her own nation as he or she sees fit, except as otherwise stated by the royalty of US. (This is a darn rare)

2. The leader of each nation has the right to free speech on any topic provided it is kept civil.

3. Each individual nation has the right to leave the alliance assuming the conditions below are met. The alliance is under no obligation to accept a former member as a member a second time and if done, the 10 day probationary period is back in effect.

a) That the nation does not owe the alliance any money. All money given by the alliance to the member is considered a gift unless otherwise stated.

B) That the individual nation or the alliance as a whole is not currently involved in a war. We don't look kindly on deserters, especially since wars that involve the alliance are voted upon.

c) That the Lord (Necroseer) or Lady (White Chocolate) be informed three days in advance that your nation is leaving and why.

d) That the member nation not attack any other nation prior to leaving.

e) We require an absolute non-aggression pact of all former members. We will not attack you and you do not attack one of us, regardless of later affiliation.

4. To expect diplomatic, financial and military support in the event that the member nation is attacked without provocation.

5. To be eligible to receive aid after 10 days of membership. The amount of aid may vary depending on alliance resources.

6. To be eligible to run or be appointed to a leadership position after one month of membership as the positions become available. (We do currently have positions available)

7. After one month of membership, to be eligible for additional shared aid as available. When the alliance provides aid, the alliance reserves the right to require the nation receiving the aid to sometimes spend it in a particular fashion if accepted. (We strongly encourage shared aid and sharing income from outside revenue sources like tech and donation deals among members. The stronger the weakest link, the stronger the alliance!)


The only other alliance that I am aware of that has both a no "tech raiding" policy & is non-nuclear is The Light Brigade. (and I have to admit, I was very surprised to find them - if anyone else does, I'd like to know ;) )


Also, I have no idea what your opinion of tech raids are - so if it doesn't fit our view - see you around I guess :P

Edited by White Chocolate
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There's no way I can show you everything that embodies what The Dark Templar is, especially in a small monologue.... you'll just have to experience it firsthand

so if you're willing to take a peak at us, come by to #DT... there's plenty of DTers running around so you shouldnt have a problem finding someone to talk to

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I dont care about size, i dont care about your treaties. What can you offer ME that no one else can.

Im active, and grew my nation super fast so i can help in your econ department if needed.

So recruit away.

In DT we can offer you'll be a part of a worthy alliance, you'll be on the ground floor so your efforts will never be forgotten. We'll just kick it with you and offer you genuin friendship.

Come visit our site


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Something that no other alliance can? If there is something, I haven't been able to figure it out...that's asking for quite a lot ^_^

However, United under Scorn is rather unique...compared to most alliances anyway.

Here is the basics from our constitution:

United Under Scorn Constitution (US)


We, the Nations of the United under Scorn (US), hereby pledge our commitment to peace for every nation. We follow a hierarchy of service and allegiance to each other, to ourselves and our allies, and to the world at large. This constitution is created to give guidance and governance to all member nations. We are an alliance founded on the principles of sovereignty, peace, freedom and prosperity for all. We promote nuclear disarmament and through our leadership, hope to influence other alliances to do the same. US isn't just an alliance, it is a philosophy. (Global peace to planet Bob!)

Rules and Regulations

By the act of joining the US alliance, it is assumed that you have read this constitution and that you agree to the following rules:

A. No one in United under Scorn shall own, use, or request of another the use of nuclear weapons either as a first strike OR in self-defense.

B. Remain Peaceful

1. The alliance and individual membership of United under Scorn shall NOT start a war against ANY other nation or alliance. All attacks shall be in self-defense or retaliation for an attack against a member of US, be it a nation or an alliance.

2. The membership of United under Scorn shall not “tech raid” ANY other nation. All “tech raids” are treated as war (this goes both ways). We don’t do it and we don’t put up with it.

3. There is NO distinction made between aligned and unaligned nations in foreign policy. Respect both.

4. The membership shall not use spy operations against any other nation except by express order of the Emperor/Empress him or herself.

5. Members do not demand tribute of any outside nation without being in a current war. We do not threaten other nations unless already threatened. Only the Lord, Lady, or Vicereign (i.e. Min. of Foreign Relations) can threaten another nation as an act of diplomacy.

Invitation to Join

US invites anyone who is willing to follow our constitution to join as long as you meet the guidelines below. United under Scorn does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, age, religion, sexual preference, political class or affiliation. (Nose-pickers are still a toss up.) Send questions regarding US to Necroseer and/or White Chocolate, by game e-mail or on the forum site at http://z10.invisionfree.com/United_Under_Scorn/index.php?

Admission to Membership:

1. In order to be eligible for US membership, a nation must either have not been in any other alliance or have left their previous alliance(s) in good standing.

2. Applicant must not be involved in any wars.

3. Applicant must not be the targeted enemy of any alliance.

4. Applicant must have already paid off all debts (prior to entry).

5. The first 10 days of membership is entirely probationary.

6. Members must register on our forum.

7. Members must have their Cyber Nations alliance affiliation to “United under Scorn.”

Imposters (“ghosts”), spying and lying on the membership application are grounds for immediate expulsion and possibly war.

8. Applicant agrees to the philosophy of no nuclear weaponry (although nuclear power is fine).

Rights of Members

1. The individual nation is sovereign and has the right to rule the internal affairs of his or her own nation as he or she sees fit, except as otherwise stated by the royalty of US. (This is a darn rare)

2. The leader of each nation has the right to free speech on any topic provided it is kept civil.

3. Each individual nation has the right to leave the alliance assuming the conditions below are met. The alliance is under no obligation to accept a former member as a member a second time and if done, the 10 day probationary period is back in effect.

a) That the nation does not owe the alliance any money. All money given by the alliance to the member is considered a gift unless otherwise stated.

B) That the individual nation or the alliance as a whole is not currently involved in a war. We don't look kindly on deserters, especially since wars that involve the alliance are voted upon.

c) That the Lord (Necroseer) or Lady (White Chocolate) be informed three days in advance that your nation is leaving and why.

d) That the member nation not attack any other nation prior to leaving.

e) We require an absolute non-aggression pact of all former members. We will not attack you and you do not attack one of us, regardless of later affiliation.

4. To expect diplomatic, financial and military support in the event that the member nation is attacked without provocation.

5. To be eligible to receive aid after 10 days of membership. The amount of aid may vary depending on alliance resources.

6. To be eligible to run or be appointed to a leadership position after one month of membership as the positions become available. (We do currently have positions available)

7. After one month of membership, to be eligible for additional shared aid as available. When the alliance provides aid, the alliance reserves the right to require the nation receiving the aid to sometimes spend it in a particular fashion if accepted. (We strongly encourage shared aid and sharing income from outside revenue sources like tech and donation deals among members. The stronger the weakest link, the stronger the alliance!)


The only other alliance that I am aware of that has both a no "tech raiding" policy & is non-nuclear is The Light Brigade. (and I have to admit, I was very surprised to find them - if anyone else does, I'd like to know ;) )


Also, I have no idea what your opinion of tech raids are - so if it doesn't fit our view - see you around I guess :P

the prob. with all this rules and stuff...

no one wants to read a big long list of what to do!

here's GO's summed up:


A.The Global Order purely defensive alliance, and reserves the right to defend itself against hostile alliances

B.The Global Order will rarely attack another alliance, unless provoked and the war is deeply thought over

C.The Global Order will only sign defensive inter-alliance agreements

D.Tech Raiding is strictly prohibited in the Global Order, violators will be punished

E.Ghosts will first be asked to join the alliance, if they do not agree they will be attacked at the corresponding Colonels

F.Red Team ghosts, ect. will not be attacked until NPO gives the authorization

VIII.Foreign Relations

A.The Global Order will not sign offensive inter-alliance agreements, unless an ally is first attacked

B.The Global Order will sign treaties with any alliances, as long as it does not interfere with current treaties

C.Mergers are always welcome, and if the merger is big enough, a power sharing deal will be struck up between the two governments until elections are held.

D.The Global Order withholds the right to withdraw treaties as it is seen fit.

thats us, short, sweet, to the point.

we really don't care if you raid or not, (I will prob. assist you, as I have not been on one yet) we have experienced military to back you up. This will not be a problem, just tell us your raiding, if you want help.

Edited by Jason Salovsky
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What makes me want to recruit you? There are tens of thousands of nations in this game. What would you bring to an alliance that would entice me to put effort into convincing you to join my alliance as opposed to someone else? Why would my alliance be better for having you in it?

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What makes me want to recruit you? There are tens of thousands of nations in this game. What would you bring to an alliance that would entice me to put effort into convincing you to join my alliance as opposed to someone else? Why would my alliance be better for having you in it?

The same reason you send out recruit mesages to new nations. You have no idea what or who they are, you just hope you can attract the diamond in the rough and see if they turn into a quality member. I can sit here and tell you i can do this or that and i can help with this or that, but in the end im just looking for an alliance that appeals to me, if i tell them what i am looking for they will just tell me what i want to hear to try and convince me to join alliance A B or C. I want them to make there alliance appealing without me telling them what i am lloking for to make an alliance apealing to me.

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The same reason you send out recruit mesages to new nations. You have no idea what or who they are, you just hope you can attract the diamond in the rough and see if they turn into a quality member. I can sit here and tell you i can do this or that and i can help with this or that, but in the end im just looking for an alliance that appeals to me, if i tell them what i am looking for they will just tell me what i want to hear to try and convince me to join alliance A B or C. I want them to make there alliance appealing without me telling them what i am lloking for to make an alliance apealing to me.

I don't send out recruitment messages to new nations. I also didn't ask what you were looking for in an alliance. I asked what you bring to the table that would make me want you. Unlike most of this game, I'm not out to grab anyone I can get my hands on. I tried that once, and didn't like the result. So, if I'm going to take my time to personally convince someone to join my alliance, I'd like to know the quality of member first.

How are you going to help whatever alliance recruits you and how do we know you aren't just going to be a statistic? I'm not interested in statistics.

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