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We can definitely use you in our alliance!

Check us out and see what we have to offer. I could use some help in the recruitment department if you're interested, as well. Get you involved right away!


Mark Thomas

Minister of Recruitment


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Join The Global Order


Here you are not just a statistic, soldier, or NS. You are a member. A special member that will grow when the alliance grows. Here we have a tight knit community of active members wanting to make their impact of Cyber Nations. End the stagnation and join The Global Order.

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All I can offer you is a friendly community, focused on growth and friendship, building the common bonds not only in game but out of game.

I honestly, don't like trying to sell our alliance...I would rather sell us..the individual members that make up a group of players that form the common bonds outside of this game and have built Olympus on the same foundations as our friendships.

Our preamble to our charter sums it up....

Olympus is a union of CyberNations rulers dedicated to the values of community, activity, cooperation, respect, growth, excellence, and honesty. We are not just an alliance, but every one of us is part of the family. Each of us will strive to uphold these values in our daily interactions with fellow Olympians as well as with all CyberNations players no matter their alliance affiliation. Each of us is obligated by our charter to uphold these core values and to strive for the protection and good of our community in all we do.

My question to you...can you live up to that standard? Does that sound like something you would be interested in? If so...come on over to www.cn-olympus.com and check us out. You of course know our IRC channel...and you are more than welcome there.

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Blah blah blah, FoB is tight knit, whatever. Every alliance says that. Join us to get your raid on, we won't offer you a damn thing except the protection of the alliance and assistance in raids. I know 50k raids are hard to come by, but you said you are focused on growth.

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Blah blah blah, FoB is tight knit, whatever. Every alliance says that. Join us to get your raid on, we won't offer you a damn thing except the protection of the alliance and assistance in raids. I know 50k raids are hard to come by, but you said you are focused on growth.

Yes 50k raids are hard to come by and ive raided enough in my time and i dot always focus on econ.

Join FAN or Vox Populi, I think they're both accepting applications right now.

If they makea good pitch im open :P

BMTH your such an attention whore, you know we could always use you in EC. Your welcome to apply. We can offer you a community, and government position but up to you -_-

If im such an attention whore why respond? ;)

You should join Athens. We have the most lulz. ^_^

Im sorry i have no idea about Athens all i know is there an alliance and where in the last war.

To everyone im still considering...

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hello hello!

My name is rattlehead. I am a proud member of the North American Confederacy (NAC). MY alliance is small but growing fast. We would certainly welcome you to join us. I cant say I can out recruit some of the alliances that posted ahead of me, they are all good choices. I will only say that you should consider joining us and being part of our little community. Here is a link to our forums or feel free to PM me or in-game message me if you have any questions.


I hope to see ya soon!


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Hello, Horizon, we meet again, I'm sure you know all about me, due to all that time we spent at Eclipse together. I am one of the Dark Flames over at Black Dragons, and I believe it would be a great reunion if you joined us, we have Starkiller here, who you'll remember from your days there. We are kind of small, at around 19 members, right now, with our NS at around 138,590. With a nation of your experience and stature, I'm sure that we shall grow strong together, under a unstoppable union of steel, and epicness.

If you are interested, you can find our forum {HERE}, and at #blackdragons on ColdFront.

PS - We have the Large Hadron Collider for you to test out! :lol:

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Well what are you looking for? It kind of all hinges on that, innit?

I have no idea what i am looking for, so im letting the people who actually care about recruiting try to sell them selves and the alliance. One alliance, Zenith, had four people query me and talk to me an hour or so about the alliance and my goals. Which was really helpful in choosing an alliance, because i really have no idea what i am looking for.

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Hey man, come to The Dark Templar. We have an active community; there are aways people on IRC to chat with and have a good time, or to spam with on the forums.

At around 30 members and 1 mil NS, we know what we are doing (Although you already said that you don't care about size, etc)

If you want to find out a bit more, feel free to visit us at thedarktemplar.net or #DT on coldfront.

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I have no idea what i am looking for, so im letting the people who actually care about recruiting try to sell them selves and the alliance. One alliance, Zenith, had four people query me and talk to me an hour or so about the alliance and my goals. Which was really helpful in choosing an alliance, because i really have no idea what i am looking for.

Thats an honest answer, at least. You have no idea how many people say "I dont know what I'm looking for" as a sort of ploy :P

You probably know how we roll though, so if you're curious, check out my blog which just had an entry on this very issue ;)

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Up until this point, SLCB's economic policy has basically been "sell tech to Vanguard". We're now reaching a stage where we want to become more independent, and as such, are going to need to develop our own internal banking and tech selling system. If you really think you're up to the task then you might as well check us out, the link is in my sig. Alternatively, come to #slcb on Coldfront and ask about joining us. Or send me a pm. Whatever.

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Global Order is also focused on growth. We (including myself) have focused and determined recruiters, and have brought in 20 members in 11 days.

We offer 1M to join the fastest growing democratic alliance!!!

we are debating on our flag (don't get hung up on communism symbol) and on parties, and elections are end of Dec.!

Join today!

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The Republic of Elite Colonies has an opening for Minister of Finance. Its currently done by a joint effort of the other government members. We're pretty active on the forums and we have some faithful allies. If you're looking for aid then its only going to come in the form of tech deals because we have a "no free aid" policy.

Forum is in the link :)

EDIT I sent you a message in game without noticing who it was.

Edited by cowman809
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