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WHY am i getting no notice when Trades drop?!


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This is really pissing me off. All of a sudden I notice that one of my trades have stopped and I get no message or notice whatsoever?! WHY?!@?!?!?!?!@?!? Instead of seeing what resources I lost and re-looking. I gotta look up the calculateopr and go thru all this crap again and again and again and again... Because it keeps happening and giving no message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You could always record your trade set in the notepad... And if one of your trade partners is deleted you'd know what you lost.

Or better yet you could check your trade partners once a week and if any of them are over 15 days inactive start planning ahead.

But yes, I do wish the system sent you a msg when a trade partner was deleted... maybe the problem for admin is who does the msg come from, since the nation is now deleted, it cant send messages.

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I found this annoying in CN:TE but then I've never bothered with a precise tradeset there as it's too unpredicable, just a few preferred resources.

But yes, I do wish the system sent you a msg when a trade partner was deleted... maybe the problem for admin is who does the msg come from, since the nation is now deleted, it cant send messages.

It could send from the nation immediately before automatic deletion perhaps.

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This should happen. Make a thread in Suggestion Box?

Not really necessary. Admin is already well aware of the problem. If he can come up with a solution, he'll put into the game.

It could send from the nation immediately before automatic deletion perhaps.

I don't think this would work since everything tied to the nation is deleted along with it. Unless you happen to be on an the exact time it was sent and were able to see it before it was deleted; you would never even know it was sent.

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I seem to remember having messages in my inbox form a nation who had deleted, they had sent the msgs a few days prior to deleting.

Maybe I'm imagining it, but I think the link to the ruler just was not clickable, but the message remained there...

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I seem to remember having messages in my inbox form a nation who had deleted, they had sent the msgs a few days prior to deleting.

Maybe I'm imagining it, but I think the link to the ruler just was not clickable, but the message remained there...

This is correct. PMs sent by Nations that are then deleted continue to exist in the receiver's inbox.

About the initial question, as already said, there are not PMs because the Nation is deleted. The suggested change to send PMs to Trade Partners before deleting a Nation, by the way, wouldn't solve the issue (you don't see the Partner's Resources in their PMs). It would be needed that "Trade Deletion" PMs also automatically included that piece of info.

I might add that knowing which Resources you're Trading should be very basic knowledge if you want to have a minimal chance to run your Nation with decent results... ;)

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