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Attention all Alliance recruiters, Enter your offers


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R.O.C.K. perhaps?

We're yellow, been part of GOLD and if you want something in general... well, as our recruitment thread here says: "We hate everyone. We eat n00bs for breakfast. If you want to join you have to pay the alliance fee minimum 100k based on your Nation Strenght (For you it would be around $40Mill). If you get attacked by a rogue, two of our members will attack you aswell. Our leaders are corrupted and expect you to bribe them if you want any benefits from R.O.C.K."

Fair enough? :blush:

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R.O.C.K. perhaps?

We're yellow, been part of GOLD and if you want something in general... well, as our recruitment thread here says: "We hate everyone. We eat n00bs for breakfast. If you want to join you have to pay the alliance fee minimum 100k based on your Nation Strenght (For you it would be around $40Mill). If you get attacked by a rogue, two of our members will attack you aswell. Our leaders are corrupted and expect you to bribe them if you want any benefits from R.O.C.K."

Fair enough? :blush:

Go for this. 100 mil later and you'll be in leadership :lol:.

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JOIN THE NFL! we rock...trust me. also we also have 1 other 40k NS person in our alliance, and 35k NS but anyways they are kinda lonely :rolleyes:

well also if 3 mil would get you anything prob. not but you could prob. get 5 mil. but do NOT ROGUE! we have gato to back us upif you do. :P

link is in sig.

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I have to say Im a little disappointed in these offers, they're mostly the everyday recruiting messages. Use your imagination,NAAC had penguins, CNDI had Cindy, GOLD had BBQ/bad puns. What does your alliance have?

We are full of sheer win. We are fairly new but have lots of spunk, great atmosphere and loads of click here to find out.

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Join R.O.C.K.

We have the best stash of foot porn and for the wierd ppl we have regular porn ;)

Seriosly though we are a great alliance with a lot of people who just want to have some fun :)

Please PM me if you have some questions B)

Edit: Damn your fast San ;)

Edited by bojje
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R.O.C.K. perhaps?

We're yellow, been part of GOLD and if you want something in general... well, as our recruitment thread here says: "We hate everyone. We eat n00bs for breakfast. If you want to join you have to pay the alliance fee minimum 100k based on your Nation Strenght (For you it would be around $40Mill). If you get attacked by a rogue, two of our members will attack you aswell. Our leaders are corrupted and expect you to bribe them if you want any benefits from R.O.C.K."

Fair enough? :blush:

lol. PAY 40mil to join an alliance? Sounds like a belter of a deal.

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Kingjacob, come and join PLUS. It's leader (me) is a former GOLD member you might remember, and we also have Gormantastic, w1ng-z3r0, and Sylterix as members! You'd be in line for $1M in joining aid, and your CN and alliance experience would be a great boon to our younger, smaller nations. You can also take advantage of the PLUS Tech Market for cheap tech. Check out our forums located here:


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Other than size.. what do YOU offer us?

How many enemies have you killed? (approximate number of anarchies)

What is your warmonger coefficient? WC = total casualties / number of citizens

what great feat of bravery can you relate? (like being in FARK/FAN/NADC/GATO and staying till ZI when they where getting stomped) or tales of curb-stomping done by you?.

We are a small alliance that enjoys war, veterans of GW3, GW4 and numerous others..

Are you worthy?

if so.. Join us!

King Vitauts the Barbarian

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R.O.C.K. perhaps?

We're yellow, been part of GOLD and if you want something in general... well, as our recruitment thread here says: "We hate everyone. We eat n00bs for breakfast. If you want to join you have to pay the alliance fee minimum 100k based on your Nation Strenght (For you it would be around $40Mill). If you get attacked by a rogue, two of our members will attack you aswell. Our leaders are corrupted and expect you to bribe them if you want any benefits from R.O.C.K."

Fair enough? :blush:

hmmm..How much to buy the entire alliance? B)

@Vitauts:All Ive ever done is found a previously sanctioned alliance.

I wonder how many GOLD related alliances there are now,Inc.,PLUS,R.O.C.K,TRUST, and now theres probally about to be at least 5 more. :blink:

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Well as Conrad Palaleougus said:

there are followers

there are leaders

and there are alliance builders

I am thouroughly impressed you are in the last category and would welcome you amongst us.

We have MADP's with Norden Verein, Nueva Vida, Iron Cross, and good relations with Fark. We fought for The Initiative in GW3 and for the Justice League in GW4. We have grown slowly, as all I know is war. Someone with a more rounded education and possibly knowledge of alliance organization and economics would be welcome.

King Vitauts

(and as fas as what we offer.. the chance to help build an alliace from the ground up. None of us makes millions a day so no large aid can be expected. We are here for the fun of the fight, and the challenge to survive and grow as a small minow in a pond full of great white sharks).

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Consider the Council for Militaristic and Economic Assistance, If you are interested in government. You at 40k NS would be the strongest in our alliance, but that is because we are an alliance that honors our treaties... We fought for GOONS in the Unjust War, but surrendered, and are currently rebuilding ourselves.

If you have any other questions contact me via PM on the forums or message me in game.

Thanks for considering us!

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R.O.C.K. isn't really a offspring of GOLD, we just mergede with them and then decided (long before the war) that our "mariage" was not going very well, so we unmergede back into the old R.O.C.K.

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I have to say Im a little disappointed in these offers, they're mostly the everyday recruiting messages. Use your imagination,NAAC had penguins, CNDI had Cindy, GOLD had BBQ/bad puns. What does your alliance have?

we can offer you cuddling if you join The Alliance of Paladin Soldiers

we are a smaller alliance with 12 members and an average strength of 19,984 at the moment

allthough we are small we have a very active forum where we have lots of fun

we are maroon, but we dont force people to change colour

we are protected by Norden Verein, so we are not a likely target of attacks and if we want we can have all the figthing we want by helping NoV, but that depents what you want for yourself

here is our forum where you can sign up if you want: http://z11.invisionfree.com/TAPS

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This is lies!! We offer you glorious death in battle at the end of the world in Ragnarok! Also, we have free cookies and beer for all! You just have to come and get it.

That is all.

I've always wondered. Who's side are you on? Odin or Loki's?

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we can offer you cuddling if you join The Alliance of Paladin Soldiers

we are a smaller alliance with 12 members and an average strength of 19,984 at the moment

allthough we are small we have a very active forum where we have lots of fun

we are maroon, but we dont force people to change colour

we are protected by Norden Verein, so we are not a likely target of attacks and if we want we can have all the figthing we want by helping NoV, but that depents what you want for yourself

here is our forum where you can sign up if you want: http://z11.invisionfree.com/TAPS

Umm...well....ahhh...What can I say when one of my members offers buttseckz

to joining members without first consulting the adminz? Well, I could say..

WTF are you DOING? But then I could also say...Do you want fries with that?

Then again...I kinda like the off the wall comment of...Lube: It's what's for dinner.

Then there are also those hidden alternate comments..that most wouldn't even

consider, such as, WWJD?, Hitler did WHAT?, Kool-AID...OH YEAH!, HEAD ON..

apply directly to the forehead!, and last but not least...Why doesn't anyone on

Family Guy ever question the fact that they have a dog that talks and drinks


So, in concluding, I must say, if you are looking for a great bunch of people who

like to have fun...then..ok..TAPS could be it.

It you're looking for buttseckz...please contact Sergeant Pepper, over at MRA ;)

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