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German/Serbian MDP


This is a Friendship, Non-Aggression, Economic Pact for the nations of the Greater German Reich and the Kingdom of Serbia

Article I

In the signing of this pact, it must be clear that both organizations will remain sovereign as will the members in each nation. This pact is not a merger of any kind, and its terms apply only to threats to the security of the stability of both signatory alliances.

Article II

In the signing of this pact, both sides agree to defend and aid one another in times of war when requested by the other signatory nation. Should either of the signatory nation be attacked by another power, the other is required to come to its assistance with its full strength and resources. It must also be clear that this pact is intended to only defend the safety and prosperity of the signatory nation, and not as a tool to aid in any imperialistic goals of either alliance. To prevent such events from occurring, this pact may be broken to further protect and maintain both nation's safety and integrity. If there is ever a conflict of interests between multiple MDPs, neutrality is the only option.

Article III

Should either signatory be involved in offensive warfare, the other signatory shall have the option, but not the obligation, to assist in ways military, economic or otherwise.

Article IV

If this pact is to be broken, both signatory nations must agree to, but are not limited to, the following. First, the offended nation must notify the offending alliance of their intentions to break the pact at least 24 hours in advance in order for said alliance time to prepare for the change. Second, both nations agree to a 72 hour period of mandatory non-aggression, in which neither side may declare war upon each other.

Article V

This MDP only applies in a situation in which one the signatory nations comes under the direct attack of another alliance. In essence, this means if either of the above nations jumps into a war due to an MDP it has with a separate alliance, this MDP is considered inapplicable.

Signed for the Greater German Reich

Scolar Visar, Kaiser of the Greater German Reich

Signed for the Kingdom of Serbia

Kralj Petar II

Edited by Malatose
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Comintern discussion thread

MDoAP with nuclear retaliation.

Subtle, you didn't add that. D=

Also, under

>>Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pacts--MDoAP

Cainette/The Northern Empire

Dragonisia/Northern Empire

The Northern Empire/Canada

The Northern Empire/Lubeck

The Northern Empire/Neo Japan

TNE is dead. There may be other treaties with the NE, but Iunno.

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