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List of Treaties and blocs


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Spain and Portugal are now also members of the Iberian Pact.


Treaty of Calais - MDP between Netherlands and France.


Treaty of Monaco - NAP between France and Grøenlandia.


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Treaty of Koper--Economic, Guarantee of Sovereignty (Also known as European Free Trade Commission (EFTA))

Members: Chimairan Republic, Austria, Sverige, Republic of the United Netherlands, Lübeck, Česká Království, Kingdom of Norway, Kingdom of Dalmatia, Federal Republic of Grøenlandia, Kingdom of Poland, Yacrania

Not on the worldmap:

>Chimairan Republic

>Republic of the United Netherlands

>Česká Království

>Kingdom of Poland


These left:

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1775907 - Dalmatia

A bit earlier, Poland/Czechnia. Just scroll up from there.

According to the OP, the members are

Normandy <-- dead

United Netherlands <-- dead

LĂĽbeck <- alive

Bavaria <- Austria

Sverige <- alive

Norway <- alive

Grøenlandia <- alive, but no idea if he's still in it

Yacrania <-- dead

Euzkadi <- alive

Rheinmark <- alive

Scotland <- alive

I assume international observers aren't counted. Also, as Richt, the maker of the thread, is not in Asia, the EFTA may or may not be effectively dead.



The Australasian.

>>New Cymru, Promised Land, Dragonisia, Aiginor

Yes, New Cymru and Dragonisia still exist. Or exist again.

Neither of them are in Australia, and NC would've been erased before coming back into existence, I think. So you lost at least 1 member.


The Ferrous Pacific Brotherhood MADP

Members: Tahoe, Palintine

No change. One of the longest-lasting alliances, if only because both nations are apparently too lazy to die. :v:


The Iberian Pact MDP (Free Trade with Open Borders

Members: Scotland, Euzkadi, Conti, France, Spain, Portugal

You forgot a ). Portugal is dead. All others should still exist.


Mutually Assured Construction M.A.C.--NAP (With Free trade and Optional Tech Sharing clause)

Members: Dragonisia, Taeunas, Union of Molakia

Taeunas does not appear to exist anymore. Can't find it on the worldmap, though you may have better luck.


Pan-African Coalition PAC--MDP

Members: Rebel Army, Federal Republic of Transvaal (observer status), Arctica

No changes, as is expected.


Pax Pacifica--MDP

Full Members: Annihilation, Aiginor, New Cymru, Selenarctos

Partial Signatories: Viniland, Promised Land, Dragon Empire, Tahoe Republic, Holy Imperium of Mankind

No changes, from what I know, aside from the fact that the DE is now only Dragonisia (I think). Interestingly, Tahoe technically broke Clause five. He shot down Maelstrom's fighters above water. Mael in the meantime, technically broke Clause one by starting this all.


Trans-African Defense Pact--MDP

Members: Kingdom of Serca, Arctica

No changes.


Mutual Defense and Aggression Pacts--MDAP

Czech Kingdom/Kingdom of Poland

Polish-Czechoslovakian Commonwealth/Kingdom of Dalmatia

All dead, aside from Dalmatia.


Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pacts--MDoAP


Drakoria/Polish-Czechoslovakian Commonwealth - DEAD




Rebel Army/Korea

Republic of Dalmatia/Federal Republic of Grøenlandia



Tennessee/Ardoria (with economic assistance clause) - DEAD

Tennessee/New England (with free trade clause)

Mutual Defense Pacts--MDP

Ardoria/Holy Imperium of Man - DEAD



Chimairan Republic/Federal Republic of Grøenlandia (Free Trade)

Drakoria/Rebel Army (free Trade)

Drakoria/Top Gear

Disparu/New England (Free Trade)

France/The Netherlands - Not sure if dead. New government in Netherlands, go inquire as to validity.



Holy Imperium of Man/Republic of New England

Imperial Union/Tahoe (Becomes MDAP in case of Non-American Colonization)

Libya/Carthage (free Trade)

Polish-Czechoslovakian Commonwealth/Federal Republic of Grøenlandia (Free Trade) - DEAD

Slavorussia/Prussia - DEAD

Optional Defense Pacts--ODP

Austria/People's Republic of China

Dragonisia/Korea (Military Co-operation and Free trade clauses)


Imperium of Poliz/Empire of Krieg


Peace, Intelligence and Aid Treaties--PIAT

Chimairan Republic/Rheinmark

Non-aggression Pacts--NAP

Acca Dacca/Disparu (economic co-operation)

Austria/Haruhiist Empire (with trade and freedom of movement clauses)

Austria/Krieg Empire (free trade) - DEAD

Drakoria/Marscurian Pakistan (Free Trade)


United Mechodamian States/Peaple's Republic of China (Cannot be cancelled) - People's, not Peaple's.

Miscellaneous Treaties

Nuclear Defence Treaty Signatories build and maintain Nuclear Fallout Shelters in every major city for the protection of the civilian population.

Members: Republic Of Colstream, LĂĽbeck - DEAD


Dragonisian Treaty Library - Interestingly, not updated since June. According to that post, Dragonisia doesn't recognise any treaties made afterwards.

I lol'd. Silly Maelstrom.

I marked the dead ones. I also guarantee that I am wrong in at least one instance. Better check everything, Subtle.

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Hmm...the only thing wrong with any of what you said was thethings concerning the Australasian Coalition, though I sdid newed to correct onw thing there. New Cymru was simply renamed New South Wales, with the mapmaker forgetting to laebel their land in Asia.

Dragonisia was still a signatory because they never withdrew their signature. they could not re-apply if they withdrew, but for now they're fine. :D

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Hmm...the only thing wrong with any of what you said was thethings concerning the Australasian Coalition, though I sdid newed to correct onw thing there. New Cymru was simply renamed New South Wales, with the mapmaker forgetting to laebel their land in Asia.

Dragonisia was still a signatory because they never withdrew their signature. they could not re-apply if they withdrew, but for now they're fine. :D

Silly Australasians


Also, aren't you glad someone's looking occasionally to kill dead treaties?

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NAP between Arctica and Cyneriice Northan: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=70489 (Scroll down to Reply #3, which lists all my country's treaties)

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