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The Benefits of More Positive Events


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admin mentioned 52% (+) events and 48% (-) <snip>

I believe we need more positive events, changing the ratio to around 70% (+) / 30% (-).

The current system does not adaquetly reward people who are active, and does not do anything to discourage longer periods of inactivity (or, larger nations improvement swapping)

My reasoning behind this is that it will:

- Encourage and reward more activity

- Benefit smaller nations (as bigger nations are more likely not to collect for several days, improvement-swaping)

- Make people look foward to events (as many people don't like the current situation)

I check my nation every day. I believe that through events I should be rewarded for paying more attention than others (who check every few days).

Edited by Candide
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If Admin was to implement the suggested changes, I believe it is good having events that reward paying attention to a) knowledge of the game; b) discussing the event (here or on IRC or on alliance boards). Which is why I like the black and white events where there are positive and negative options that make stretch your knowledge of the CN mechanics and make you think long and hard before selecting your response.

* I made this a double-post post because I didn't want to clog up the OP.

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you are rewarded, since you can react faster in case anything happens.

TaxCollection or BillPayment =/= activity.

a 50/50 ratio seems absolutely adequate for me.

Once again Dac makes further responses to this thread irrelevant.

o/ (DAC)Syzygy

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you are rewarded, since you can react faster in case anything happens.

TaxCollection or BillPayment =/= activity.

a 50/50 ratio seems absolutely adequate for me.

Depends. Are the positive effects as positive as the negative effects are negative? Most of what I've seen would suggest that the positive effects are usually +1 happiness or $2.00, while the negative effects would seem to be more like -3 happiness or -$5.00.

That way, they won't cancel each other out in a 50/50 ratio...

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Since you can simply "sit out" the last 19days of all bad events by not collecting tax and letting them expire first, but you will surely use good events the full 30days, that seems fine to me. If you use the game mechanics clever, bad events last only 11days for your nation, but good events 30. Thats a ratio of almost 1:3 in favor of the good events.

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And if you get a good and bad event at the same time? Based on the posts I've seen so far, that'd mean that your net income will go down, since negative events are worse than positive ones are good. You can't still ride the bad event out, but you won't gain anything from the good event.

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come on, work with logic. If you get a -$5 and a +$2 event at the *same time*, its nothing else than a -$3 event at all. You just sit it out except the 11 days you have to suffer it. The next +$3 event you use for the full 30days and magically you are still in the positive numbers. The chance that you get a postive AND a (more) negative event at the same day is rather low imho. Usually you will be able to find a clever scheme for collecting and making profits with your events.

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Perhaps many of the events which people claim to be entirely bad are not. For instance, 2 out of the 3 events I have gotten involve bonuses for population, but take away happiness. One of the events I received was al bad (-3 happiness) but the other two were, more or less, a wash.

Also, the age old fact that people are more likely to talk about a bad experience than a good one holds true here as well. Unless an alliance (or someone) is making a compendium of all Events they have access to knowledge of, we have no recourse but to take the Admin's word that the ratio is 52% good to 48% bad.

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I don't know guys, the events seem pretty negative to me. The most positive one I've had is a rather complicated one about immigration (do you accept them all or deport them all, which kind of begs for a third option) that required excessive math to get +9 k income per day at the temporary loss of 600 citizens. Not so bad, except I'm at 5,800 infrastructure and $9,000 is kind of nothing to me. The negative events, on the other hand, are severe. I got a mild one, but members of my alliance that have been nailed for like, -$10 income a day, by one negative event, and, to echo prior statements, it seems like the occurrence rate of positive events is FAR beneath that of negative events.

I mean, if the system was balanced 50/50 with a slightly worse average for negative events, because they're someone mitigatable, it would work; I think a lot of people are complaining because that doesn't appear to be the case at the moment.

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My alliance runs a compendium of events.

So far it seems that the frequency of bad to good is roughly even and that follows the 52/48 split as Admin says.

Obviously a longer track record is needed to test that statistically true.

However, the complaint that negative events are stronger than the positive events seems to bear out so far.

+1 bonuses are met with -3 negatives.

Thus I've warned members to avoid events by avoiding taxes and bills as much as they can.

Until I see a shift, I'm declaring daily activity an overall negative practice.

If Admin was hoping to discourage swapping then he called this one wrong.

If you haven't been a big swapper, and I never was before, then it's time to change your habits.

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My alliance runs a compendium of events.

So far it seems that the frequency of bad to good is roughly even and that follows the 52/48 split as Admin says.

Obviously a longer track record is needed to test that statistically true.

However, the complaint that negative events are stronger than the positive events seems to bear out so far.

+1 bonuses are met with -3 negatives.

Thus I've warned members to avoid events by avoiding taxes and bills as much as they can.

Until I see a shift, I'm declaring daily activity an overall negative practice.

If Admin was hoping to discourage swapping then he called this one wrong.

If you haven't been a big swapper, and I never was before, then it's time to change your habits.

Sadly, he's right. A change to the game that discourages activity and in fact rewards inactivity is about as poor a change as you can possibly get.

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It can certainly make war both more costly and more complicated because with events for both bills and taxes if you tend to collect during war and you get an event on bills you have to then sort the event out before you can collect or lose money. And the paying bills so you don't end up in bill lock could be disastrous if you happen to end up with a couple of bad events or even just the poor weather event where you make -$10, meaning you could lose a war based on luck rather than actual skill.

Makes having a warchest that much more important now although bad events could have an impact on how long it takes a nation to recover from war. Yay for stagnation and inactivity

Edited by KayvanShrike
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I will agree that it seems the bad events are of a greater magnitude than the good ones. But my alliance, though small (mid sized, really), is running an event list and the percentages seem to stack up to what we have been told.

Edited by schmutte693
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It's not the percentages are off. They are fine from what I've seen.

But if you keep getting equal measures of good and bad events, but the bad events have more weight then you end up with a net loss in the end.

If delaying activity is your only recourse then you have real problems in the game.

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Ok, after giving this further thought, ive changed my stance slightly. I still like the 2 chances per day at events, I could care less about the max # of active events. But, it could very well be that the severity needs to be addressed. But, the only way to know this for sure, is to compile a complete list of all events. That would be quite an undertaking though.

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