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Plo Koon

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    Tattooine Prime
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  1. Ok, after giving this further thought, ive changed my stance slightly. I still like the 2 chances per day at events, I could care less about the max # of active events. But, it could very well be that the severity needs to be addressed. But, the only way to know this for sure, is to compile a complete list of all events. That would be quite an undertaking though.
  2. Maybe while the admins are at it, they can contact the National Weather Service and have them temporarily remove hurricanes and tornados from earth. I have been saddled with 2 negative events, and I just take it in stride. If the intent of this game is to mirror the world, then random events need to occur. Is there a greater than, or less than 10% chance that a tornado will hit somewhere in the US in a given day? I say leave them as they are. The same people complaining over multiple bad events, would totally be singing another song if they got the refugee event 2 days in a row and got 20% pop boost. In the end, its all relative, and it gives you something to at least look forward to in the every day routing of collecting and paying. Eh, just my thought.
  3. FINAL has a nation looking for a stable circle. He has the gems you covet. But his 2nd is rubber and not lumber. Your OP said the rubber was negotiable. Since I am working on trade circles for my nations now, if you are interested, you may PM me in game. The nations name (not mine, my members) is Generation Reb . He only checks every 2 or 3 days, and is a personal RL friend of mine. So, if you are interested, message me, I will get him on the horn and get it done. If not, thank you for yout time.
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