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I got the equiv of -6.5 happiness today

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I have been doing my best to play the game well. I had an efficiency rating of above 200 yesterday, having never received aid, at over 100 days old.

Today, I got 2 negative events. 1 on the tax collection, 1 on the bill pay. I made the most optimal choices I could, but still took -6.5 happiness. I can't even make that up by buying a stock market.

Admin, by introducing such large random factors into the game, you are bleeding any differences in player skill out. What if I continue to get bad events, day after day? My nation will be crushed into the ground... at no fault of my own. My skill will be irrelevant. My ability to enjoy the game will be destroyed.

I move that all existing events be removed, permanently, from the game. Or that the percentage be lowered to a small fraction of what it is now.

We make our own events in this game, by our actions. We don't need game-generated events to make the game fun.

Please, Admin, consider reversing this recent change you have made.

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Oath Londo. He has a point. This is one of the more dramatic and troubling changes made to the game thus far. Events were far and few between, and to cut a long story short - it wasn't broken, but you fixed it anyway.

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I'm going to agree with my bud on this one. I got hit on the first day of these new events...Not happy. I'm not going to agree with him on the complete abolishment of events, but a scale back. These game generated events throw some randomness into the game, I like that, but this much of a swing is too much. Events need to be rare, I hadn't had an event before this one for about 2-3 months. It was a joy to get them. But now, a 10% chance? too much I say.

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Meh, for every bad event you get odds to get another bad one should be decreased by 10% or odds to get a good one should be increased by 10% and vice-versa or something (also lol, still haven't got any events)

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It wouldn't be so bad if events only lasted for 10 or 15 days... but they last for 30 days. That's crushing.

And tomorrow, I may get an event that cancels it out.. or I may get the same bad events again.... dragging my nation further down into depression.

There are enough things to worry about on Planet Bob. I wish that getting a bad event was not one of them.

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Meh, you people should know how it goes. People whine about never having events, admin increases chance of getting events, people whine about getting bad events.

!@#$ happens, live with it, learn to play with it, it's just another aspect.

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I've gotten 2 bad events in a row as well, though mine equal about -4.5 happiness equiv. I don't mind the events I'd just like them to either be a little less frequent (6-7% chance) or cut down to only lasting a week or two max.

Edited by BigNastyPSU
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!@#$ happens, live with it, learn to play with it, it's just another aspect.

Yes !@#$ happens, but it is always fixable (such as the Environment change). This is not fixable at all AND is random to boot, as such, it is completely unfair and should be removed or fixed.

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Meh, you people should know how it goes. People whine about never having events, admin increases chance of getting events, people whine about getting bad events.

!@#$ happens, live with it, learn to play with it, it's just another aspect.

Here's my opinion, if you want Events to be less often then you should collect taxes less. I already had 3 Events that cost me -10% land each, a little annoying, but I can live through them. Events are here so that you have to build your nation so hat it can survive random changes.

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you say that now.. because it is land and you can make your bills, what is being said here is that there is a chance that through bill collection and tax collection for a new nation, (under 2K in strength) a nation can be completely wiped out in 2 days and 4 bad events through no fault of their own. This will also have a negative growth on the game as well as increase spamming for aids due to negative events.

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I haven't gotten an event yet, but here is my opinion.. If admin actually did make events about 50-50, you should hypothetically get your fair share of positive and negative events in your nations life.

Since this is a very large departure from the "10% on collection (a lot of people say it was more like 1%)" rule that was in effect before this change, I think it may be better to have 2 classes of events, one on paying bills, and one on collecting. 10% each still, but the paying bills event should only last 15 days, and the collecting event last 30 days. That would quell some of the discontent among players.

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Meh, you people should know how it goes. People whine about never having events, admin increases chance of getting events, people whine about getting bad events.

!@#$ happens, live with it, learn to play with it, it's just another aspect.

I don't think there was much whining about never having events. There was discussion that it was unlikely to be 10% in the past, but not many people actually complained about that.

Even if you don't collect/pay bills often, the OP is still right that these changes bring far to much luck into the game.

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...the OP is still right that these changes bring far to much luck into the game.

That's realistic though, in the real world the top nations get there by being lucky, and while good leaders, and good decisions are apart of it too, it still requires a whole bunch of luck to be at the top.

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I really think that events should be part. Good or bad. If you get a good one, good for you. If you get a bad one, better luck next time. I myself have 1 good event and 1 bad event. The bad one overwhelms the good one by .5 happiness, but you can still rebuild it. I started buying some more tech and my happiness is higher than it was before the whole event happenings. If you don't want events to happen, than collect taxes less often kswiss2783 mentioned. Based on percentages, if you collect taxes and pay bills each day, you should get at least one every 5 days. If you were to do those actions less often, than the wait becomes longer.

I see no wrong in events, good or bad.

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Don't pay bills or collect taxes everyday. That should help.

Finally, someone thinks logically.

Example: Collect every four days: 2 events max. Collect every eight: 2 events max... and so on.

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Finally, someone thinks logically.

Example: Collect every four days: 2 events max. Collect every eight: 2 events max... and so on.

I wanna be as good as you and not pay my bills either.

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I wanna be as good as you and not pay my bills either.

I'll ignore the barbed comment.

-I'm just saying people could avoid these by doing so a lot less. Waiting a week or two before collecting/paying bills.

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If you are doing LC swaps, you may not collect for more then 2 weeks; you certainly have control of how often you pay your bills/collect taxes. I've had one negative event so far, and no I didn't like it but Oh well. Londo does have a point in that this is completely luck generated, so it will be detrimental to the skilled players' game, but their skill can probably figure out the best way to get their plans back on track too.

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If any of you have passed say, ninth grade history, you will have learned that in the course of human events, most great empires were there by significant luck. Rome was handed civilization on a silver platter, while africa was given one of the most greuling circumstances for empire building. That is a part of life, and unexpected things happen all the time in RL, plus, we should be glad it is 50/50 for good and bad, cause most things now adays can only hurt a nation, rarely do they help them. We need to cope with losses (what do you think our complex government is for?)

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The events do hurt and saving up so you can start doing several day bill payments and several day tax collecting is going to be the most logical way to go. Downside is Today I payed bills got an event then collected taxes and got another event. I would think that needs fixing. Something along the line of once you get an event you jump to 0 percent chance of an event until you perform an action then 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 then 6 then 7 then 8 then 9 then 10 percent. If you paid bills say 6 times and collected taxes 4 times and got lucky enough to not get an event then you would be back to 10 percent chance.

Shortening the events can make them not effect you at all. IE the event is 15 days you wait 16 days to collect taxes. Anyways I will be collecting taxes in 11 days then waiting 20 days when these events die off to collect again.

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