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Declaration of War

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19 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


What's rich is seeing the people who were content to let him "write cheques his mouth couldn't cash" as long, as it wasn't at their expense. Now being the party suddenly taking an issue with it and declaring him to be a rogue, people that you've opted to hop back over to rejoin. As well as this bizarre notion that anyone displaying indifference toward seeing two groups, both being groups that they don't care a great deal about that are now at odds with one another is somehow equivalent to being in support of FL because it isn't in support of them. Apparently so is declining a sanction request being in support of him, a stance which conveniently ignores the fact it is being made by people who literally lied to senators earlier this year to try and get sanctions put on someone else. All of these positions the result of now being on the receiving end of the very behaviour they encouraged and welcomed seeing  from FL towards other people.  Now that's rich.


As for you? For someone who complained to me recently about being harassed by FL like it was some form of competition for who FL has bothered the most and stating that you wanted to see him get comeuppance; you do know you could accomplish that end without involving yourself directly and watching with indifference from the sidelines like the rest of us right? Evidently though, your motivation is more linked to UCR choosing to not have anything to do with this feud and their agreement with the rest of the senators on Brown (the team you have nothing to do with but acted as though it was somehow your business and misrepresented the official position of your superior officers to CCC) which included (but was not limited to) the idea that sanctioning him purely because they dislike him isn't a good enough reason to sanction him. You've again jumped ship back to FTW, abandoning your post at UCR just to pursue a personal vendetta.


Glad to see you made your way in from the cold finally, once again demonstrating you really are that predictable 🫡

Not really sure what your beef with me actually is, but whatever.

Edited by Wobblies
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2 minutes ago, Wobblies said:

Not really sure what your beef with me actually is, but whatever.


He probably got tired of you trying to manipulate him into avenging the humiliating beating the Wolves and I gave you.


People don't like it when you try to play them.

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1 minute ago, Wobblies said:

Not really sure what your beef with me actually is, but whatever.


Other than misrepresenting the decision of a team-senate that doesn't concern you and doing  absolutely nothing to help the alliance you were a member of govt in for over a year? Nothing really. You've taken yourself out of that equation now, it's just ironic that you're choosing to directly involve yourself in this for the very people who turned a blind eye to his actions which you take issue with.,


That's all, good luck to you!

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20 hours ago, KameraadLenin said:

you made the mistake of thinking because you're good at casualties you're also good at politics. people have been comparing your circus to !@#$ like musquaeda? lmfao, I feel like you're more similar to whatever cellochik was trying to do last month.

The comparison served to illustrate how 'rogue alliances' are dealt with in comparison to Nukes6. Your reading comprehension may have utterly failed you if you thought that Mq was being compared to FL's alliance on the grounds that they are similar in other respects.



A clear point of difference is that FL's war has a concrete CB. For those who view our IC conduct to require a policing of our OOC conduct as a means to maintain decorum and a sense of community, this war and its CB obviously have merit. CCC's response to this war (or rogueing if you ask them) has been to undermine their own code of conduct, blame victims, and escalate beyond the scope and precedent of the situation. I also would note that it's totally legitimate to criticize CCC for their IC actions in response to this IC war.


I've seen two sides manifest in the conversation: FL's, where he claims he had first asked for CCC to pledge to hold their member responsible for his actions, and CCC, who claim FL is demanding the ejection of their quasi-Minister of Recruitment. In either case, it's hard to claim that FL is asking for too much, especially considering he did reach out prior to these events unfolding, and multiple times, which, as far as I've seen here, has not been contradicted by CCC government. But maybe LWW can address that.

Edited by Tevron
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5 hours ago, Tevron said:

The comparison served to illustrate how 'rogue alliances' are dealt with in comparison to Nukes6. Your reading comprehension may have utterly failed you if you thought that Mq was being compared to FL's alliance on the grounds that they are similar in other respects.



A clear point of difference is that FL's war has a concrete CB. For those who view our IC conduct to require a policing of our OOC conduct as a means to maintain decorum and a sense of community, this war and its CB obviously have merit. CCC's response to this war (or rogueing if you ask them) has been to undermine their own code of conduct, blame victims, and escalate beyond the scope and precedent of the situation. I also would note that it's totally legitimate to criticize CCC for their IC actions in response to this IC war.


I've seen two sides manifest in the conversation: FL's, where he claims he had first asked for CCC to pledge to hold their member responsible for his actions, and CCC, who claim FL is demanding the ejection of their quasi-Minister of Recruitment. In either case, it's hard to claim that FL is asking for too much, especially considering he did reach out prior to these events unfolding, and multiple times, which, as far as I've seen here, has not been contradicted by CCC government. But maybe LWW can address that.

Openly admitting that up until we joined this war it was hold Armen accountable. We being ADude and I, feel like now that we’ve escalated it it’s time for the boot due to lack of response. None of wanting Armen booted was FL he was just echoing what the AA said.

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12 hours ago, Tevron said:

I've seen two sides manifest in the conversation: FL's, where he claims he had first asked for CCC to pledge to hold their member responsible for his actions, and CCC, who claim FL is demanding the ejection of their quasi-Minister of Recruitment.


Even after I attacked, I offered CCC gov an immediate end to my wars if they would firmly commit to holding Armen accountable if he makes another specific type of OOC attack in the future (the OOC attacks against Ghost).


It was the same offer I made before the conflict.


The demand to boot Armen came only after four others had joined me in sacrificing their nations to 1) draw attention to CCC supporting personal attacks, 2) inflict a cost on CCC for doing so. At that point, the alliance felt that we were in this deeply enough that a promise to hold Armen accountable would no longer be sufficient (particularly given LWW's bad faith in previous conversations). So our demand changed to simply 'we'll end the war if Armen is booted.'


I think our goal has been clear - we want Armen's personal attacks to stop. But we realistically see no other path to that than Armen being booted from CCC at this time.

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This entire thread is insane. The premise of an in game war over ooc complaints is bizarre. Ooc issues should be dealt with ooc. If they constitute a CB then let's be honest with ourselves and just say the game has become about beefs between people who put out far too much information about themselves and their lives and issues on discord to be ever to be able to claim to have an in game character. 


Might as well meet in a car park for a proper tear up.

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17 minutes ago, Sabcat said:

This entire thread is insane. The premise of an in game war over ooc complaints is bizarre. Ooc issues should be dealt with ooc. If they constitute a CB then let's be honest with ourselves and just say the game has become about beefs between people who put out far too much information about themselves and their lives and issues on discord to be ever to be able to claim to have an in game character. 


Might as well meet in a car park for a proper tear up.

That information was behind closed doors, not thrown out in public. I have shared no personal information in public, and limited amount in private to people I believed I could trust. That information was then used because said individual Can't hold their own trolling IC and devolved to something that had no basis in the game. When it was addressed with the relevant government officials asking them to moderate their members, we were blamed for our IC actions and told it was our fault. We were reptitively dismissed when we tried to address it diplomatically. And I'm not the only one that he's attacked in that capacity. I can ignore him, as can others, but proliferating personal information and using that as a means to attack people with no standing in the game is unacceptable by every standard.


So I would appreciate it if you kept the mud in your corner as opposed to throwing it at us. If my information is public knowledge now, it's because Armen took screenshots and information outside of our alliances private channels and circulated them. Not because I started going around and giving it out to everyone and their mother.

Edited by Gh0s7
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1 minute ago, Gh0s7 said:



It's sadcat. He's just going to align himself opposite of wherever I stand on any given issue, and then try to invent some reason to justify it. Like Wobblies, he never really got over the beating we gave him. 

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1 minute ago, Gh0s7 said:

That information was behind closed doors, nit thrown out in public. I have shared no personal information in public, and limited amount in private to people I believed I could trust. That information was then used because said individual Can't hold their own trolling IC and devolved to something that had no basis in the game. When it was addressed with the relevant government officials asking then to moderate their members, we were blamed for our IC actions and told it was our fault. We were reptitively dismissed when we tried to address it diplomatically. And I'm nit the only one that he's attacked in that capacity. I can ignore him, as can others, but proliferation personal information and using that as a means to attack people with no standing in the game is unacceptable by every standard.


So I would appreciate it if you kept the mud in your corner as opposed to throwing it at us. If my information is public knowledge now, it's because Armen took acreenshots and information outside of our alliances private channels and circulated them. Not because I started going around and giving it out to everyone and their mother.


Do you not realise how mad that all sounds? His government, did you phone the head of state of the country he lives in or something? Of course not. You complained to people he plays a game with because you told some people (perfect strangers on the Internet) stuff about you who told other people who told him and he's a ****. 


This isn't an in game war issue to be thrashed out in an ic forum. He needs banning from the game. 


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3 minutes ago, firingline said:


It's sadcat. He's just going to align himself opposite of wherever I stand on any given issue, and then try to invent some reason to justify it. Like Wobblies, he never really got over the beating we gave him. 


Actually. I agree with you. Entirely. I just don't think you've gone about it in the best way. He needs banning. 

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8 minutes ago, Gh0s7 said:

That information was behind closed doors, not thrown out in public. I have shared no personal information in public, and limited amount in private to people I believed I could trust. That information was then used because said individual Can't hold their own trolling IC and devolved to something that had no basis in the game. When it was addressed with the relevant government officials asking them to moderate their members, we were blamed for our IC actions and told it was our fault. We were reptitively dismissed when we tried to address it diplomatically. And I'm not the only one that he's attacked in that capacity. I can ignore him, as can others, but proliferating personal information and using that as a means to attack people with no standing in the game is unacceptable by every standard.


So I would appreciate it if you kept the mud in your corner as opposed to throwing it at us. If my information is public knowledge now, it's because Armen took screenshots and information outside of our alliances private channels and circulated them. Not because I started going around and giving it out to everyone and their mother.

I have not ever taken any screenshot with your Public information on it. I'm not sure where you get that from. The only screenshots I ever shared was dooms plans with Sparta. All ic stuff. 

Edited by KingArmen
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1 minute ago, Sabcat said:


Do you not realise how mad that all sounds? His government, did you phone the head of state of the country he lives in or something? Of course not. You complained to people he plays a game with because you told some people (perfect strangers on the Internet) stuff about you who told other people who told him and he's a ****. 


This isn't an in game war issue to be thrashed out in an ic forum. He needs banning from the game. 


I dont believe DoomSquad is at war with him or CCC. And a lot of those people aren't strangers. They're people I've known for over a decade. From seeing them get married to having kids, I know them pretty well. But yes, there were a few complete strangers in there, but that doesn't justify his actions.

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1 minute ago, KingArmen said:

I have not ever taken any screenshot with your Public information on it. I'm not sure where you get that from. The only screenshots I ever shared was dooms plans with Sparta. All ic stuff. 

I dint know what all you screen!@#$ted and shared, but I do know certain pieces of my information have become oublic knowledge thanks to your actions. And rather than hold yourself accountable, you did it again with Hersh.


Qe can handle the trolling if you could keep it IC. But you seem to be incapable of that. There's not just 1 or 2 instances. At a certain point I would hope you look inward and reflect

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1 minute ago, Gh0s7 said:

I dont believe DoomSquad is at war with him or CCC. And a lot of those people aren't strangers. They're people I've known for over a decade. From seeing them get married to having kids, I know them pretty well. But yes, there were a few complete strangers in there, but that doesn't justify his actions.

I'm not justifying his actions. He wants banning. We, as a community, shouldn't tolerate it and that goes beyond pixels. 

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1 minute ago, Gh0s7 said:

I dint know what all you screen!@#$ted and shared, but I do know certain pieces of my information have become oublic knowledge thanks to your actions. And rather than hold yourself accountable, you did it again with Hersh.


Qe can handle the trolling if you could keep it IC. But you seem to be incapable of that. There's not just 1 or 2 instances. At a certain point I would hope you look inward and reflect

I know nothing of your guys personal life. If information was shared it's because you all circulated yourselves. 

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4 minutes ago, Sabcat said:


Do you not realise how mad that all sounds?



His actions repeatedly violated not only CCC's Discord policies but also their Charter.


Why would it be 'mad' to talk to CCC government about those violations?


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1 minute ago, KingArmen said:

I know nothing of your guys personal life. If information was shared it's because you all circulated yourselves. 


So it's his fault you repeatedly personally attacked him because he shouldn't have said anything about his life in the first place?


More and more and more victim blaming. CCC will claim to allies that you're remorseful for your actions, that you were provoked and lashed out and felt bad afterwards. But it sure doesn't look like it to me.

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1 minute ago, firingline said:


His actions repeatedly violated not only CCC's Discord policies but also their Charter.


Why would it be 'mad' to talk to CCC government about those violations?


Because in the context of this they're not "government" at all. They're just the people with the most time on their hands. 


You've blurred the lines between ooc and ic by making it an in game CB 

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Everyone has said things back and forth to each other from my time in doom to my time out of doom. I'm not crying for what was said to me or even how intense it was. 


But I'll be the bigger man and apologize for whatever words were exchanged. 

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2 minutes ago, KingArmen said:

I know nothing of your guys personal life. If information was shared it's because you all circulated yourselves. 

You can tell yourself that if you'd like. The logs have been forwarded to your govt and addressed. But I suppose we all know nothing is ever going to come if that, and you clearly have no remorse for your actions. I hope one day yiu can grow beyond them

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