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B360 Dow On Gobra

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If we are the way we are, it's because Planet Bob made us this way.
Where were you, nosy one, when we were getting stomped by nuclear rogues?
Didn't offer us help then, did you?

No. We took our beating and found a reliable protector.
Maybe our prey can do the same when we're done digesting him.


So others was mean to you! Why did you not just say so to start with. Because this clearly changes everything. Nuke his ass!


but seriously, one thing is to raid a 'target' (dont do myself) steal a little tech, land and money, having a little fun and then offer peace or grant it when asked. But what you do is nothing more the bullying.

Let him have his peace, so he can find himself a nice AA to settle in and show yourself as decent citizens of planet BOB.

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We never restricted his freedom to seek protection. And we will never reject that option. On multiple occations, he has been offered advice in this thread, yet he still remain alone in this battle. As an criminal organization, we have no reason to acknowledge the unaligned sovereignty of any nation, including his, despite how many peace offers he might send. As long as he or his one-man alliance stays unprotected, we will continue to plunder his country for ressources. 



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He is free to join any AA that will have him.
Once this happens, it usually follows that the AA in question will petition a ceasefire in a diplomatic way.
Should this occur, we have no problem with peace.
But as it is, he's fair game to all raiders on Planet Bob. Not just us.

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We never restricted his freedom to seek protection. And we will never reject that option. On multiple occations, he has been offered advice in this thread, yet he still remain alone in this battle.


Things may have changed since I went into retirement, but before my retirement most AA's did not accept new members with active wars. So unless this have changed then I dont see how he is able to get the protection you say is the only way for him to get peace (short of you getting tired of abusing his nation).


Oh and might does not make right it only makes d.... out of good people :P

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He is free to join any AA that will have him.
Once this happens, it usually follows that the AA in question will petition a ceasefire in a diplomatic way.
Should this occur, we have no problem with peace.
But as it is, he's fair game to all raiders on Planet Bob. Not just us.


Fair enough! So peace can be expected to be granted in case that he joins an AA (with more the 10 members) and said AA petition a ceasefire?

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Edit: yes to your question.

If you still feel so strongly about it, please attack us.


Great, hopes he read that!


Could not, even if I wanted to. Just came out of retirement and I cant declare on any one or aid any one. Beside that would be an stupid move and only give you 2 toys to play with.

Beside would it not be much more fun later when I am in a position to actually fight back? any way dont be surprised if it turned out to be a long time goal of mine :D

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That is true for some, but not all alliances. Yet, that is a matter he must sort off on his own. He has to reach out to the world and take the support he can get. But untill then, I will gift him a spike for every head of every loyal soldiers he has left. You see, it has been long since the last time I've got blood on my teeth, and I won't hesitate my lust and fun for your humanistic principles. 

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Losing 3000 infra for no good reason simply sets your nation back when you could be pursuing a Manhattan Project. It's one thing to make a glorious stand for your beliefs, and another to waste time fighting an unnecessary war. This is the reality of the lower-tier in this day and age, and if you don't find a good alliance you will be hounded from existence. Take the good advice being given to you rather than being a martyr for no cause.

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oh 1 with no honour and your alliance has no honour. hope you pick the wrong raid and you guys get z'ied. i hope an dream to see that soon. and how proud your protector must feel.
for shame Kanabis and COBRA

So we r a shame now?
If more alliances were like us the lower tier would be far more fun that it is now.
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I JaggerRiver hereby declare total military defeat to the nations of COBRA.

I hope the victors treat me with respect and mercy.

Battle360 is disbanded.


salute o/ COBRA



Edited by JaggerRiver
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WTF!!! is this for real? International community please note COBRA's action. I declared defeat. i accepted peace when offered. Now you use another member to re-declare on me. Acting like this will have all your nations treated like mine.


War Declaration Date War Declared By War Declared On Outcome 4/11/2016 4:39:00 AM 
war_info.png   icon_war_end.png   note.png


Ruler: Celtucis


Ruler: JaggerRiver

Currently Fighting

4/10/2016 4:00:27 PM 
war_info.png   icon_war_end.png   note.png


Imperio Mexica 
Ruler: General Kanabis


Ruler: JaggerRiver

Peace Declared

4/9/2016 6:26:05 PM 
war_info.png   icon_war_end.png   note.png


Ruler: Nebiros


Ruler: JaggerRiver

Peace Declared

4/9/2016 4:15:41 PM 
war_info.png   icon_war_end.png   note.png


Ruler: Celtucis


Ruler: JaggerRiver

Peace Declared

4/9/2016 6:17:34 AM 
war_info.png   icon_war_end.png   note.png


Amino Acids 
Ruler: Caspase


Ruler: JaggerRiver

Currently Fighting
Edited by JaggerRiver
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WTF!!! is this for real? International community please note COBRA's action. I declared defeat. i accepted peace when offered. Now you use another member to re-declare on me. Acting like this will have all your nations treated like mine.

Raiders like Cobra are opportunistic, give an inch and they will take a mile.
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Then why has no alliance dared to stop them? Is it they have some nations with nukes? or is it they hide under there protectors strength?

If raiding is looked down upon how can any protector alliances condone such actions? Would this not make the wider community question the protectors ethics and honour.

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Well, JaggerRiver, I've got an private message from General Kanabis today, in which I read, that I should declare peace with you, because you became aligned with New Sith Order. And so I did. 


I can only speak for myself, and therefore, I can't tell you why Caspase and Celtucis continue their raid against your nation, since I assume that they got a message from the Mandarin too. 


You're also asking why no one has stopped us yet. Why? Because no one gives a sh*t about unaligned nations. Everyday, raiding occurs against such nations, and while some alliances prevent their members from raiding, others don't and they are always looking to find targets like you. We in COBRA are not special compared to others. 


The only difference is that while most raided targets eventually settle into an alliance of their own suiting, and learn from their experience, then there's you, who dares to b*tch about it, expecting anyone would rally up to you as your personal bannermen. I've bet if Keemstar ever cared about cybernations, you could easily claim your 15 min. of fame in Drama Alert. 

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Im not wanting anyone or alliance to rally behind me. Im calling to the fact that the majority of respectable alliances have NO RAIDING laws. I was in ODN i know the basics. Im really calling out your protectors for allowing your raiding. It is clear your all just a roaming bunch of rogues bottom feeding of low tier nations. I guess low tier nations are all you guys can handle. I know from battle reports you don't how to fight.

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Im not wanting anyone or alliance to rally behind me. Im calling to the fact that the majority of respectable alliances have NO RAIDING laws. I was in ODN i know the basics. Im really calling out your protectors for allowing your raiding. It is clear your all just a roaming bunch of rogues bottom feeding of low tier nations. I guess low tier nations are all you guys can handle. I know from battle reports you don't how to fight.

COBRA is an independent alliance and our protectors don't interfere in our activities as long it doesn't, affect them or their other allies. Well most of the other allies has no raiding policy but our alliance don't and we aren't protected by one of those so called respectable alliances.
Please grow up negotiate ur self a peace deal with those allies of mine they are humans after all and reasonable guys. Usually I would have myself messaged them and requested ceasefire or peace but seeing how ur whinning about it and insulting us and our allies in public forum I am not gonna do it.
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