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Ok so discussion here.


Why the hell were Eva and Horo removed?


Granted, Eva was acting irrational and crazy, but Mogar was just as bad if not worse. Eva was already voted in this community as was Horo, why did we re-do the vote?


Also the majority wanted them here. Why the hell would we do a 66% needed? I get that it was voted on, but who the hell does a super majority for a vote like that?



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It's quite simple. The vote was never about voting in over 50k ns nations it was all about getting rid of Eva and Horo. Anyone else who tells you differently is lying.


Coming from a nation nuked and warred by Eva, I respect you a lot for that. 


I also realize that, however I just wanted to say it wasn't those two acting like egotistical maniacs during that war.

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I was one of the ones who voted for a simple majority, so don't look at me. And personally, I didn't vote to remove any of the above 50k's because none of them were being major asshats out of character (that I noticed, anyway) and I felt it would have been unfair to wipe all the RP they've done so far without some sort of major provocation.

Edited by Vedran
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I was one of the ones who voted for a simple majority, so don't look at me. And personally, I didn't vote to remove any of the above 50k's because none of them were being major asshats out of character (that I noticed, anyway) and I felt it would have been unfair to wipe all the RP they've done so far without some sort of major provocation.


Agreed. IC provocation shouldn't be dealt with by OOC measures.


Eva and horo are gone ;(


Unfortunately yes. While they were not behaving well, they were provoked in their actions as well as the other side was behaving just as irrationally if not worse.



So if a GM supports it, can we get a MAJORITY vote on bringing Eva and Horo back in? This is stupid and the "I don't like u, don't sit by me u hurt my feelings" preschool attitude is very immature and unsettling.

Edited by Rotavele
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If we're going to think about letting eva/horo back, we might want to put a hold on all land grabs in their former nations(Not really sure if they would want to come back if they lost all their stuff).


Meh. When I "Disappeared" due to my account being possessed, I didn't get Germany back and those who took it trolled me to death. I don't think that the others will give them back their land.



Eva and Horo already said or at least Eva did that she wouldn't be staying due to the toxic personality of most of the community towards them.


You can't blame her, but at the same time, she's still a player and did nothing wrong that the others didnt do as well. If she wants back in, she should be allowed to.

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If we're going to think about letting eva/horo back, we might want to put a hold on all land grabs in their former nations(Not really sure if they would want to come back if they lost all their stuff).


One of the big problems people had with them was that they were essentially metagaming with each being half of China and being closer allies than pretty much any others in history, despite the obvious differences and conflicts that would arise between a 3-way-split China. If they want to come back let's just figure that out later, but if they did, I think probably the biggest pre-condition would have to be that they can't roll right next to each other like that. I legit think Eva may have wanted to participate in the RP with us and wanted to be part of the community, but I don't think Horo really did and they need to be far away from Mogar (see: on another continent) before I'd want them back in to create Taiwan Emergency 2.0.

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One of the big problems people had with them was that they were essentially metagaming with each being half of China and being closer allies than pretty much any others in history, despite the obvious differences and conflicts that would arise between a 3-way-split China. If they want to come back let's just figure that out later, but if they did, I think probably the biggest pre-condition would have to be that they can't roll right next to each other like that. I legit think Eva may have wanted to participate in the RP with us and wanted to be part of the community, but I don't think Horo really did and they need to be far away from Mogar (see: on another continent) before I'd want them back in to create Taiwan Emergency 2.0.


They are not any less entitled to Taiwan as Mogar is. I don't know why they had to leave or why they have to move continents. Especially with Mogar moving through islands now. Horo is a nice guy if you attempt to get to know him. Also Jesbro isn't going to let Taiwan go either. So TE2.0 is here.

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