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Inauguration of the New Government


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OOC:  Will be editted as I go.


The delegation from Magallanes and Tierra del Fuego would be substantial for such a far flung corner of the Commonwealth. Everisto Asturias and Lázaro Roldán, the two consuls, as well as their family and staff would be the only attendants. Approaching the Emperor after the Japanese Prime Minister, the consuls (having waited for Tachibana to finish her audience) would walk up to the Emperor and simultaneously bow.


Tu Majestad Imperiales, it is truly an honor for us to finally meet our head of state.” Everisto said to Jia, as the two consuls rose from their bow.

We would also like to extend our congratulations to Mr. Kim and Mr. Mao on their election successes.” concluded Lázaro.


"Thank you Consuls, I am sorry I have not had a chance to visit your nation since its inception.  Perhaps now that the war is over that can be arranged, please enjoy the party and our hospitality."  the Emperor said.


Behind him the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister nodded as well exchanging similar greetings.


Representing Japan would be a small delegation, consisting out of solely Prime Minister Tachibana, who was all but lost in the social event of such scale. Wearing a mostly black and white dress, with the most noticeable glimpse of colour being a golden butterfly hairclip, she mostly stood at the sidelines, watching the actions of others, keeping out of the fray. Nothing good would come from being in the center of attention and one rather left such honour to the Emperor.


Given it was more or less obligatory anyway, Tachibana would try to find a way inbetween droves of people, to see the monarch, watching out not to run into people. Once she arrived, the Prime Minister would mostly just wait till the others with precedence had adressed the Emperor, before bowing herself, to greet her host and superior. "My most humble greetings, your Imperial Highness. I am honoured to represent my nation at your celebrations and I hope for good relations and your reign over the Commonwealth to be blessed with fortune."


"Madame Prime Minister it is good to see you.  I do hope you will take the time to enjoy the party, and the fruits of the entire Commonwealths labors." 

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Not wanting to impose, The Diarchs would find suitable seperate hotel rooms in the Tianxian capital, with King Zaahir spending significantly more. At the event itself, both kings were dressed in formal bisht, thawb, and agal.They would seek out Emperor Jia when he looked free, though for most of the event they would mingle separate from each other. King Amal Ibn Fakhri greeted the Emperor first, "Your Majesty, I must congratulate you on the continuation of a stable government. I hope my understanding of Chinese honorifics are not mistaken when I say, may you truly live for a thousand years."

King Abd-Al-Aziz Ibn Ali Zaahir would add little besides his own congratulations and compliments on the wonders of the Imperial Palace.


"Ten thousand actually but, given I've been advancing in years I'd prefer eternal youth. I'm glad to see you here and you should be receiving some good news about requests you've put in fairly soon."



Ninageokuluk was a hunter by trade, not a diplomat.

Getting a job representing her nation was certainly a surprise.

More surprising that Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear was actually invited to any event hosted by Tianxia.

Probably how Minageokuluk, her meddling sister, got Ninageokuluk the position.

(Probably involved flirting with a number of transitional officials)

Ninageokuluk couldn't actually complain though.

Could even almost imagine herself a heroine of a swashbuckling fantasy.
Even as token representative of a questionably functional government.
Still it beats alternative of hunting seals for a living.

Maybe their was more to existence then living in freezing life and dying in freezing ice.

Qingyuan was a vast improvement over a literal city of ice.

Near anything was an improvement over the freezing bitter north.

Tianxian hospitality left nothing to even slightly be desired.

Before today she didn't image such an experience could actually exist.


With everything in this place so beautiful was enough to make her a little self conscious.

Bear Islands' representative was even shorter than average for often already small Nunavut.

Finding herself completely dwarfed by all of the local Chinese was extremely intimidating.

Compared with so many luxurious hair styles a single tangled quasi braid felt so inadequate.

Her silver trimmed dress non winter parka was elegant and formal enough. . .

. . . but Ninageokuluk questioned if she really filled it out. . .

Especially compared to her golden haired companion for this mission.


If getting an improvised somewhat diplomatic posting wasn't enough. . .

Ninageokuluk invited the romantic and somewhat idealistic girl encountered on that one vacation.

More intended for a pleasant traveling companion - didn't go even slightly as planned.

Nunavut amateur diplomat silently blamed her sister's meddling somehow.

American girl who never actually been to Bear Island's Nation of the Bear was officially representing them.

Personally it was kind of disturbing how quickly transitional authority had accepted Paige Scolieri for this.

Good company, however, excused however it actually happened.

Ninageokuluk attempted not being worried by the details too much.

It was a lovely evening in Qingyuan and this party had barely gotten started.





Having had the privilege of being deemed part of the Imperial family for the purposes of housing at the celebrations Valerio had already met with the Emperor and the rest of the family eliminating the need for a separate greeting here. Ariadne however would find herself approaching the Emperor. "Thank you for the invitation Jia, it's been a while since I last was here"


"It has.  That's a shame.  I hope you've not lost any of your taste.  There is plenty of fine food and drink, we should have a private chat later.  I understand things have been very busy in your part of the world."


When the time came, Prime Minister Mary Baron and Irish Ambassador Nick Clegg would get dressed in their formal attire for the event. A motorcade would take the Irish delegation escorted by the Protective Services Division to the Palace at Qingyuan. Upon arrival the Prime Minister and Ambassador would make their way to the receiving line. When the time came to greet the Emperor the Prime Minister would bow gracefully and say, "Your excellency, it is an honor to meet you here today in your beautiful empire. It is my government's hope to work closely with your newly elected government on a variety of topics and to grow closer relations between our two countries." Prime Minister Mary Baron would also introduce Ambassador Nick Clegg.


"Hahaha. The British Isles always holds a great place in my heart.  I too hope they can work together and I'm sure they will.  Enjoy yourselves at the party."


King Frederik and his son, Crown Prince Albert who had just turned sixteen would be in attendance. They too would book the entire floor of a hotel to house themselves and a very small detail of bodyguards.


Joining the procession they would slowly move forward, greeting other guests and various other dignitaries until they reached the Emperor. Both bowed slightly to the Emperor before speaking.


"My thanks your Imperial Excellency for your hospitality, it is the greatest of honors to meet such a great man such as yourself." said Frederik in English, fearing the Emperor was not familiar with Old Norse.


"Such formalities, there's no need for that.  I am glad you could make it to Tianxia, I've heard the Danes have been traveling a lot from their shores lately."


King Wymore saw the emperor from acros the hall and knew he should talk to him sooner than later. He started manuevering over towards him. The king wa unsure what to say as this was the first time he talked to another leader. He figured he'd apologize for his opening statement. At last he was near the emperor. "Emperor" he called out. "I just wanted to apologize for my statement a few weeks ago an I was wondering if we could get together and talk sometime."


"Water under the bridge, water under the bridge.  Where I come from the true nature of a man comes out after he's indulged, have yourself a few of whatever is your favorite I insist then we can have a much more lubricated conversation." the Emperor said patting the new King on the back as he continued o receive guests.

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Having watched the diplomats wave their flags of respect and apologize for past behaviors, the Lawspeaker would find it fitting to go over to the Emperor and introduce himself. "Your Imperial Majesty," he said as he extended his hand. "I am Freyr Eriksson, Lawspeaker of the Althing of Iceland. It is an honor to meet you. King Mars also wished for me to extend his best wishes for your new government. I brought over a few bottles of champagne that the King thought your legislature may enjoy, if they drink that is." Freyr would show the Emperor one bottle, while the other 500 had already been handed over to the appropriate people.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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"Emperor," Dr. Zelaya greeted the Tiaxian ruler respectfully, "It has been too long since our two nations met at the highest levels. The President asked that I extend his regrets that he could not be here today in person, but business has kept him away. With his own election arriving soon, President Diokno hoped you would understand.

On a lighter note, if you ever wish for a change of scenery or a break from Imperial affairs, you need only mention the word and Selenarctos would be honored to receive you in official capacity or at your leisure."

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The Polish delegation, including several key government aides, spread themselves out evenly amongst the several different "cultural zones", the Poles wearing pins that denoted their nationality. As directed by Sikorski, Suwulzki would make it a point to entertain herself in the Korean "zone", seeking out a few key Korean officials to speak with them on behalf of the Polish firm Raymonde-Koranski Global. As several ships were being refurbished and maintained there at respectable prices, she would make it a point to thank them for picking up the Polish corporations' business on such an accelerated pace. She would also hint at more business being sent their way in short order, but wouldn't elaborate on that point just yet.


Meanwhile, Lech Sikorski had put himself in the Chinese "zone", toting around tumbler of whiskey he had picked up at the bar right after leaving the receiving line. Whilst waiting for other guests to filter in, he would sample the food that was arrayed in this portion of the celebration, and speak lightheartedly with Chinese representatives that were present.

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"It has.  That's a shame.  I hope you've not lost any of your taste.  There is plenty of fine food and drink, we should have a private chat later.  I understand things have been very busy in your part of the world."

"Not at all, I just wonder if the entertainment will be as good as the last few times" She responded with a smile. "And we should, there are a lot of developments in general to speak about more directly rather than having our embassy staffs and UN ambassadors do it"

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"Madame Prime Minister it is good to see you.  I do hope you will take the time to enjoy the party, and the fruits of the entire Commonwealths labors." 

"I shall. It is only fair to honour the hard work of all the Commonwealth realms, who hopefully will continue to work in a most harmoniuos and united manner. Our country shall do its part."


Once finished, Tachibana would bow again and leave the Emperor, who after all had to deal also with other guests of the party. Looking around, the Prime Minister seemed to miss someone or something, sighing, before walking up to the Irish delegation, who after all could be of interest. Waiting for a free moment, Tacibana would greet them, once she noticed they were no longer occupied with something else. "Greetings, Mrs Baron. It is nice to see you here. How are you enjoying this grandious celebration?"

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Tachibana nodded. "It is a great celebration indeed, as one can expect of the Emperor. It was also the first time I was able to speak personally to His Imperial Majesty. It is good to see things are well and how people are friendly, but I guess with conflicts in Europe coming to an end, there is much relief, even here. I guess Ireland enjoys the lessened tensions too?"

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"Yes, and we are very thankful to the Empire of Tianxia for providing military support and protection during those difficult times. We plan on expanding our foreign relations with Commonwealth states in Asia as it is expected to be beneficial to our economic prosperity."

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Smiling, the Prime Minister would reply. "Well, we likewise want to expand our ties to Europe. With this awful war finally out of the way, hopefully our country can develop meaningful ties with reliable allies. Given there hopefully will be no war in the future, such peace might not hold forever. It is always good to value one's ties, military and economic."

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"Such formalities, there's no need for that.  I am glad you could make it to Tianxia, I've heard the Danes have been traveling a lot from their shores lately."


Frederik took the jest in good faith.

"Indeed we have your Excellency, unfortunately our recent excursion was a war." he replied sadly before continuing.

"I shall leave you to your thoughts and guests, I hope we have a chance to talk again in the future your Highness" he finished before bowing again slightly and leading his son towards the bar area, greeting guests in the room.


He spied the Japanese and Irish delegations talking, he also spotted Lech Sikorski with a nearly empty whiskey. Going to the bar to grab one for himself, he grabbed a refill for the Pole and a beer for Prince Albert who had taken a shining to some gentlemen who belonged to the Legion contingient who were enjoying some booze with off duty guards and walked off towards them, only to approach warily, looking slightly awkward hoping to be noticed.

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Prime Minister Suiwi Duvall dutifully joins the line to greet the Emperor as he watches the show. The list of notable world figures is long, as is to be expected. Of course, with the notable, comes the barely knows, the want to be knows, the clingers, and what not. No party could be held in the international scene without a bit of everything. Behind him the representative of the Council of 13 enjoys his drink having his own thoughts about being outside of Legion for the first time in over a decade.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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After King Wymore bowed to the emperor and let him visit with the other leaders and representatives he looked around for the delagation from the Athenian Federation. After spotting him he walked over and said, "it's an honor to finally meet you. The ones who gave us out freedom. I was wondering if we could get together for some diplomacy."

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The Russian Embassy to Tianxia would rapidly make preparations for the arrival of the three person delegation after they had confirmed the acceptance of the Tianxian invitation. A modest hotel suite in Qingyuan would be reserved for the delegation. 
At the pre-arranged time, the Vaulian Imperator and Co-Tsar of Russia Nikolas Aleksandr arrived along with an upper level bureaucrat from the Foreign Affairs Ministry and his Chief of Staff Yulia Mikhailova. As the car approached the Palace, Yulia spent her time attempting to memorize photographs of key officials and foreign dignitaries likely to be in attendance at the event. Once they arrived, they joined the receiving line to greet their hosts. According to protocol, the Imperator would approach first with Yulia two paces behind him, and the graying bureaucrat two paces behind her. Yulia made a mental note to point out the fact that their delegation consisted of a 20 year old monarch, a 30 year old official and a 40 year old bureaucrat in her post event report to the Embassy.
When their turn arrived, the Imperator gave a polite bow before addressing the Emperor.
“Your Imperial Majesty, thank you for your gracious invitation. May I convey my congratulations and best wishes, and those of the Russian people, to the new Tianxian government and to your majesty.”- Nikolas Aleksandr.
After exchanging greetings with the Tianxian Emperor and Prime Minister, the Imperator would introduce his Chief of Staff and the bureaucrat. Before moving along to join the other delegations, the Imperator would present a gift of a rare bottle of Vaulian Imperial Vodka to the hosts. 
Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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Lech was making some small talk with a staffer from the Chinese delegation when he spotted the Norse King approaching, overloaded with drinks in his hands, moving a little cautiously it seemed. The Polish President would excuse himself from the presence of the Chinese staffer, and turned towards Fredrik, looking relatively relaxed.


"I never took you for a heavy drinker, Fredrik," chuckled Lech, striking up the conversation, and taking a couple steps towards the Norse King. "I hope those are not all for yourself," he added, taking a sip from the dwindling liquid in his own tumbler.

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"I am partial to a good session every now and then Lech, however, this one is for you" he said, offering out a drink.


"Your glass is nearly empty, I was at the bar and figured you might want a refill." he finished, before awkwardly continuing.


"I am told your soldiers fought like Lions by my field Commanders, I am glad we found peace Lech, Poland is not a natural enemy of the Norse people".

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"Well thank you for the refill," nodded Lech, accepting the tumbler, and setting the empty one aside.


When Fredrik remarked about the performance of Poland's armed forces, he grinned lightly, before speaking in a gentle tone, "They're Poland's soldiers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, they fought like lions because they know what might happen if they do not. I heard that the Norse gave a good account of themselves."


He paused for a moment, before continuing, "Poland has no natural enemies in the world, Fredrik, and no country should have such enemies. Poland and the Norse found themselves on opposite sides of a conflict because of the geopolitical reality of Europe, and I hope that reality does not lead us to do war again."

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"I could not agree more Prime Minister. I hope you enjoy your visit and festivities here in Tianxia."


After talking with the Japanese Prime Minister, Prime Minister Mary Baron would spot Imperator Nikolas Aleksandr of Russia leaving the assembly line and walk over to great him.


"Your excellency, it is an honor to meet you and to see you here. How does Russia fare these days?"

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Emma van Buren, Noord-Uniestaat Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs, had been looking for an excuse to visit Tianxia. With the Union visit at work cleansing the scars of the Nozi violations, it was really up to her to bring things out of isolation. This invitation was the perfect setting for such effort. Aside from her secretary, she arrived virtually alone.


She'll look for a chance to speak to the Tianxia officials for a separate conference after all this was over.

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"Emperor," Dr. Zelaya greeted the Tiaxian ruler respectfully, "It has been too long since our two nations met at the highest levels. The President asked that I extend his regrets that he could not be here today in person, but business has kept him away. With his own election arriving soon, President Diokno hoped you would understand.

On a lighter note, if you ever wish for a change of scenery or a break from Imperial affairs, you need only mention the word and Selenarctos would be honored to receive you in official capacity or at your leisure."


"Indeed.  I understand, I hope we can resume dialogues at some point to return the relationship to a more solid footing." the Emperor said bowing.  



"Not at all, I just wonder if the entertainment will be as good as the last few times" She responded with a smile. "And we should, there are a lot of developments in general to speak about more directly rather than having our embassy staffs and UN ambassadors do it"


"Heh." he said smirking, "That of course depends on the target list." he said.




The Russian Embassy to Tianxia would rapidly make preparations for the arrival of the three person delegation after they had confirmed the acceptance of the Tianxian invitation. A modest hotel suite in Qingyuan would be reserved for the delegation. 
At the pre-arranged time, the Vaulian Imperator and Co-Tsar of Russia Nikolas Aleksandr arrived along with an upper level bureaucrat from the Foreign Affairs Ministry and his Chief of Staff Yulia Mikhailova. As the car approached the Palace, Yulia spent her time attempting to memorize photographs of key officials and foreign dignitaries likely to be in attendance at the event. Once they arrived, they joined the receiving line to greet their hosts. According to protocol, the Imperator would approach first with Yulia two paces behind him, and the graying bureaucrat two paces behind her. Yulia made a mental note to point out the fact that their delegation consisted of a 20 year old monarch, a 30 year old official and a 40 year old bureaucrat in her post event report to the Embassy.
When their turn arrived, the Imperator gave a polite bow before addressing the Emperor.
“Your Imperial Majesty, thank you for your gracious invitation. May I convey my congratulations and best wishes, and those of the Russian people, to the new Tianxian government and to your majesty.”- Nikolas Aleksandr.
After exchanging greetings with the Tianxian Emperor and Prime Minister, the Imperator would introduce his Chief of Staff and the bureaucrat. Before moving along to join the other delegations, the Imperator would present a gift of a rare bottle of Vaulian Imperial Vodka to the hosts. 



"Thank you, indeed Russia is a true friend and we welcome you here.  Please enjoy the party. I hope you enjoy yourself."


With that the Emperor left the receiving line and Imperial officials began to roam around the grounds.  The Emperor himself went for the bar as the lesser travelled australia section to throw back a pint of imperial pale ale, and decompress from the long line of people.


Emma van Buren, Noord-Uniestaat Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs, had been looking for an excuse to visit Tianxia. With the Union visit at work cleansing the scars of the Nozi violations, it was really up to her to bring things out of isolation. This invitation was the perfect setting for such effort. Aside from her secretary, she arrived virtually alone.


She'll look for a chance to speak to the Tianxia officials for a separate conference after all this was over.


"You look lost." a voice said behind her.  The Imperial Crown Prince was watching this odd visitor, from Europe evidently, but she was not among the Athenian Delegation, who'd he'd been made to memorize.  Her lack of entourage was something, that instantly garnered attention, especially in light of some of the more elaborate delegations among even smaller players.

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Arriving at the celebration President Marston would meet with all of the Tianxian delegates assembled to greet the arriving guests.  "Emperor Jia.  I would like to thank you for the invitation to this celebration, as well as your assistance in mediating the recent problem in Western Canada.  I do believe this is my first time in Tianxia as President of the Commonwealth and I must say everything has been very well so far".

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Noticing the arrival of Marston, Prime Minister Tachibana would slowly make her way to the President. Waiting for an opportunity to talk to him, she would adress the head of state of the American Commonwealth, once he seemed to not be occupied with anything else. Politely bowing her head for a moment, the rather short Prime Minister would start. "Good day, Mister Marston, I assume? One would hope you are enjoying your stay in Qingyuan." Looking at the man with a friendly smile, Tachibana would not beat around the bush much. "I'm Tachibana Rika, Prime Minister of the Japanese Empire. I would hope you'd have some time for talks, given it might be good to adress a few issues that occurred recently."

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"That is good to hear." Tachibana smiled, hearing that at least the first step had worked so far. "I would guess, while the party here sure is interesting, it might be good, if the discussions would happen somewhere with less people around. So, either some less frequented corner or an entirely seperate room might be prefered." She thought for a moment about where to go. "Well, if this is fine with you. Of course, we can talk this over with also at a later point of time, when you were able to greet more of the other guests."

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