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TanZamBorneo War OOC Thread


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Ok, so i've had to deal with a large number of things RL and haven't even been on to deal with CN Stuff, much less CN:RP.


Due to mass OOC whatnot in the war thread, I decided to make this OOC thread for the war or whatever. I got a PM saying I was being invaded on here, basically all I see is a large number of countries invading me.


I have been PMed not long ago before my jumba thread about a bloc b/w Zambia, Russia, Tanzania, and Borneo. Then an IRC channel was made to talk about it, and now I am being invaded.


1) What is going on?

2) How is being in an IRC channel a CB?

3) If "plotting" was done (Referencing Triyun's Topic Tag), then why am I being invaded as I haven't done anything IC since making "The Jumba" thread which was for embassies.

4) Can someone link me to the threads of the plotting so I can see where I was involved in this?

5) I was reading the last OOC part of the thread just now, I see that it is supposedly an OOC war? Does that mean it's non-canon or whatever you call it?

Edited by Rotavele
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1. Tianxia used a search of Zambian vessels to frame Zambia of possessing chemical weapons. Tianxia then proceeded to declare Borneo, Tanzania and Zambia something like the axis of Evil and call for a Coalition of the Willing to root it out. South Africa then extented an offer of diplomatic negotiations to both sides, where Zambia and Tanzania would be limited in their armies, in return for South African protection, so that Tianxia and Athens would not feel "threatened" any longer. Up to now, you did not respond however.

2. In an OOC logic.

3. Because, as far as I see it, due to you OOC plotting against him, which would later be turned into IC logic, he turned OOC intentions into IC logic now. To him you seem to be part of the conspiracy.

4. There are none. At best this.

5. You think Triyun would start a non-canon war in such a manner? It's canon.


Now, I would recommend not going to merely argue that Triyun made claims up, because OOCly, we all know that much and the court already established that lying is not a violation of the rules. Better read through the Operation Lifeline and Operation Enduring Wolf threads and work something out there. It's not that hard, if you aren't stupid about it.

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1. Tianxia used a search of Zambian vessels to frame Zambia of possessing chemical weapons. Tianxia then proceeded to declare Borneo, Tanzania and Zambia something like the axis of Evil and call for a Coalition of the Willing to root it out. South Africa then extented an offer of diplomatic negotiations to both sides, where Zambia and Tanzania would be limited in their armies, in return for South African protection, so that Tianxia and Athens would not feel "threatened" any longer. Up to now, you did not respond however.

2. In an OOC logic.

3. Because, as far as I see it, due to you OOC plotting against him, which would later be turned into IC logic, he turned OOC intentions into IC logic now. To him you seem to be part of the conspiracy.

4. There are none. At best this.

5. You think Triyun would start a non-canon war in such a manner? It's canon.


Now, I would recommend not going to merely argue that Triyun made claims up, because OOCly, we all know that much and the court already established that lying is not a violation of the rules. Better read through the Operation Lifeline and Operation Enduring Wolf threads and work something out there. It's not that hard, if you aren't stupid about it.


I see now, Thank you.

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Answering here:



Ooc: There was no Ooc plot bro just a bloc being planned out Idk what you were told or what Aggron was saying to potential candidates we were interested in, but my intention was to build a bloc within the Indian ocean. Yes you would have been excluded I didn't trust you at the time and after this probably will never trust you. But now it's gone from quiet bloc formation to conspiracy. Rota wasn't even involved just hung out in the irc Chan we had. He doesn't deserve to get rolled and neither do I. There was no hostile intent only speculation of how you would react which with this shows rather poorly. You lost it over rumor and speculation man now shit or get off the pot.


Edit: Spelling


You're responsible for the company you keep.  Now I of course merely struck out of pure coincidence but KK has informed me subsequently that indeed here was a quite vicious sounding conspiracy of which you were both active members.  Which would be a terribly frightful thing as it would mean hat you two were engaged in an OOC plot as well as Aggron, which you seem to be implying was also involved.  Most distressing.  I guess people should avoid such things in the future to avoid such embarrassing hypocrisy.   :smug:

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Answering here:




You're responsible for the company you keep.  Now I of course merely struck out of pure coincidence but KK has informed me subsequently that indeed here was a quite vicious sounding conspiracy of which you were both active members.  Which would be a terribly frightful thing as it would mean hat you two were engaged in an OOC plot as well as Aggron, which you seem to be implying was also involved.  Most distressing.  I guess people should avoid such things in the future to avoid such embarrassing hypocrisy.   :smug:


poor triyun, head's so stuck far up your own ass you can't even see the light of day. 

Well I don't see a reason to convince you any further seeing how you've found us out (apparently). But I know what I did, but next time I need problem removed from cnrp i'll just gossip about a possible plot being hatched against triyun. It's been shown you're incredibly poor at deciding the course of...well anything.


Instead of properly insuring our destruction by laying down proof of this so called 'conspiracy' day 1(logs even fake ones would be better than this), where you could have gathered your support, removed the possibility of shammy or even Ikrolm from stepping in for their protectorates and permanently tarnishing our reputations as rp'ers. You within IC 'without cause' seized 45,000 troops being sent to bring peace to another nation knee deep in a civil war, accused zambia of supporting terrorist along with tanzania and borneo. Through this cent got involved, who attacked zambia and tanzania in a preemptive strike. IC wise, this looks like unchecked aggression on your part which ie is pretty bad triyun. 

This has been dragged out for a week, at any time evidence of such conspiracy could have been laid out and the matter finished. But there is none, because such event never occurred. But poor ole triyun has me ladies and gentlemen, because kk told him.  :facepalm:




Oh almost forgot, when say kk, did you mean kevin kingswell? the guy you threatened viceroyship over a comment and now is in Africa? Over a comment triyun...an IC comment about you going off the deep end.

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poor triyun, head's so stuck far up your own ass you can't even see the light of day. 

Well I don't see a reason to convince you any further seeing how you've found us out (apparently). But I know what I did, but next time I need problem removed from cnrp i'll just gossip about a possible plot being hatched against triyun. It's been shown you're incredibly poor at deciding the course of...well anything.


Instead of properly insuring our destruction by laying down proof of this so called 'conspiracy' day 1(logs even fake ones would be better than this), where you could have gathered your support, removed the possibility of shammy or even Ikrolm from stepping in for their protectorates and permanently tarnishing our reputations as rp'ers. You within IC 'without cause' seized 45,000 troops being sent to bring peace to another nation knee deep in a civil war, accused zambia of supporting terrorist along with tanzania and borneo. Through this cent got involved, who attacked zambia and tanzania in a preemptive strike. IC wise, this looks like unchecked aggression on your part which ie is pretty bad triyun. 

This has been dragged out for a week, at any time evidence of such conspiracy could have been laid out and the matter finished. But there is none, because such event never occurred. But poor ole triyun has me ladies and gentlemen, because kk told him.  :facepalm:




Oh almost forgot, when say kk, did you mean kevin kingswell? the guy you threatened viceroyship over a comment and now is in Africa? Over a comment triyun...an IC comment about you going off the deep end.

Didn't you read Triyun's post? He quite clearly established we only found out about the plot after the attacks were done. Triyun made a valid ic move in detaining an enormous foreign force crossing its territory with negligible advance notice. He then used this opportunity to take out historical ic opponents. 

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Answering here:




You're responsible for the company you keep.  Now I of course merely struck out of pure coincidence but KK has informed me subsequently that indeed here was a quite vicious sounding conspiracy of which you were both active members.  Which would be a terribly frightful thing as it would mean hat you two were engaged in an OOC plot as well as Aggron, which you seem to be implying was also involved.  Most distressing.  I guess people should avoid such things in the future to avoid such embarrassing hypocrisy.   :smug:


Here's your full logs of our evil scheming to bring down your great nation.


Session Start: Wed Jul 24 14:42:17 2013
Session Ident: #cnrp_Cott
02[14:42] * Attempting to rejoin channel #cnrp_Cott
03[14:42] * Rejoined channel #cnrp_Cott
03[14:42] * Topic is 'This channel doesn't exist, you talk about it beyond here you'll be thrown under'
03[14:42] * Set by Aggron|Away on Mon Jul 22 18:01:01
03[15:15] * Rotavele[NSO] is now known as Chotavele
03[15:16] * Chotavele is now known as Rotavele[NSO]
03[15:19] * Greywall ([IP]) has joined #cnrp_cott
03[15:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +oq Greywall Greywall
03[15:21] * HighEmperorAggron sets mode: +v Rotavele[NSO]
[15:21] <&HighEmperorAggron> Hey greywall
04[15:21] <&HighEmperorAggron> hey rota
[15:21] <~Greywall> sup
04[15:23] <&HighEmperorAggron> I'm signing an MDAP with ROTA
[15:23] <~Greywall> sweet
[15:24] <~Greywall> just ask if he wants in a bloc
[15:24] <&HighEmperorAggron> Okay sounds good.
[15:56] <&HighEmperorAggron> invite Koolkevz666 and try and convince him into our bloc
[15:56] <~Greywall> whose he?
[15:57] <&HighEmperorAggron> he is S.america protectorate
[15:57] <&HighEmperorAggron> He has a massive nation in s. america
[15:57] <~Greywall> ok
[15:57] <&HighEmperorAggron> I had an mdp with him before
[15:58] <~Greywall> no such nickname online
[15:58] <&HighEmperorAggron> invited him
[15:58] <&HighEmperorAggron> just give him voice
[15:59] <&HighEmperorAggron> "/voice
[15:59] <~Greywall> no such nickname online
[15:59] <&HighEmperorAggron> Koolkevz666
[15:59] <&HighEmperorAggron> like that^
[16:00] <~Greywall> nothing
[16:00] <&HighEmperorAggron> see ya tonight greywall
[16:00] <~Greywall> ok
03[16:08] * Koolkevz666 ([IP]) has joined #cnrp_cott
[16:08] <Koolkevz666> Hi
[16:08] <~Greywall> sup
03[16:08] * Greywall sets mode: +v Koolkevz666
[16:09] <+Koolkevz666> So I heard you are making a bloc.
[16:09] <~Greywall> we are
[16:09] <~Greywall> interested?
[16:10] <+Koolkevz666> Perhaps. I need details.
04[16:11] <~Greywall> The bloc will be made up of me, aggron, rota as of right now. We're securing MDP's with each other.
[16:15] <~Greywall> anything else you'd like to know?
[16:19] <+Koolkevz666> How exactly would you enforce the idea of protecting others?
02[16:20] * &HighEmperorAggron ([IP]) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[16:20] <~Greywall> MDPs, combined military strength, if someone messes with you they mess with the bloc. one of us rolls, we all roll
[16:21] <+Koolkevz666> Okay so exactly how much strength are you aiming for. Use IG NS values if you would please.
[16:23] <~Greywall> 150k ns
[16:23] <~Greywall> we have combined right now 36
[16:23] <~Greywall> k
[16:25] <~Greywall> we're also working on getting curristan, melech, and the russians to join us or treaty tie us
[16:28] <+Koolkevz666> Okay it might be possible but I will need to see what the others do. I can't agree to something that might put me at a disadvantage.
[16:29] <~Greywall> understandable
[16:30] <~Greywall> appreciate you coming in anyway
[16:31] <+Koolkevz666> Keep me updated on how it goes. If some of the others join in then I will as well.
[16:31] <~Greywall> cool, will do
[16:34] <~Greywall> g2g, i'll talk with ya later
02[16:35] * ~Greywall ([IP]) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
02[17:16] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Jul 24 17:16:57 2013


Session Start: Fri Jul 26 23:17:32 2013
Session Ident: #cnrp_cott
02[23:17] * Attempting to rejoin channel #cnrp_cott
03[23:17] * Rejoined channel #cnrp_cott
03[23:17] * Topic is 'For the coalition of the thorns'
03[23:17] * Set by HighEmperorAggron on Thu Jul 25 00:57:50
03[23:21] * Greywall has joined #cnrp_cott
03[23:21] * ChanServ sets mode: +oq Greywall Greywall
02[23:28] * ~Greywall Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
01[23:29] <Rotavele[NSO]> so Justinian_the_Mighty
01[23:30] <Rotavele[NSO]> what is this again
[23:31] <+Justinian_the_Mighty> This is cnrp's reckoning
03[23:33] * HighEmperorAggron  has joined #cnrp_cott
03[23:33] * ChanServ sets mode: +oa HighEmperorAggron HighEmperorAggron
02[23:37] * &HighEmperorAggron Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
03[23:44] * HighEmperorAggron has joined #cnrp_cott
03[23:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +oa HighEmperorAggron HighEmperorAggron
Session Time: Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2013
03[00:42] * HighEmperorAggron is now known as dead
03[00:43] * dead is now known as TheRisenAncestor
03[00:49] * Greywall has joined #cnrp_cott
03[00:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +oq Greywall Greywall
03[01:09] * HighEmperorAggron has joined #cnrp_cott
03[01:09] * ChanServ sets mode: +oa HighEmperorAggron HighEmperorAggron
02[01:13] * &TheRisenAncestor Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
02[01:44] * ~Greywall  Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
02[02:12] * +Justinian_the_Mighty Quit (Connection reset by peer)
02[02:21] * &HighEmperorAggron Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
03[13:25] * HighEmperorAggron  has joined #cnrp_cott
03[13:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +oa HighEmperorAggron HighEmperorAggron
03[13:52] * HighEmperorAggron sets mode: +v Rotavele[NSO]
02[14:22] * &HighEmperorAggron Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
02[14:43] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Jul 27 14:43:32 2013

Session Start: Sat Jul 27 14:43:32 2013
Session Ident: #cnrp_cott
02[14:50] * Attempting to rejoin channel #cnrp_cott
03[14:50] * Rejoined channel #cnrp_cott
03[14:51] * ChanServ changes topic to 'For the coalition of the thorns'
03[14:51] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr-o Rotavele[NSO]
03[15:10] * HighEmperorAggron has joined #cnrp_cott
03[15:10] * ChanServ sets mode: +oa HighEmperorAggron HighEmperorAggron
02[15:22] * &HighEmperorAggron Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
02[19:57] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Jul 27 19:57:26 2013


Session Start: Sun Jul 28 01:10:24 2013
Session Ident: #cnrp_cott
02[01:28] * Attempting to rejoin channel #cnrp_cott
03[01:28] * Rejoined channel #cnrp_cott
03[01:28] * ChanServ changes topic to 'For the coalition of the thorns'
03[01:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr-o Rotavele[NSO]
02[11:47] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Jul 28 11:47:43 2013


Session Start: Sun Jul 28 11:56:44 2013
Session Ident: #cnrp_cott
02[19:57] * Attempting to rejoin channel #cnrp_cott
03[19:57] * Rejoined channel #cnrp_cott
03[19:57] * ChanServ changes topic to 'For the coalition of the thorns'
03[19:57] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr-o Rotavele[NSO]
02[20:16] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Jul 28 20:16:44 2013


Session Start: Sun Jul 28 20:16:44 2013
Session Ident: #cnrp_cott
02[20:31] * Attempting to rejoin channel #cnrp_cott
03[20:31] * Rejoined channel #cnrp_cott
03[20:31] * ChanServ changes topic to 'For the coalition of the thorns'
03[20:31] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr-o Rotavele[NSO]
02[21:27] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Jul 28 21:27:41 2013


Basically a lot of the above repeated over and over until:


Session Start: Sun Aug 04 20:07:03 2013
Session Ident: #cnrp_cott
02[23:18] * Attempting to rejoin channel #cnrp_cott
03[23:18] * Rejoined channel #cnrp_cott
03[23:18] * Topic is 'For the coalition of the thorns'
03[23:18] * Set by HighEmperorAggron on Thu Jul 25 00:57:50
03[23:48] * HighEmperorAggron sets mode: +v Rotavele
Session Time: Mon Aug 05 00:00:00 2013
03[00:05] * HighEmperorAggron is now known as Aggron
03[00:12] * Aggron is now known as Batman
03[00:12] * Batman is now known as HighEmperorAggron
03[00:14] * HighEmperorAggron is now known as ErickSonofLoki
02[00:29] * &ErickSonofLoki Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
03[00:49] * HighEmperorAggron has joined #cnrp_cott
03[00:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +oa HighEmperorAggron HighEmperorAggron
03[00:59] * Greywall ([IP]) has joined #cnrp_cott
03[00:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +oq Greywall Greywall
04[01:05] <~Greywall> Rotavele: I apologize for all the bullshit triyun is pulling
01[01:05] <+Rotavele> Its cool, not you guys fault
[01:05] <~Greywall> but shammy and I taking care of it
01[01:05] <+Rotavele> <3
[01:06] <~Greywall> triyun really thinks A) we were plotting against him B) three nations that don't even match his ns were a threat C) is fucked IC wise
04[01:06] <&HighEmperorAggron> Rota :D
01[01:06] <+Rotavele> :P
[01:06] <~Greywall> ^ oh he's joining africa in a week too
01[01:07] <+Rotavele> Just ignore it all
[01:07] <~Greywall> it's what i'm doing :P
[01:07] <~Greywall> makes him look like a douchetard
04[01:07] <&HighEmperorAggron> Love you rota
01[01:07] <+Rotavele> We should all pretend we dont really know each other xD
[01:07] <&HighEmperorAggron> <3
01[01:07] <+Rotavele> <3
[01:07] <~Greywall> well everyone knows me an aggron were rolling a mdp
[01:07] <&HighEmperorAggron> But we dont ;)"
[01:08] <~Greywall> lol
[01:08] <~Greywall> da
[01:09] <~Greywall> well sort of
[01:09] <~Greywall> do what
[01:10] <&HighEmperorAggron> Your first name?
[01:12] <&HighEmperorAggron> Your first name is rondagarius?
[01:15] <~Greywall> also warm up to the new guy kharak
[01:15] <~Greywall> kevin kingswell's new nation in africa
[01:15] <&HighEmperorAggron> I dont know either.
[01:16] <~Greywall> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/117836-kharak/
[01:20] <&HighEmperorAggron> Lol triyun
[01:21] <&HighEmperorAggron> I dont like triyun
[01:21] <~Greywall> deep down, secretly...i bet cent doesn't either
[01:22] <~Greywall> no one really does except cent, yawoo and eva
[01:22] <~Greywall> yawoo seemed like a cool gm at first too
[01:22] <&HighEmperorAggron> at first
04[01:23] <~Greywall> let him roll on rota twice
[01:23] <~Greywall> tri moved his ships off the coast (first move) then moved them into Tanzania (second move)
01[01:24] <+Rotavele> Cent and Triyun have been friends forever
01[01:24] <+Rotavele> and then a few months ago almost went to war
[01:24] <&HighEmperorAggron> I really want to make a cnrp thats not on the cn forums, so we dont have their bullshit
01[01:24] <+Rotavele> now they're bffs again
01[01:24] <+Rotavele> Been done many times, and failed unfortunately
[01:25] <~Greywall> idk why, this rp is just triyun playing in a sandbox while cent holds the other kids down in the dirt
[01:25] <&HighEmperorAggron> ^
[01:27] <&HighEmperorAggron> Its stupid.
[01:27] <&HighEmperorAggron> And it pisses me off.
[01:28] <~Greywall>The GM's should have torn this cb apart
[01:29] <~Greywall> ....it's a text based rp
[01:31] <&HighEmperorAggron> Yeah :P
01[01:34] <+Rotavele> Theres no ic support behind it o.o
[01:34] <~Greywall> behind what
01[01:34] <+Rotavele> his cb
01[01:35] <+Rotavele> Basically he just randomly declared
01[01:35] <+Rotavele> We haven't RPed anything
[01:35] <~Greywall> pretty much
[01:35] <~Greywall> it's just Tianxia gone apeshit
[01:37] <&HighEmperorAggron> Just wait.
[01:37] <~Greywall> basically all that happened was, triyun planted some bullshit chem weapons on troops that were going to fight the borneo civil war and he attacked
[01:37] <~Greywall> we are
[01:37] <&HighEmperorAggron> Just wait and I'll be in africa
04[01:37] <&HighEmperorAggron> Raiding rota ;)
04[01:37] <~Greywall> I think him sending troops across rota's border was him trying to lure rota going to attack him
04[01:38] <&HighEmperorAggron> Rota is smart
04[01:38] <~Greywall> but Rotavele, don't retaliate, withdraw your troops into the major cities and wait for sham. we're gonna make triyun look like a dickhead and give in
01[01:38] <+Rotavele> Not smart, just havent been on :P
[01:38] <&HighEmperorAggron> :P
04[01:38] <&HighEmperorAggron> Rota war with me :3
01[01:39] <+Rotavele> y
[01:39] <~Greywall> tri is digging in, he could have launched a major offensive into tanzania
[01:39] <&HighEmperorAggron> Cause itd be funny. We could send unarmed soldiers against each other.
[01:40] <&HighEmperorAggron> Is that a declaration of sexy war :P
[01:40] <~Greywall> but it's just tri invading africa
01[01:41] <+Rotavele> lol
[01:42] <&HighEmperorAggron> Haha but you underestimate THE CONGOLESE MAMBA No. 1 penetrator.
02[02:16] * ~Greywall ([IP]) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
02[02:24] * &HighEmperorAggron ([IP]) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
02[12:02] * Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Aug 05 12:02:23 2013

EDIT: missed a few IP removals.

Edited by Rotavele
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Well for one to complain and war over OOC plotting that never happened, Where is your and Triyun's IC chat on planning/plotting this war, Cent?


Also yeah, I didn't really read your post yet. I kind of try to steer clear from you and Triyun until I am told I have to. I think a large majority of this community has joined in on that stance as well.

Edited by Rotavele
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Rota here's cent's preempt on us, http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/82847-the-athens-times/page-18


I think it was an honest mistake cent, I didn't even know about it till shammy told me :P

I meant this one. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/117744-operation-enduring-wolf/?p=3153802


Well for one to complain and war over OOC plotting that never happened, Where is your and Triyun's IC chat on planning/plotting this war, Cent?


Also yeah, I didn't really read your post yet. I kind of try to steer clear from you and Triyun until I am told I have to. I think a large majority of this community has joined in on that stance as well.

There were no prior ooc discussions, Triyun invited all willing parties to join and through the MDAP there was an obligation to strike.

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This is silly. Triyun has to stamp out any bloc besides his own apparently. If this were IG all of CN would have come together under the coalition of Karma and all of Triyuns allies would wimp out and let Triyun get beat down and then come in too late to help. Then have draconian terms placed upon him. But alas this is CNRP. Where any hope of escaping the tyranny that is Triyun is crushed before it even blossoms. Stamped underneath the glorious Tianxian foot. I for one accept our old Tianxian overlords. All hail the glorious Triyun and friends. Long live etc etc.

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This is silly. Triyun has to stamp out any bloc besides his own apparently. If this were IG all of CN would have come together under the coalition of Karma and all of Triyuns allies would wimp out and let Triyun get beat down and then come in too late to help. Then have draconian terms placed upon him. But alas this is CNRP. Where any hope of escaping the tyranny that is Triyun is crushed before it even blossoms. Stamped underneath the glorious Tianxian foot. I for one accept our old Tianxian overlords. All hail the glorious Triyun and friends. Long live etc etc.


Careful. This is OOC plotting, better edit it.

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Careful. This is OOC plotting, better edit it.

But couldn't you tell my sincerity by how I employed sarcastic hyperbole? Honestly if Triyun invaded me I'd probably just rename my nation "The Federal Empire of Neo Athenxia" and spend my time making silly propaganda messaged on the FENA news network about the Tianxian emperor sneezing.

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This is what Africa gets for ousting the Imperial Family....


Seriously, if I had to fight Triyun and Centurius... I wouldn't want your crazy ass on my side.


Just shut the hell up with all this "holier than thou"... "I am a Martyr" bullshit, it was already getting old with Aggron spouting it off when he was trying to go on crusade against Triyun... yours just sounds like a terrible broken record.

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Seriously, if I had to fight Triyun and Centurius... I wouldn't want your crazy ass on my side.


Just shut the hell up with all this "holier than thou"... "I am a Martyr" bullshit, it was already getting old with Aggron spouting it off when he was trying to go on crusade against Triyun... yours just sounds like a terrible broken record.


But he has 100% self-sufficient subterranean bases underneath the ocean that magically appeared!

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Seriously, if I had to fight Triyun and Centurius... I wouldn't want your crazy ass on my side.


Just shut the hell up with all this "holier than thou"... "I am a Martyr" bullshit, it was already getting old with Aggron spouting it off when he was trying to go on crusade against Triyun... yours just sounds like a terrible broken record.


Excuse me? Do you know what your talking about? I never launched a holy war because the agreement was that Merina would be secular. Fattysocialist I wouldn't mind being a martyr and only a fool would consider it bullshit but clearly you are the biggest fool of all. Also this is the internet why you mad?

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But he has 100% self-sufficient subterranean bases underneath the ocean that magically appeared!

Also the Press Release said the bases were recently completed. Indicating they were recently finished being constructed. Where was magic mentioned? Can you understand english? This isn't my native language and I understand it better than you.

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Also the Press Release said the bases were recently completed. Indicating they were recently finished being constructed. Where was magic mentioned? Can you understand english? This isn't my native language and I understand it better than you.

Your news messages can say a lot of stuff but bases like those need months of sustained rp. So they don't exist, if you insist your people are underwater they have drowned by now.

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