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Cash bonfires

Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz

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Failing a lot of spy ops against opponents with better tech  and rebuying those spies probably was the biggest toll aside from air force costs. Winning most of them the second round made up for it at least. Also, buying a WRC 5 minutes before the first war thread showed up didn't help matters :P


I had a few opponents stock up on max cruise missiles to boost their NS for some reason. 

Edited by Chaoshawk
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NSO literally daily tries to spy away hidden nukes and for some reason they have an affinity for stupid spy ops like 'destroy tech' or whatever.. 


I mean I can understand the accidental 'destroy CMs' one because of the refresh thing, but the rest is inexcusable. 


Ive done destroy tech twice this war... but it was by accident both times.

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Each opponent that attempted to fight back was wasting money. :smug:


The biggest waste I saw was one opponent buying several thousand infra to win a GA on the last day of our war. Yeah, he won the GA, but at that cost I will happily let him have it. He just got bigger nations on him next round and he's still over my NS cause that was a LOT of infra, but he'll get to the same place a week or two later just the same.


Smaller wastes - enemy nations attempting to destroy my tech, lol. Also I just spent too much money to mess up an IRS, because someone on my side that shouldnt have been running spy ops on the nation yesterday did. Also someone on my side telling me destroying money was a waste - he goes on my shocking ignorance list and I just sit in amazement, because he actually seems mostly competent otherwise.

Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
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I've got a really, really bad one here but I need some help analyzing it. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=144757 I remember seeing this guy up around 19k infra when scouting. Now he had a round with an ODN guy apparently.

Then he rebought the infra he lost:


Now See this:

You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Pwnzoredlol. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:
Desired Religion: Christianity
Desired Government: Communist
Threat Level: Low
Tax Rate: 30%
Number of Spies: 800
Last Nuke Purchase: 2/8/2013 3:57:15 PM
Last Wonder Purchase: 2/9/2013
Total Money: $71,416,087
Technology: 8,001.72 Levels
Last Bill Payment: 2/11/2013 6:44:09 PM
Trade Partners: Carpolia, Ethany, SEptiville, Wherzo, Apshai
Secret Aid Sent To: None
Total Aircraft: 105
Aircraft Fighter Strength: 918
Aircraft Bomber Strength: 27
Navy Purchases Today: 0
Navy Vessels:
Corvettes: 9
Landing Ships: 10
Battleships: 12
Cruisers: 8
Frigates: 8
Destroyers: 9
Submarines: 8
Aircraft Carriers: 8
Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.

So I ask....how much did he waste on rebuying infra you think? How much does 19k Infra cost from 0 anyway? How long til he recovers? Edited by magicninja
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Magic, for my nation from ZI to 18,999 is just over 3.6 bil

So he's only a few billion short then? Tsk. Tsk. I didn't look at his wonders etc but say even if he kept that $71 mil...which he won't...Laser is spying it away. How long to rebuild by infra jumps etc?

Seems to me with that infra buy and all that lost infra...it will end up being about a $5billion mistake and a year or two in GPA to recover. Edited by magicninja
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