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I'm done.


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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1350729965' post='3043303']
I'm not sorry for what I did. Things aren't always fair, and in the process of doing something, 'innocents' may occasionally suffer. I'm not trying to justify myself, though. I know what I've done, I know it's an ass move, and I'm fine with that. Makes people less likely to try and deal with me.

Don't turn this into a message or something, you are a child that couldn't get what he wanted and because of it you took the proverbial ball and went home.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1350738657' post='3043319']
Don't turn this into a message or something, you are a child that couldn't get what he wanted and because of it you took the proverbial ball and went home.
[/quote]I would've done this regardless of getting the colonies, just a day or two later. Ask Kankou, Evangeline or Sargun. They've known about this, I talked to them in IRC.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1350740525' post='3043331']
I would've done this regardless of getting the colonies, just a day or two later. Ask Kankou, Evangeline or Sargun. They've known about this, I talked to them in IRC.

That only makes it even more childish.

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You sound like a petulant child who nobody wanted to play with who in a stroke of brilliance stomped around the sandbox before walking to another and proclaiming "if anyone wants to play with me I'll be over here!"

It's sad and silly what you've done Lynneth... I hope it was all worth it.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1350688868' post='3043119']
We are terrible - we've ran out three people in the last 48 hours, and nearly a dozen in the last year, our community has the social skills of small rodents, and no one here is friendly unless they want something from you because the friendly people never want to be around us.

I'd say this situation is just about right.

This "community" is made up of the kind of people who like to pretend they run nations. They're not the most sociable types.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1350759901' post='3043403']
This "community" is made up of the kind of people who like to pretend they run nations. They're not the most sociable types.

If you and PresidentDavid are so disgusted with CNRP, the door's right over there. Otherwise, quit !@#$%*ing about how everybody here is an antisocial dickwad.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1350759901' post='3043403']
This "community" is made up of the kind of people who like to pretend they run nations. They're not the most sociable types.

This is actually one of the most intelligent things i've ever heard of from anyone in CNRP. This man deserves a medal.

In any case, Lynneth, I hope I was considered one of the 'innocents' in your crusade. Farewell.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1350778632' post='3043474']
I rest my case.

Please don't assume that dotcom speaks for the community as a whole. Take into the consideration that Triyun and others on this very thread have engaged you in a civil discourse. Dotcom who barely posts icly represents only himself with his opinion. I'm sure other people could echo it, but you do a disservice to those who took the time to come up with counter-arguments to your first claim that somehow the old members of this community are being driven off with burning torches and pitchforks.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1350762043' post='3043409']
If you and PresidentDavid are so disgusted with CNRP, the door's right over there. Otherwise, quit !@#$%*ing about how everybody here is an antisocial dickwad.

I'm not disgusted with CNRP at all.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1350787893' post='3043534']
Please don't assume that dotcom speaks for the community as a whole. Take into the consideration that Triyun and others on this very thread have engaged you in a civil discourse. Dotcom who barely posts icly represents only himself with his opinion. I'm sure other people could echo it, but you do a disservice to those who took the time to come up with counter-arguments to your first claim that somehow the old members of this community are being driven off with burning torches and pitchforks.

[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1350778632' post='3043474']
I rest my case.

I speak as someone who used to be in the same boat and used to feel exactly the same way. But I've matured a bit and I think I know better than to fall back to just 'this community sucks, everyone here is antisocial and drives people off', and I have no desire to engage in civil discourse over what just isn't my problem. Lynneth is not a victim here. Lynneth, whom I generally have a lot of respect for as a good RPer and person, has done what is essentially the definition of taking his ball and going home, and then deleting the map just to be a dick about it. People, as TBM said, are not being driven off from CNRP with burning torches and pitchforks. CNRP is not the insular, narcissistic, antisocial community you are so determined to perceive it to be. It has its ass holes just like any other community, but anyone who gives up and leaves because of that fact is the one at fault, not the victim.

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[quote]and I have no desire to engage in civil discourse over what just isn't my problem[/quote]

Actually, it really is your problem, No one is forcing you to be shirty, that's your choice entirely. You could have said the same thing politely, without the shirty flavor.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1350801939' post='3043607']
I speak as someone who used to be in the same boat and used to feel exactly the same way. But I've matured a bit and I think I know better than to fall back to just 'this community sucks, everyone here is antisocial and drives people off', and I have no desire to engage in civil discourse over what just isn't my problem. Lynneth is not a victim here. Lynneth, whom I generally have a lot of respect for as a good RPer and person, [b]has done what is essentially the definition of taking his ball and going home, and then deleting the map just to be a dick about it.[/b] People, as TBM said, are not being driven off from CNRP with burning torches and pitchforks. CNRP is not the insular, narcissistic, antisocial community you are so determined to perceive it to be. It has its ass holes just like any other community, but anyone who gives up and leaves because of that fact is the one at fault, not the victim.
Things like that happen when you've been trying to see the good in a community for the better part of 4 years, then finally lose the last few bits of respect you had for it, give up and want to have little to do with it anymore. Alienating some of the few decent people's sad, but it's not the end of the world, either.

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[quote name='Domingo the Honored' timestamp='1350685268' post='3043090']
Let me say that I didn't follow the recent space ordeal at all, but no matter what happened there, I would have expected better of you, Lyn. This really equates to "You guys are terrible, so I'm going to ragequit and exert what little power I have to inconvenience you, and then I'm going to go start my own thing so I can be my own boss, the only powerful person, and you all can suck it!!" And there's a nice little part that says this all predates the space arguments, which I personally don't believe for a second.

Really would have expected far more, man. Disappointed more than anything with this.

But hey, good luck. I mean that sincerely.
This is pretty much how I feel about this situation. Sad to see you go Lynneth, but have fun

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