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No Greater Purpose


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July 5th, 20XX

It was a hot summer day in the middle of Central Park. In what had once been known as New York City, a group of people gathered. They were all well-dressed, many middle-aged, though there was an odd younger or older person among them. But they all carried the same look in their eyes: one of purpose. One of destiny.

They walked as a group, thirteen in all. They walked through the trees to a podium, set up near a mosaic in the ground. That mosaic read "Imagine". It was appropriate for today.

A Caucasian man stepped forward. His eyes were that of someone who had seen too much, knew too much, but there was a hope for the future there. The lines on his face deepened as he pulled some papers from his suit jacket pocket. He nervously ran a hand through his brown hair, pushing it back as he spoke into the microphone. In front of him, a camera a truck that had been scavenged from an old media conglomerate, a "MediaCorp", stood silent. The truck would allow the message to be seen anywhere in the world. But today, there was just a few people they wanted to hear their message: those in Greenland and the American Commonwealth.

"Good morning," the man started before clearing his throat and beginning again. His voice was more authoritative this time. "Good morning. My name is Thomas Whitmore. I have been asked to speak this morning on behalf of those with me. We are a group of businesspeople, politicians, and community activists who have gathered together because we believe we can do better. We believe in what this land can be."

"For too long, this great land has foundered. Not because of the protection of Greenland or the American Commonwealth, but because of what this land once was... and what it is not now."

"If you will indulge me a brief history lesson. Once a nation called the United States of America ruled this land. During the Civil War, it fell. States broke away, forming new nations. The Republic of Tahoe. The Empire of Pravus Ingruo. These new nations were strong, and yet, flawed. For Tahoe, it was a xenophobia, a fear of those beyond North America's borders, and an unwillingness to change. For Pravus Ingruo it was corruption, the need to take the easy road. They allowed themselves to change too easily, and let themselves be consumed by only what was profitable, instead of what was right. But that was not their biggest offense."

"Their largest offense was to fear what had come before them. To fear a bastion, one of the greatest nation's the world has ever known. They feared freedom, the freedom that came with the United States of America."

"So the very name the United States of America was banned. The Empire actively fought against it a number of times. They used trickery, subterfuge, and backstabbing to eliminate the name from the planet. They did this because the United States was a threat to them. The United States represented everything they were not. And now Pravus Ingruo has fallen to ash."

"But from that ash, in this place now known as the Hero City, new heroes for freedom will rise. These heroes stand before you and with me today. We are The Founders, here to bring about the Fifth Republic of the United States of America."

"We make this plea publicly not to antagonize our protectors. We are merely asking for the freedom to govern our land as we see fit, and as is the best way possible for our people. We are asking our protectors, here and now, to allow the United States to rise again, and take shape here in the great state of New York." Whitmore held up sheets of paper.

"Our Declaration of Independence was sent to the governments of Greenland and the American Commonwealth yesterday, after it was signed by all thirteen Founders. We ask now that our request for our nation's founding in New York be granted, and that all freedom-loving nations of the world back our claim, so that we may once again get to work building that shining city on the hill, known as America. Thank you."

Whitmore stepped away from the podium. It was all in the hands of the governments of Greenland and the American Commonwealth now.

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The Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella urges its Allies in Greenland to prevent this incarnation taking hold and gaining Independance. The United States of America in all its incarnations have caused nothing but warfare and death. We will act with force is required to prevent this nation taking shape and form.

We apologise to Mr Whitmore, but we cannot allow such a destructive state to rise once again.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1341501785' post='3003951']
The Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella urges its Allies in Greenland to prevent this incarnation taking hold and gaining Independance. The United States of America in all its incarnations have caused nothing but warfare and death. We will act with force is required to prevent this nation taking shape and form.

We apologise to Mr Whitmore, but we cannot allow such a destructive state to rise once again.

An open letter to the Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella was sent by the Founders.

To the Government of the Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella,

We are afraid that we must disagree with your version of history. The first Republic fractured after the Civil War. The second was engaged in a Cold War with the then-Federation of Pravus Ingruo and fell apart. The third Republic was destroyed by Pravus Ingruo and New England. The fourth was also destroyed by Pravus Ingruo for simply having the name the United States of America. Yes, the incarnations of the Republic have caused warfare and death, but only because OTHERS have brought it upon them. Your comments make it seem as though you wish to continue that trend, which forces us to ask: do the United States bring warfare and death, or is it those from the outside that do?

The Founders[/quote]

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[i]"I don't see why the Umbrella commonwealth is asking for a member of the NADU to attack a new nation because of its name. We would appriciate it if greenland gave the nation a chance before invading it and causing more bloodshed on this continent seeing as how it just got out of war. Give the nation a chance, after all its just a name."[/i][b]- Fox News Analyst[/b]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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"The Commonwealth of the Southern Cross always has, and will continue to judge every global community member by their actions, we withhold recognition of this nation for now, until comment can be made by the American Commonwealth and Greenland, but laud local elements for their movement towards independence."

[i]Elizabeth Whittaker
Foreign Minister of the Commonwealth
Leading Foreign Representative of the Parliament of the Commonwealth[/i]

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1341523809' post='3004138']
The UCNA will hold recognition for the time being, but an attack from South America on a North American nation just for the nation forming will not be welcomed.

The Hellghan Ascendancy echoes the statement from its neighbour and whilst we do recognise the United States at this time this recognition may be withdrawn depending on Greenlands and the Commonwealths responses. We will however, defend this new nation against any aggression from a violent South American nation such as Umbrella.

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[b]Classified actions:[/b]

The First UCNA Attack/Defense Fleet (excluding those on patrol) moved to Manhattan respecting national waters to defend North American interests. The fleet would blockade any military ships not of propper intent but were ordered not to interfere with Greenland.

a message was sent to both nations.

[quote][u][b]To: The United States of America and Greenland
From: The UCNA high command[/b][/u]

The UCNA navy has posted its self near Manhattan to defend North American interests. We will in no way interfere with your nations movements in the region or the decisions of the Greenlandic government. We are strictly defending NADU/UCNA interests in the region. Namely defending this nation from aggression pending Greenlandic decisions.[/quote]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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The American Commonwealth is withholding recognition of this government until confirmation of approval can be made by the government of Greenland. In the meantime we will oppose any attempt to attack New York for reasons as shallow as the name of a nation.

[i]-American Commonwealth Department of State[/i]

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While the Founders waited for a response from the American Commonwealth and Greenland, they began moving through the island of Manhattan, talking with people on the street. It seemed word was spreading quickly about their press conference and Declaration of Independence.

And so they talked. They passed out flyers. They spoke one on one with the people of the Hero City. They spoke about the issues that affected them, how the Fifth Republic was not something to be feared, not something to be vilified, as some had said, but instead something to be embraced. Instead of fighting for their independence and support of the people with guns, they fought for hearts and minds. Manhattan and its surrounding areas had as many people as the rest of New York combined. Succeed in winning the hearts and minds of the people here, and it would be difficult for the Greenlandic and Commonwealth governments to deny their petition.

Another open letter was distributed to the press at large as well.


We thank you all for the support we have received from other nations thus far. Hopefully our application is being considered at this very moment, and hopefully it will be approved so we may begin the task of rebuilding this great state and nation.

We thank those that have offered protection, but respectfully ask that you do not put your soldiers' and sailors' lives in danger on our behalf. If there are nation-states that would attack us, let them do so and show their true colors to the world. I am sure that you will judge them fairly.

The Founders[/quote]

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[quote]"To judge the character of an entire nation and its government by its name and to furthermore threaten [I]war[/I] over it does not reflect well on our South American neighbours. The founders of this new incarnation have made the compelling argument that much unfair stigma is associated with the name of the United States of America, due in large part to the aggressive actions of the now defunct nation of Pravus Ingruo, and that Pravus Ingruo's vendetta against anything bearing the moniker of the USA is being maintained by a South American nation seems to me most worrisome.

As it is, the United States has the diplomatic recognition and support of the Republic of Pará in this regard."

-Premier Isabel Vieira[/quote]

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With the declaration of the nation of Vinsalia, on land that had already declared independence no less, the Founders accelerated their plans. Working with the Hero City Police Department, they began closing down the bridges and tunnels onto the island of Manhattan, save for those who lived or worked on the island. The Founders began setting up in the Hero City City Hall on E. 48th St.

The Founders also began working with the Hero City Police Department to draft a defense force together. The city's elite units were tasked with gathering heavier equipment to defend strategic points on the island. The Founders did not know the motives of Vinsalia, but they had no reason to believe they were friendly considering they had claimed land already claimed by the United States.

All told, just over four thousand police officers formed the new defense force. They were promptly rechristened the Fifth Army of the Republic.

100 of these soldiers were sent to Long Island. Their goal was simple: try to find any remaining members of the old Imperial regime who would be sympathetic to their cause. Rumors were that Dr. Church and groups of elite soldiers were still carrying on in a bunker somewhere in Long Island, but it was unknown where.

At City Hall, the Founders issued a statement.

[i][center]Flag of the United States of America[/center][/i]

Citizens of the world,

Earlier today, a nation called Vinsalia declared their existence, claiming New York as their own. This announcement comes after our public Declaration of Independence a few days ago, and claims the lands that we have asked for from Greenland and the American Commonwealth.

Further, this nation claims to be the product of a corporation, a Lilly Group, and claims to be a corporate state. Citizens of the world, I ask you, where is the freedom? Where is the dignity for humankind? In such a country, your ordinary man would get no respect. His rights would be subservient those of corporations. What kind of life is this?

I ask all nations of the world, here and now, to petition the nations of Greenland and the American Commonwealth to not allow this corporation to squash the rights of our brothers to the north. I thank the nations who have publically voiced their support for us, and ask that you continue to do so now more than ever. The future of our young nation and the freedom of our northern brethren depend on it.

The Founders

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[quote]To: The Founders of the United States of America
From: Government of Hellghan Ascendancy

We have recieved your message and having read through it and after much discussion among ourselves we wish to support your nation in their attempt at establishment. We are willing to provide many services including funding, supplies and even troops for defensive purposes if you require them. if you can get back to us as soon as possible with what you need we can begin to support you and your people. [/quote]

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Bombardier Learjet had its main sales office for Northeastern America at Hero City/New York City, because of its rather lax regulations from its status as a protectorate. With approximately 300 employees and executives constantly going back and forth from Quebec, it was just easy to slip in a few intelligence officers among the constant exchanges. With the rise of the Fifth United States, Quebec believed it was time to get info on this particular fanatic group. Regularly Quebec did not touch this out of respect for Greenland and the American Commonwealth, but times called for such actions.

Ten intelligence officers were inserted into the group of Bombardier Learjet people returning to Manhattan. These officers would be tracking the thirteen leaders of the movement, both as intell and as a means of covert operations.

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[quote]To: The Founders of the United States of America
From: Government of Hellghan Ascendancy

We have recieved your message and having read through it and after much discussion among ourselves we wish to support your nation in their attempt at establishment. We are willing to provide many services including funding, supplies and even troops for defensive purposes if you require them. if you can get back to us as soon as possible with what you need we can begin to support you and your people.[/quote]

[quote]TO: Government of the Hellghan Ascendancy
From: The Founders

At this moment, Vinsalia has not made aggressive moves towards us. But the mere fact that they have claimed the land we declared independence on causes us great concern. We fear any extra troops in the area would merely serve to inflame the situation at this time. We would ask, if possible, that supplies for civilians be flown into Hero City International Airport on Long Island for distribution. Please include water purification tablets, bottled water, MREs, and first aid supplies.

The Founders responded to the statement by Chairman Bourbon with a taped statement of their own. Mr. Whitmore was seen with the new American flag draped behind him.

"Good evening,

As of now, I'm sure many of you have heard the Vinsalia's statement that is spreading vicious lies about our new Republic. I would like to take this time now to clear up the fallacies that the Chairman mentioned about us.

For one, we are no separatist organization. The Founders are a group of 13 individuals from all walks of life. Politicians, civic leaders, diplomats, doctors, lawyers. Since our declaration, we have been working with the citizens of Manhattan and the Hero City Police Department, who in reality have been their true protectors. We have the support of the police force and of a majority of the general populace. We have sent out groups to speak with communities on Long Island to work with them as well, to set up neighborhood watches, and to better their communities during this transition period ahead. We are no more a separatist organization than Vinsalia itself.

To Vinsalia's point of closing off our borders: this is a bold and outright fallacy. We are working with the Hero City Police Department to secure our bridges and tunnels during this transitional period to ensure the safety of our citizens, and those entering Manhattan. The police are conducting ID checks and regular security sweeps of these facilities. The Hero City Police Department's website has a feed where you can see traffic cameras over these facilities. You can look for yourselves: the borders are not closed in any way, shape, or form. People still travel in and out of the island.

To the Chairman's point regarding the past of the name "The United States of America". The First Republic of the United States held the idea of "manifest destiny". No Republic since then, including this one, holds that same idea. In fact, the last nation on North America to hold the idea of "manifest destiny" was the Empire of Pravus Ingruo, an idea that destroyed the Third Republic of the United States. We, the Founders, have never subscribed to the idea of "manifest destiny", we have never said that we intended to reunite all 50 states again, and we never will. We will not take states by force. We will not take territories by force. We believe in peace, we strive for peace, and we want to live and exist in peace. We ask now that we simply be allowed to do so.

Should Vinsalia truly wish for peace, then we invite their leaders to the Hero City City Hall to meet with us. We would also ask the leaders of Greenland, the American Commonwealth, and other international observers be in attendance for the meeting. City Hall has numerous conference rooms, and we would be able to have the meeting as soon as you are ready to meet. If you do not wish to meet, then we would ask that you let us be."

A copy of the Vinsalia statement was provided in text form after Mr. Whitmore's speech for convenience.

[quote]Peoples of the World,

We wish to release a statement regarding the element of individuals formally calling themselves the Fifth Republic of the United States of America. Simply put, we wish to implore your nations to withold recognition of this separatist organization that has visciously taken over the Greater Manhatten area. These individuals have done so in a manner tantamont to an outright coup of order. The individuals in the "Fifth" seized the Manhatten territory before the rightful protectors in Greenland and the American Commonwealth formally recognized their rule or our own for that matter.

Nations of the world, I ask you, where is the logic in supporting a nation claiming to stand for freedom that would close off it's borders from all states. The very same state would do so without recognition or approval of established protectors. This very same state, taking away the freedom of choice from citizens within Manhatten that sympothize with the dream of Vinsalia. Tell me, how can a nation claim to be a beacon of light while simultaneously casting itself beneath a veil from the world.

Nations of the Americas, I ask you, where is the logic in supporting the reincarnation of a nation with a viscious history of territorial aggression. A nation that once claimed a "Manifest Destiny" that entitled it to the territories of the Americas. That very same nation would seek to take away your freedoms and achievements as individual states and place it within subservience to this new "America."

Simply put, this Fifth Republic stands on the shoulders of a dark history. One that Pravus Ingruo fought violently to contain... ironic now that in the former territories of Pravus Ingruo would a group claim and seize this history from the shackles of time. I implore you, here and now to hold down pandoras box and not unleash a filth that is destined to destablize an already unstable world.

- Francisco Bourbon
Chairmen of the Vinsalian Comittee[/quote]

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In compliance with the Founders request four civilian C-130 planes would be packed full of medical supplies and other requested materials before being flown airborne and out to the coast. Here they travelled north and as long as nothing went wrong they would pass into New York airspace and land at Hero City International Airport on Long Island where they would begin to offload their cargo. As no military troops or equipment had been requested none had been sent though that could change in the future if required.

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[b][Lunar communique][/b]

"As former CEO of the now defunct Sostra Holdings, a corporation once controlling the entirety of Sri Lanka as the Corporate Republic of Ceylon, I can say that the corporate state [i]can[/i], under some circumstances, work well. But only if the leadership is just, sane, rational. Only if the people approve of the policies and if there is previous, good, [b]strong[/b] infrastrucutre to support such a state. One cannot just conjure such a state out of thin air as the Vinsalian government is trying to do.
Thus, as former CEO of Sostra Holdings, I, Laura Leclerc do hereby condemn the attempts of creating a corporate state on North American soil by the Lilly Group. They do not have the necessary prerequisites for such a nation and in my eyes, can only fail. My support lies with the men and women of the United States."
-Laura Leclerc, First Speaker of the Lunar Republic

[b][Private to the U.S. leadership][/b]


We would be willing to support your cause with monetary assets. If you need anything bought, buy it and we'll see about delivering money to you to lessen the impact on your fledgling economy.
I do not believe Vinsalia to be the future of your region.

With regards,"
Laura Leclerc, First Speaker of the Lunar Republic

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[quote]The Northern Imperium welcomes and supports the Fifth United States, and wishes it the best of luck in its' endeavors. We also condemn the actions of the Lilly Group, in attempting to wrest control of a newly-formed state from its' rightful owner.[/quote]

Private to the Fifth US:

[quote]Should you require it to ensure your own safety, the Imperium is willing to make our mercenary groups available to you at sixth-cost, the remaining five-sixths paid for by the Throne.[/quote]

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