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An Announcement from the Global Protection Force

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[size="4"][u][b]A Global Protection Force Announcement[/b][/u][/size][/center]

Unfortunately the timings of our elections place this announcement smack in the middle of a time of war.

However, The Global Protection Force (GPF) hereby announces a change to her charter and government.

Following consultations with members and many discussions, GPF has decided upon a new government structure with elected ministers.

These elections were held mid June and our new government took effect on July 1st. This announcement has been delayed due to the current dance requests.

Our new line-up consists of the following:


[color="#FF8C00"][size="5"][font="Verdana"][b][u]Global Protection Force Government[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color]

[color="#FF0000"][b]Supreme Chamber[/b][/color]

[b]Secretary General[/b] - Colonel Brick

[b]Deputy Secretary General[/b] - xR1 Fatal Instinct

[color="#006400"][b]Upper Chamber[/b][/color]

[b]Minister of the Interior[/b] - Cress
[b]Minister of Defense[/b] - Markfrancos
[b]Minister of Finance[/b] - JoelJames
[b]Minister of Foreign Affairs[/b] - Swatch0



Such a change in government leads to a change in charter:



[u][b][size="7"][font="Georgia"]Articles of the Global Protection Force[/font][/size][/b][/u][/center]


We, the undersigned world leaders, agree to defend independence, sovereignty and our fellow nations from aggression in all cases. We shall abide by this charter and its articles and swear by it as law.

[b]Article I – Admission[/b]

Section 1: The Oath

Before any nation formally applying for the Global Protection Force (GPF) will be admitted, that nation must swear by the Oath of the Global Protection Force.

This Oath shall consist of the following, where [Ruler] and [Nation] are to be replaced by the applicant’s information;

I, [Ruler], of [Nation], do hereby swear to defend the values of the Global Protection Force. I shall come to the aid of my alliance and fellow nations when I am needed and shall expect the same in return. I swear to abide by the Charter of the Global Protection Force and take it as law.

Upon admission to the Global Protection Force, no member nation may join any other alliance in the game, be on the ZI list of any other alliance, be on the black list of any other alliance, plan to create any other alliance, or be in an aggressive tech raid of a nation that is in any other alliance.

Section 2: Application Process

Nations applying to the Global Protection Force shall be accepted upon full completion of the GPF Application Process, as outlined in our Application Desk.

[b]Article II – Government Structure [/b]

Section 1: The Supreme Chamber

The Supreme Chamber shall consist of the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General. The Secretary General is a lifelong member and shall appoint the Deputy Secretary General unless highlighted otherwise in the below articles.

Section 2: The Upper Chamber

The Upper Chamber shall consist of the four elected ministers. Elections for Ministerial positions are subject to the Electoral Policy. Ministers shall serve a term consisting of three months, with four elections each year. There is no term limit for any minister. When a Minister is absent, their appointed deputy shall become part of the Upper Chamber until their return.

Section 3: The Membership

The Membership shall consist of any member accepted into GPF. The rights of any member are highlighted in the GPF Membership Policy. Any Nation found in breach of the Membership Policy will be tried by the Upper Chamber and shall face expulsion from the alliance. Members may be removed from the Alliance following a majority vote by the Upper Chamber.

Section 4: Applicants

Applicants to GPF shall be placed under the alliance affiliation of “GPF Applicant”. Any nation flying this alliance affiliation, provided they have posted a formal application on the GPF Forums, will be subject to the Membership Policy and protected indefinitely by the Global Protection Force.

[b]Article III - Hierarchy[/b]

Section 1: Secretary-General

The Secretary General is the official head of state of the Global Protection Force. The Secretary General has the credentials to both appoint and remove the Deputy Secretary General. In war time, unless delegated otherwise, the Secretary General is flag officer, and has the final say on all issues including but not limited to: surrender, disbandment, punishment, and expulsion. The Secretary General is endowed with the responsibility to set the agenda of the alliance, as well as protect these articles of creation. The Secretary General serves as the head of the Upper Chamber, and can veto any decision made by the Upper Chamber if deemed necessary. The Secretary General is a lifelong appointment. If the incumbent Secretary General becomes unable to serve or concedes the remainder of his or her appointment, the Deputy Secretary General will succeed the chain of command and be confirmed Secretary General. Should the Secretary General feel that an elected Minister is not performing to the required level, the Secretary General may remove a Minister and call an election for that position.

Section II: Deputy Secretary General

The Deputy Secretary General is the Deputy Head of State of GPF. In the absence of the Secretary General, the Deputy Secretary General has the right to all duties of the Secretary General, however the Deputy Secretary General may not declare war unless in retaliation to a first strike, or disband the alliance in any scenario, unless distinguished otherwise. The Deputy Secretary General is endowed with the responsibility to carry out the agenda of the alliance, as well as protect these articles of creation. The Deputy Secretary General is appointed and removed by the Secretary General as he sees fit.

Section III: Minister of Internal Affairs

The Minister of Internal Affairs is a member of the Upper Chamber. The Minister of Internal Affairs is entitled to a say on all issues charged to the Upper Chamber. The Minister of Internal Affairs is not a Foreign Ambassador unless distinguished otherwise. The Minister of Internal Affairs is charged with; Recruitment, Competition, Academy, Statistics, and keeping the constituency of the Global Protection Force up to date with alliance events and affairs. The Minister of Internal Affairs can be delegated new tasks as deemed necessary by the Secretary General. The Minister of Internal Affairs may appoint a deputy. The Deputy of Internal Affairs shall serve until resignation or dismissal.

Section IV: Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is a member of the Upper Chamber. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is entitled to a say on all issues charged to the Upper Chamber. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is endowed with the responsibility of Public Relations and representing the alliance entirely based on the agenda of the Secretary General. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is charged with: appointing Ambassadors, executing the foreign agenda of the Secretary General, and presenting or suggesting treaties to the Supreme Chamber. The Minister of Foreign Affairs can be delegated new tasks as deemed necessary by the Secretary General. The Minister of Foreign Affairs may appoint a deputy. The Deputy of Foreign Affairs shall serve until resignation or dismissal.

Section V: Minister of Finance

The Minister of Finance is a member of the Upper Chamber. The Minister of Finance is entitled to a say on all issues charged to the Upper Chamber. The Minister of Finance is not a Foreign Ambassador unless distinguished otherwise. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is charged with maintaining and organizing; tech deals, alliance aid, banking, alliance trade, and trade sections. The Minister of Finance can be delegated new tasks as deemed necessary by the Secretary General. The Minister of Finance may appoint a deputy. The Deputy of Finance shall serve until resignation or dismissal.

Section VI: Minister of Defense

The Minister of Defense is a member of the Upper Chamber. The Minister of Defense is entitled to a say on all issues charged to the Upper Chamber. The Minister of Defense is not a Foreign Ambassador unless distinguished otherwise. The Minister of Defense is charged with; defending the alliance, preparing war targets, utilising intelligence, carrying out punishment as delegated to by the Supreme Chamber, monitoring tech raids, approving tech raids, and ghost busting. In war time the Minister of Defense reports directly to the Supreme Chamber, and in the absence of both, in war time has the credentials to make the decisions he or she deems fit excluding; surrender and disbandment. The Minister of Defense can be delegated new tasks as deemed necessary by the Secretary General. The Minister of Defense may appoint a deputy. The Deputy of Defense shall serve until resignation or dismissal.

[b]Article IV: Technology Raiding[/b]

Members of the Global Protection Force are permitted to raid non-aligned or unprotected nations for technological gain under heavy restrictions. The restrictions set forth are that the nation must be on the alliance "None" or on an unprotected Alliance Affiliation at 5 members or less. The raiding nation must also seek permission from a governing entity. Failure to oblige by these rules will result in membership termination or a trial by a selected jury.

[b]Article V: Executive Orders[/b]

The Secretary General has the right to create and sign into law Executive Orders, on any issue that is not specifically mentioned within the Global Protection Force Articles without approval of any governing body. Executive Orders cannot be issued to repeal any past legislation made into law previously by a Secretary General. In the event that any member feels that an Executive Order was not properly warranted and goes against the Charter of the Global Protection Force, they can implement a general motion to the Upper Chamber to repeal the executive order, where the Upper Chamber will decide whether or not an Executive Order was legal, and if the Executive Order was found illegal than It shall be repealed, and if the Executive Order is found legal, it shall become law.

[b]Article VI: Vote of no Confidence[/b]

In the event that any member of the Global Protection Force has a lack in confidence of a minister or member of the Supreme Chamber, including the Secretary General, members may propose a Vote of No Confidence to the Upper Chamber. If the Vote of No Confidence concerns a member of the Upper or Supreme Chambers, that member has the right to defend their actions within the topic. That member may not vote.

Once a Vote of No Confidence has been passed, that member must stand aside from Government with immediate effect or be faced with ZI.

[b]Article VII: Disbandment or Merge[/b]

Only the Secretary General may authorise a disbandment or merge of the alliance. disbandment and merge must be supported by the majority of the Upper Chamber and the Deputy Secretary General. There must be a clear three out of five vote. Upon completion of voting, the Secretary General has the power to veto the decision unless the decision is unanimous.

[b]Article VIII: Ratification[/b]

We, the members of the Upper and Supreme Chamber, do hereby ratify this charter on: June 1st 2012


Secretary General: Colonel Brick
Deputy Secretary General: xR1 Fatal Instinct
Minister of Internal Affairs: King Samuel
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Poppa Clam
Minister of Finance: Spock
Minister of Defense: Cress


[size="1"]I guess I must give credit to Miss Evella Vada for my announcement image[/size]

o/ GPF

Again my apologies for the timing of this announcement.

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[quote name='Unkajo' timestamp='1341430730' post='3003536']
Who? No srsly who?

Swatch0 is who!

To be honest Unkajo, I am always wondering the same :ph34r:

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