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The Amazing Sanction Race


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We'll see, if you can stick around, boy.

also remember to PM admin after 10 days of sanction status to get an In-game Detailed alliance Screen flag AND your pip.

We're forcing Bama to collect before 19 days these days. We will not have him bama himself again. Not that it'd be a significant loss at this point, he hasn't grown back up enough yet. :P

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Don't bug whoever does update. It slows them down. :P

/me has deliberately took his time due to being bugged... well... on the first one at least. :P

I didn't do it on purpose, I wanted to see if his status was AFK on IRC and saw his name and accidently clicked enter and highlighted him.

It's okay though, he will live with losing like 3 seconds.

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I can't think of anything witty to put here.

31 January 2009

sanctionnpoec6.jpg1 New Pacific Order: 82.20 --> 82.31 (+0.11)

sanctionironcd8.png2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 71.53 --> 71.65 (+0.12)

sanctionmcxapl4.png3 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 53.86 --> 53.88 (+0.02)

sanctionmhadc4.gif4 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 43.23 --> 43.18 (-0.05)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg5 Sparta: 42.66 --> 42.53 (-0.13)

{180} The Order of the Paradox: 36.82 --> 36.91 (+0.09)

---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (ODN: 1/5 days)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg6 Fark: 33.58 --> 33.67 (+0.09)

sanctionodnto4.png7 Orange Defense Network: 33.22 --> 33.25 (+0.03)

sanctionrokyt0.png8 Ragnarok: 33.22 --> 33.24 (+0.02)

{119} The Grämlins: 28.79 --> 28.83 (+0.04)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg9 New Polar Order: 28.72 --> 28.48 (-0.24)

10 The Order of Light: 28.26 --> 28.45 (+0.19) [4]

sanctionvedj7.png11 Viridian Entente: 27.79 --> 27.83 (+0.04)

sanctiontpfhq1.png12 The Phoenix Federation: 27.17 --> 27.21 (+0.04)


sanctionfokqu8.png13 FOK: 26.65 --> 26.66 (+0.01)

14 Green Protection Agency: 23.33 --> 23.36 (+0.03)

Grand Global Alliance: 22.66 --> 22.60 (-0.06)

The Democratic Order: 22.06 --> 22.20 (+0.14)

{152} Valhalla: 18.91 --> 18.88 (-0.03)

Global Democratic Alliance: 18.18 --> 18.28 (+0.10)

United Purple Nations: 17.98 --> 18.04 (+0.06)

Greenland Republic: 17.76 --> 17.99 (+0.23)

{134} Echelon: 17.54 --> 17.57 (+0.03)

{153} Mushroom Kingdom: 15.96 --> 16.10 (+0.14)

---------- LoSS/WTF/NV/NADC Challenge Line: 16.00

The Dark Evolution: 15.40 --> 15.39 (-0.01)

{193} Nueva Vida: 15.15 --> 15.17 (+0.02)

Monos Archein: 15.14 --> 15.14 (0.00)

{120} World Task Force: 14.82 --> 14.81 (-0.01)

{153} LoSS: 14.68 --> 14.70 (+0.02)

{169} RnR: 14.53 --> 14.53 (0.00)

{79} Umbrella: 14.15 --> 14.15 (0.00)

The Legion: 14.14 --> 14.12 (-0.02)

North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 13.93 --> 13.93 (0.00)

{197} Invicta: 13.85 --> 13.81 (-0.04)

---------- Add Line: 13.58 --> 13.60 (+0.02)

---------- Drop Line: 13.28 --> 13.30 (+0.02)

Biggest Gainer

Greenland Republic: +0.23

Biggest Loser

New Polar Order: -0.24

Passes of the Day

The Orange Defense Network passes Ragnarok

The Mushroom Kingdom passes the LoSS/WTF/NV/NADC Challenge Line


Both the New Pacific Order and the Independent Republic of Orange Nations resumed their forward march today after minimal losses yesterday; their gains on the day were almost identical. Conversely, both the Mostly Harmless Alliance and Sparta lost, but as Sparta's loss was greater, the separation between them widened. The same occurred in the race between the Orange Defense Network and Ragnarok - the Orange Defense Network (inspired by Diomede's challenge?) overtook Ragnarok by just enough to pass them.

The New Polar Order underwent an unexpected drop in the Race, and while The Order of Light gained, it wasn't enough to reach them. In other news, the Greenland Republic wins Biggest Gainer with a modest gain; both The Democratic Order and the Mushroom Kingdom fared well.

Finally (in today's obligatory Legion reference), The Legion took advantage of Umbrella's apathy to...go the wrong way. OH WELL

Finally, shoutouts to bros, diomede, and everyone else who was kind enough to delay the production of tonight's update. Also to #techdeals. Yup.

Edited by Supri
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Woot another day of +.1 or better gains for GR our average over the last week or so has to be crazy.


United Purple Nations: 17.98 --> 18.04 (+0.06)

Greenland Republic: 17.76 --> 17.99 (+0.23)

We are coming for you UPN. :P

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OK, so I got curious to see what our recent gains were and I looked them up since our last under .1 gain. Here they are.

Jan 23: .21
Jan 24: .39
Jan 25: .23
Jan 26: .67
Jan 27: .33
Jan 28: .10
Jan 29: .16
Jan 30: .11
Jan 31: .23

GR has been on FIRE!

Edited by Minucci
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OK, so I got curious to see what our recent gains were and I looked them up since our last under .1 gain. Here they are.

Jan 23: .21
Jan 24: .39
Jan 25: .23
Jan 26: .67
Jan 27: .33
Jan 28: .10
Jan 29: .16
Jan 30: .11
Jan 31: .23

GR has been on FIRE!

9 days of 0.10 gains or higher! Most impressive.

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