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The Amazing Sanction Race


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June 3, 2009

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 1 [654] (-1) Sparta : 47.40 --> 47.32 (-0.08)

top.png 2 [214] (-2) The Order of the Paradox : 45.62 --> 45.45 (-0.17)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 3 [702] (-2) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 44.73 --> 44.69 (-0.04)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 4 [404] (-1) New Polar Order : 37.47 --> 37.52 (+0.05)

sanctionodnto4.png 5 [410] (0) Orange Defense Network : 32.77 --> 32.81 (+0.04)

Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 6 [688] (0) The Democratic Order : 32.53 --> 32.80 (+0.27)

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 7 [746] (-2) New Pacific Order : 31.73 --> 31.49 (-0.24)

gpa.png 8 [238] (-1) Green Protection Agency : 28.01 --> 28.03 (+0.02)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 9 [347] (-2) Fark : 27.72 --> 27.65 (-0.07)

sanctionfokqu8.png 10 [259] (+0) FOK : 26.64 --> 26.75 (+0.11)

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 27.43 --> 25.93 (-1.50) Nuclear Winter starts begetting Nuclear Spring!

11 [285] (+1) The Order of Light : 24.76--->24.81 (+0.05)

12 [533] (0) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 24.40 --> 24.48 (+0.08)


sanctionrokyt0.png 13 [410] (0) Ragnarok : 24.29 --> 23.71 (-0.58)

{93} (-1) The Grämlins : 23.30 --> 23.34 (+.04)

14 [312] (-2) Viridian Entente : 23.29 --> 23.25 (-0.04)

{159} (+1) World Task Force : 20.49 --> 20.60 (+0.11)

[402] (+3) The Legion : 19.70 --> 19.77 (+0.07)

[282] (0) United Purple Nations : 16.80 --> 16.84 (+0.04)

{166} (+3) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 16.60 --> 16.76 (+0.16)

{151} (+1) Mushroom Kingdom : 16.70 --> 16.73 (+0.05)

{188} (-3) Nueva Vida : 16.06 --> 15.99 (+0.01)

[254] (-2) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : 15.62 --> 15.61 (-0.01)

[282] (0) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 15.59 --> 15.61 (+0.02)

[230] (0) Monos Archein : 15.41 --> 15.41 (0.00)

{145} (-1) M*A*S*H : 15.28 --> 15.27 (-0.01)

{178} (-1) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.86 --> 14.89 (+0.03)

{82} (+0) Umbrella : 13.22 --> 13.24 (+0.02)

{169} (+0) Greenland Republic : 13.13 --> 13.14 (+0.01)

{161} (0) Invicta : 13.11 --> 13.13 (+0.02)

{153} (-1) RnR : 12.72 --> 12.73 (+0.01)

{181} (-1) Siberian Tiger Alliance : 12.73 --> 12.73 (0.00)

{164} (+0) Random Insanity Alliance : 12.61 --> 12.61 (0.00)

{191} (+0) The Dark Evolution : 12.62 --> 12.61 (-0.01)

{121} (0) The Templar Knights : 12.40 --> 12.40 (0.00)

{188} (-1) New Sith Order : 12.24 --> 12.21 (-0.03)

---------- Add Line : 12.20 --> 12.24 (+0.04)

{61} (-1) The Sweet Oblivion : 12.48 --> 11.96 (-0.52)

{95} (0)Ubercon NA ----> 11.92(0.00)

---------- Drop Line: 11.90 --> 11.90 (0.00)

Biggest Gainer: Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 6 [688] (0) The Democratic Order : 32.53 --> 32.80 (+0.27)

Biggest Loser: sanctionrokyt0.png 13 [410] (0) Ragnarok : 24.29 --> 23.71 (-0.58)


Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations passes Mushroom Kingdom

Global Alliance And Treaty Organization ties Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

Siberian Tiger Alliance passes RnR

Random Insanity Alliance ties The Dark Evolution

The Templar Knights passes The Sweet Oblivion

New Sith Order passes The Sweet Oblivion

New Sith Order Add Line passes

Add Line passes The Sweet Oblivion

Ubercon passes Drop Line

Commentary: Well, not to many gained today in the Sanction Race. The Democratic Order ran roughshod over the opposition. They pick up a quater point gain. Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations came in a distant second with a healthy .16 gain. On the other end of the coin, (0) Ragnarok got hammered with .58 loss. They just beat out The Sweet Oblivion, who got clocked wih a .52 loss and below the Add Line. For those of you who tend to not like the efficient way of losing one's hair, or watching the birth of three-legged and one eyed babies, The Global Radiation Level took a point and a half nosedive. So, we will be able to keep our hair, unless your wife (like mine) wants it cut. :P

Shout out of the day goes to Ubercon for making the Sanction Race.

Edited by Minilla Island
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Whatever the stats were at 2300 hours were used in the update.

Check MK and GR. They've been at that score (the real time score) since 18:00 game time. There's no way what you were using was updated at 2300

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Lay off, or step up and do it yourself. This wasn't as bad as you are making it.

Thanks Minilla, nice to have update here when I get home. :)

I never offered to do it, but if I did I'd make sure I knew how to do it properly, and at least use the real time !@#$@#$ stats and understand how the add line works when I did.

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Yeah, Minilla, I appreciate you doing update and I wasn't trying to be offensive when I commented that you hadn't used the real time stats. An update from a bit earlier in the day is better than no update and if somebody wants to see a real time one they can do it themselves :)

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I never offered to do it, but if I did I'd make sure I knew how to do it properly, and at least use the real time !@#$@#$ stats and understand how the add line works when I did.

I'm detecting a large quantity of unrefined BAAAWWWW in this sector.

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I never offered to do it, but if I did I'd make sure I knew how to do it properly, and at least use the real time !@#$@#$ stats and understand how the add line works when I did.

It's his first time and it's a common mistake, not everyone knows that the "Display all Alliances" page isn't real time.

Just because a few people above you pointed out some errors doesn't give you the right to blatantly insult his efforts. You do update tomorrow and we'll all laugh at the errors you make. How's that sound?

Or, you could lay off, say thanks for the update and move along. If you can't bring yourself to do that, then remember that posting in this thread is entirely optional and is only welcome if you're going to be nice.

Also, I preemptively call Update for Monday night, as that's the last night I'll be at my house before I ship (I ship Wednesday, but they take me to a hotel near the airport Tuesday evening to make the trip to MEPS the next morning easier)

Edited by KCToker
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Guess what tomorrow is? Super Sanction Saturday! :P

Oh yeah and Arcadian may be doing it...


Anyways, on today's update, there is a little thing at the end of every update that no one bothers to read, it's called "How to Update the Amazing Sanction Race". If you want to do it, read it - its not recommended, I would say its damn compulsory. If you read it, you know what to do exactly.

Now Manilla, your update was pretty good actually - I would've left out the fancy font for Commentary or so, and bolding each pass, but if that's your style, so be it - then don't change it. Everyone has their different style of doing it, then keep doing it ;)

Yes, he used the old stats, I'm sure he knows now how to do it properly and he shouldn't be crucified for a simple mistake. That being said, at least he did do commentary and he did get most of the passes right (leaving a few out I believe) and adding an alliance, well, that's a bit on the "should've known better" side. It's a good update for a first try - the attempt is what counts. Now he knows what to do next time - and if he doesn't, we'll be more in the right to scream at him (deny it if you will, but you'll be in the wrong :P).

My only beef with this update is with the notation of gains and losses. Gains and losses are vector qualities, so they need a magnitude and direction! (0) is not acceptable, (+0) or (~0) or (-0) is acceptable! ;)

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