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The Amazing Sanction Race


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The add line is half the last sanctioned alliance's score, so as TOOL gains score, the add line will too.

TOOL if you ever want us back in SNOW you will stop growing NOW!

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TOOL if you ever want us back in SNOW you will stop growing NOW!


I'm sure there's other ways to get STA back in SNOW (you can't ignore white team forever)

anyway, just a little more, I want to see STA in the race (same goes for other white team alliances and Argent but that will take a while :P)

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I'm sure there's other ways to get STA back in SNOW (you can't ignore white team forever)

anyway, just a little more, I want to see STA in the race (same goes for other white team alliances and Argent but that will take a while :P)

Heh, don't take my words too seriously.

Seriously though, stop growing. :P

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Heh, don't take my words too seriously.

Seriously though, stop growing. :P

i know that, just messing around :P

and love to but trying to halt TOOL's rebuilding efforts is like "trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet, when blindfolded while riding a horse" in other words, can't be done (at least not be my power though :P)

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Seeing update each night is the highlight of my life. Please don't take that away from me. :( Or be late with it. )): [Thanks for doing it period though. :P]

P.S. Well, it's not the highlight, but it's a highlight.

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^for future reference, go with real time (meaning look up each alliance's score on their individual stats page, sure it's more time consuming but more accurate).

That's what I meant... I think you are thinking of Display All Alliances right?

Anyway realtime states are back up, and I'm going to redo the little bit I did as keeping Sparta/TOP/GRL from before update and all others after would be problematic, and it won't add much time.

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May 26, 2009

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 1 [654] (-3) Sparta : 47.17 --> 47.16 (-0.01)

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 47.41 --> 46.98 (-0.43) The sun begins to break through the clouds of nuclear winter!

top.png 2 [206] (-2) The Order of the Paradox : 44.01 --> 43.70 (-0.31)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 3 [660] (+10) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 42.48 --> 43.57 (+1.09)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 4 [388] (-3) New Polar Order : 36.08 --> 36.13 (+0.05)

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 5 [800] (-17) New Pacific Order : 35.77 --> 34.97 (-0.80)

sanctionodnto4.png 6 [419] (+0) Orange Defense Network : 32.49 --> 32.57 (+0.08)

Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 7 [680] (-6) The Democratic Order : 32.19 --> 32.04 (-0.15)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 8 [358] (-5) Fark : 27.91 --> 27.81 (-0.10)

9 [234] (+3) Green Protection Agency : 27.39 --> 27.56 (+0.17)

sanctionfokqu8.png 10 [259] (-2) FOK : 26.71 --> 26.60 (-0.11)

sanctionrokyt0.png 11 [425] (-4) Ragnarok : 25.56 --> 25.39 (-0.17)

12 [294] (+3) The Order of Light : 24.69 --> 24.81 (+0.12)


13 [330] (-3) Viridian Entente : 24.25 --> 24.00 (-0.25)

14 [574] (-7) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 24.20 --> 23.89 (-0.31)

{98} (-1) The Grämlins : 23.55 --> 23.57 (+0.02)

{155} (-1) World Task Force : 20.00 --> 20.02 (+0.02)

[410] (+0) The Legion : 19.29 --> 19.29 (+0.00)

{153} (-2) Mushroom Kingdom : 16.52 --> 16.46 (-0.06)

[284] (-1) United Purple Nations : 16.41 --> 16.26 (-0.15)

{159} (+0) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 16.14 --> 16.16(+0.02)

{190} (-4) Nueva Vida : 16.46 --> 15.83 (-0.64)

[237] (-4) Monos Archein : 16.07 --> 15.76 (-0.31)

{151} (+0) M*A*S*H : 15.25 --> 15.28 (+0.03)

[250] (+1) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : 15.18 --> 15.24 (+0.06)

[290] (-3) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 14.85 --> 14.83 (-0.02)

{185} (+1) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.29 --> 14.36 (+0.07)

{136} (-3) Karma PoW : 13.60 --> 13.48 (-0.12) Perimeter Fence Breached!

{170} (-1) Greenland Republic : 13.51 --> 13.33 (-0.18)

{81} (+0) Umbrella : 12.84 --> 12.93 (+0.03)

{157} (-1) RnR : 12.90 --> 12.86 (-0.04)

{155} (-1) Invicta : 12.80 --> 12.81 (+0.01)

{196} (+0) The Dark Evolution : 12.70 --> 12.78 (+0.08)

{160} (-2) Random Insanity Alliance : 12.77 --> 12.70 (-0.07)

---------- Add Line : 12.35 --> 12.41 (+0.06)

---------- Drop Line: 12.02 --> 12.11 (+0.06)

{173} (-1) The Phoenix Federation : 8.62 --> 8.30 (-0.32)

{92} (+0) Echelon : 6.20 --> 6.10 (-0.10)

Biggest Gainer

sanctionmhadc4.gif 3 [660] (+10) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 42.48 --> 43.57 (+1.09)

Biggest Loser

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 5 [800] (-17) New Pacific Order : 35.77 --> 34.97 (-0.80)


Global Radiation Level falls below Sparta

Nueva Vida falls below United Purple Nations

Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations passes Nueva Vida

Umbrella passes RnR

The Dark Evolution passes Random Insanity Alliance


Though not nearly as interesting as the last few days, there is still a bit to talk about in the ASR. First, Sparta regains the top spot from the radioactive menace. The Mostly Harmless Alliance has a nearly 1.1 point gain, which puts them into easy striking disance of The Order of the Paradox and the number 2 spot. The Order of the Paradox, after having had members trickle away over the last two days at least, is can only afford 6 more members before it will lose it's sanction spot, which would return the sanction to Viridian Entente. To round out the top 12, another day of identical gains and losses respectively would put the Green Protection Agency ahead of Fark.

Lower down in race, the Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations and M*A*S*H both manage to repreat yesterday's changes by both gaining 0 members and +0.02 points and +0.03 points, respectively. Nueva Vida sheds 2/3 of a point and two spots, a loss only beaten by that of the New Pacific Order. Monos Archein also has a large los of nearly a third of a point. We may see STA in here soon, as they get closer and closer to the add line.

Another intersting note, only five alliance gained members today.

I hope you enjoyed this more than I did! It took an hour, though it got easier as I went along. I hope I did well my first time. You know you have been focused on the screen too long when you put the wrong Order in the biggest loser spot and start to think that "color" is spelled incorrectly in all the tags.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en


Edited by Iamrecognized
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