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Dawn of the Coal Wars

Aiden Ford

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Major Williams was sitting in the cockpit of his VAF-2 Shadowhawk looking over the instruments, and reading the flight manual when a Airmen called out to him from across the Hanger. "Major Williams, General Landry has given me a special folder for you to read at 1300 Hours. He has also called for the 3rd Tactical Fighter Squadron to scramble." Williams called out "Alright, but you have to help me get the hangar doors open first" as he climbed out of the cockpit of his fighter, and began to jog over to one of the chains used to open the hanger door. As the Hanger Door opened, a crew came into the hanger with a pallet with 1 AIM-7M, and 1 GBU-27 Paveway.


2 Hours Later, somewhere in the Airspace of Mercer County, WV
Major Williams took off his breather, and pulled the folder from a sidepocket in the Cockpit. As he opened it, he began to read the contents.

[quote] Top Secret, for Major Williams Eyes Only

Today, you are to conduct maneuvers flying at low altitude through the Appalachian Sections of Virginia, and Pennsylvania with your radio tuned to the following frequency [redacted for OOC purposes]. You should receive a transmission from one of our agents in the field, which will contain an IFF Broadcast Frequency, and Codes. Writes these codes down below, and turn back to Bluefield, WV where you will conduct an emergency landing on I77, where at tanker is waiting with fuel, and a Outhouse has been positioned. While refueling, and after taking care of any biological waste, you are to begin changing the IFF Signal broadcasted by your Aircraft to those included in the data communique. Turn to next page if complete those objectives, and are not recalled. [/quote]


Somewhere Else, at an undisclosed American Airbase.

Agent Zelenka strode across the Hanger towards an American F-16, having served in the American Airforce as a Sleeper Agent of the West Virginian Liberation movement he had long been looking for a chance to serve the homeland, but the promised time had never come. Today however he had received a cryptic message about stealing IFF information specifically from an F-16. A Guard at the Entrance of the Hanger approached him, and asked what he was doing, to which he cryptically replied "Doing a checkup before we begin the Engine Overhaul". Other Mechanics had begun to enter the hanger as well, getting the tools to do the Engine Overhaul, as well as the lift ready. He turned on the plane, and began to initiate a Hardware Diagnostic. Pulling up his Clipboard, he began to check off the positive things until it got to IFF, where he quickly wrote down the Frequency, along with the Confirmation Code on a post-it and stuck it in his pocket. As the diagnostic came to a close, and he powered down the Aircraft, and took the Checklist to the Flight-Chief. "Sir, everything checks out fine according to the computer, so it looks like with your permission we can begin the engine overhaul." After the Chief gave him the go ahead, he started his work.

After about 2 hours of working on the engine, he got to go on his lunch break. He strolled out to his car, after having shoved the post-it into a pocket on the inside of his pants, aptly named a cockpocket. After passing through the base security, and beginning the drive to a local diner, he swerved off onto a country road that a safe-house was located at. After pulling into the driveway, and parking his car he entered the safe-house and pulled out a Ham-Radio transmitter and set it to frequency [redacted for OOC reasons], and began to broadcast the information to an Aircraft that was supposed to be in the vicinity.


Major Williams, aboard his F-117

Suddenly his radio receiver began to crackle to life, and a voice on the other end began to read off numbers. Williams was stunned at how this was a serious mission, not just some wild-goose chase that the general had set him on. Pulling out his pen, he scribbled down the Frequency, and Confirmation Code before triple tapping the Radio Broadcast button to signify that he had received the message. Checking his fuel-gauge he determined that he would have just enough to make it to Bluefield. Turning South-West, and pushing the throttle back up the cruise he began the trip back. 20 minutes later his aircraft came to a screeching halt on a closed off section of I77 before a tanker approached, along with a truck in tow. Williams didn't even bother to get out of the craft, but instead picked up the folder, and turned to the second page.


Major Williams, if you are reading this part is means that the mission is still a go, you are most likely refueling right now, and any minute now should have a full tank of gas. You are now to carry out Operation Earnhardt. After takeoff, you will immediately turn South, and follow the Appalachian mountains down to Asheville, NC. From there you will turn east, and proceed to Iredale county where you will commence a one-off attack against the North Carolina Auto Racing Hall of Fame in Mooresville, NC. From there you are to proceed at Maximum Thrust, and head back to Asheville, from there you will have to burn at maximum thrust to reach the Commonwealth Border, where you will continue to hug the ground in the mountains until they give up the chase. Return to base afterwards.

PS. should you be pinged for Identification, use the one transmitted to you by our mutual friend.[/quote]

Williams looked aghast at the mission that he was being ordered to do, but began the IFF changes. By the time he was done, and had stretched his legs a bit, along with had a quick Ration from the Truck Driver it was already 9pm. Taking off on the poor quality road that once served as I77 was hectic, but the reinforced Undercarriage of the VAF-2 seemed to do its job, as it held together until he had hit a stable flight speed, and retracted the landing gear. Hitting the Stable Cruise Speed while hugging the ground was hard work, at least once in the flight his Altitude/Ground Warning Light had to kick on before he realized that he was flying a bit to low. Flying the Aircraft in the middle of the night, even with integrated night vision in the canopy was a hard job. When he finally began to enter the pre-programmed target area, he opened his munitions bay, let the GBU-27 go, on a somewhat guided fall to its intended target. It was 10:32PM when the bomb was supposed to hit its target. Turning back to Asheville, he kicked in his Afterburners and hit Mach 1, for what was supposed to be a quick, and hopefully uneventful trip back home.

[OOC] Should Isaac wish to dispute the success of the attack, and produce counter-roleplay I will change what is posted. However, I would like a GM to determine if the attack was successful or not, due to the conditions that I have manipulated for the attack.[/ooc]

Edited by Aiden Ford
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It was late at night on a pretty uneventful patrol in the Ashville area. Captain Ore was siting at the controls protecting the JSTARS and AWACS on their sweep patrol, this has been going on for weeks and is apparently was the norm so he began to get used to it. Suddenly a transmission blared on his radio and gave him a shock.

[i]"This is JSTAR NSCCOM 15, come in Eagle 18."
"This is Eagle 18, go ahead."
"18, we are detecting a RADAR disturbance around the area, keep your eyes open and go into ready state."
"Copy that, lights off, hot tail. This better not be another da-"
[b]*A black figure came speeding at him and he heard a wizzing sound[/b]
"Eagle 18 respond!"
"Why was that plane flying so close? Are yall tryin' to kill me?"
"No authorized air craft in the area 18, are you saying you saw something?"
"Saw? I almost became very close with it!"
"Orders are call auth and order a turn around"
"Copy 15."[/i]

[b]*The pilot began an all channel call out and following last known tregectory.[/b]

[i]"Unidentified air craft, you are ordered to ident and turn around this is a restricted area"[/i]
[b]*silence, an IFF signature showed up.[/b]
[i]"Unidentified AC air craft you are ordered to seize and desist or you will be fired upon. Respond."[/i]

[b]*The pilot began a closed channel message to NSCCOM[/b]

[i]"NSCCOM actual this is Eagle 18."
"Go ahead 18."
"We have an unidentified aircraft in the Appalachian Mountains, it is blasting AC IFF but is not responding and was last seen at combat speeds headed south. Request permission to persue and fire gun down the craft."
"Eagle 18, if you find this plane and it is considered a threat, you are authorized to shoot it down with available HARM or side munitions."[/i]

[b]*NSCCOM orders[/b]

[i]"All national guard are ordered to scramble in the capital city and surrounding counties in the CM and M sectors, all available F-22 pilots are ordered to scramble as soon as possible. Orders are to shoot down this air craft which has been deemed a stealth craft by its avoidance of conventional RADAR. Use sweep RADAR tact to attempt to detect, all planes not authorized by the RUCAF are to be shot down immediately. As of now no planes other then those grounded at the moment are not authorized in North or South Carolina. Air raid lights will be turned on in all cities in the two regions over the population of 20,000."[/i]

It wasnt long before an unauthorized plane was reported in an area very near the capital firing what appeared to be standoff missiles. The F-22s and F-23s in the area were ordered to merge in at the point reported by HUMINT on the ground. In about 3 minutes the planes were there and firing on the plane. Their RADARS betrayed them due to the steath crafts capabilities but now they knew what to look for. Tracking it by anything but the naked eye would prove difficult, so they were ordered to fire immediately. The plane was to be maintained in tact or as close as possible so the IFF signature would prove adequate proof of AC aggression. The standoff missile was reported to hit the North Carolina Auto Racing Hall of Fame in Mooresville, NC at a few minutes later. The building was closed so casualties would be low. 5 security guards, as well as a policeman and 5 civilians on the sidewalk.

[font="Courier New"][quote][color="#FF0000"][u][b]URGENT MESSAGE TO THE AMERICAN COMMONWEALTH:[/b][/u][/color]


[quote][u][b]Message to NADU:

United Carolina is under attack, request assist ASAP, the area is the western mountainous region of North Carolina.[/b][/u][/quote]

[u][b]OOC:By the way, this war is closed to North America proper nations, not colonies, not other continents just NA proper. OG basically I have a pretty dense patrol of at least 2 groups in the region so I would likely contact your plane on its path and do what I could to react, once it got to firing missiles I would get to it even quicker. [/b][/u]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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"Heh, we should respond. Those pilots we put in mississippi have been siting on their asses doing nothing. Let them get some work done."

The 2 squadrons sent to mississippi for the peacekeeping force would quickly mobilize and head out to fly threw the dixie confederacy and into the USC.

Private Message to the Dixie confederacy

"Do to the USCs recent request for assistance we will be deploying two squadrons of our SU-35s to assist them. They will require to fly threw your airspace has it is the quickest response possible. I hope you understand, one NADU nation to another."

Private Message to the USC

"Two SU-35 squadrons will be deployed to fly threw Dixie confederacy airspace and into the USC. ETA 50 minuets."

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1338780769' post='2976777']
"Two SU-35 squadrons will be deployed to fly threw Dixie confederacy airspace and into the USC. ETA 50 minuets."
[u]Classified response:[/u]
The planes will be allowed entry, area of focus the western part of the Piedmont region.

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President Bronson was sitting at his desk in the oval office going through some new bills that were being proposed when General Morgan and several other officers entered the room. Surprised at first, he noticed the grim look they all had on their faces as they entered and he knew he wasn't going to like the news. "Mr. President" General Morgan spoke. "We have a situation. It seems like there was some sort of attack in North Carolina and their government is blaming us for it". "General I don't ever recall ordering offensive action against our southern neighbors" the president said gravely. "No sir, we're not responsible" replied the General. After explaining the situation to him President Bronson felt a lot grimmer. "Well get the word out to their government, we need to talk this over before it escalates. Until then we move to DEFCON 3 and secure our airspace. All flights that aren't military related will be grounded until this situation is resolved".

[quote]Message to NC
We have received your message and feel that such an accusation, while understandable, a bit rash and the response to be somewhat excessive. We would like to discuss exactly what has transpired to avoid conflict between our nations. The American Commonwealth denies responsibility for this tragic event and it will be investigated on our end. We are prepared to share raw radar footage and flight plans for the airspace in question with military analysts from your military. We would also like to view the aircraft you have shot down to determine its actual origins. Hopefully we can avoid a conflict that will bring nothing but bloodshed and pain for our nations.[/quote]

With the DEFCON 3 alert Commonwealth forces began mobilizing. Troops were being readied and fighters and AWACS aircraft began flying CAPs but all major activity in the south was being done at least 50 miles from the border in an attempt to avoid antagonizing the Carolinians. Air defense systems were in standby with the normal search radars running. More importantly all air force bases were locked down and personnel were confined to quarters if not performing any jobs. MPs had orders to stop anyone from leaving while a massive internal investigation sweep by military intelligence agencies took place.

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"We are willing to speak with your government. We find it suspect that only one plane was sent, and it was emitting an IFF signal pinpointing its relation to your government. We call foul play in this, common sense suggests that a nation would not launch a stealth attack against a nation to hit a rather unimportant target and meanwhile blasting its government ident unless it wanted war. We will be investigating this, we need rosters and serial numbers first, also any intel on the region in the span of 5 hours up to the attack. One more thing, your current issue stealth fighter type. Your troops in our base will be treated respectfully but will be but on bunks for the time being."

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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We thank you for seeing this in a reasonable light. We have no desire for conflict with our neighbors to the south. Currently our only true active stealth aircraft is the B-2 Bomber and none of those has been authorized for flight recently. Timelogs and unclassified maintenance schedules can confirm that. Preliminary radar logs indicate that there was some strange activity in the west around the Appalachians but it was overlooked as we had some aircraft on maneuvers in the area as well, although they were helicopters and the radar track is possibly just ground clutter or other interference. All relevant data will be forwarded to your analysts. Several inspectors will be enroute to investigate the wreckage and we will be able to confirm any matches to any serial numbers but we do not have any aircraft missing. [/quote]

Edited by Altarian Republic
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OOC: Was Sleeping when you got off from work Isaac, had figured you would be awake around now :P

IC: Major Williams cursed as his RWR kept going off "ALERT, MISSILE LOCK, ALERT, MISSILE LOCK" Finally approaching on Target, his bay began to open as he dispensed the lone munition(A GBU-27 PAVEWAY III), and he began perform the Manuver to turn north when an AGM-88 HARM Missile Streak across the Bow of his fighter, a far miss, but if he had not been moving at almost supersonic speeds it would have definitely hit him. Then his Radar began screaming again about proximity alert as an F-23 began to fly on a direct intercept course. Its guns blazing it scored direct hits on his starboard wing control aileron, along with hitting his engines. Loosing power he began to glide down to the earth. Thinking that these could be his last moments he activated his long-range transmitter, and began to attempt to force the aircraft to land down on the interstate below. However, right before he landed belly down, he fired the AIM-7M inside of his internal weapons bay, having it detonate before leaving the aircraft, from the inside. Destroying the cockpit, sensors, and Flight Control Computers.

[OOC]Handy Chart
Blue - Major Williams Flight Path
Light Blue - His Crash site
Pink & Brown - Carolinian F-22s[/OOC]

Edit - Redacted some of the information due to the realization that it would not fall under preplanning because there was none.

Edited by Aiden Ford
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OOC: Citing a one time signed in CNRPIC treaty with Old Greg, this is the result. Also because y'all are using modern stuffs so shall I.

IC: [quote][center][img]http://i498.photobucket.com/albums/rr346/graniteknight/110508_charter_oak.jpg[/img][/center]

[b][size="3"][center]Public Declaration of the Nutmeg Empire[/center][/b]

The current destabilization of the North American continent by the Carolinian powers results in this declaration. The Imperial and Royal Government are themselves compelled to see to the safeguarding of their rights and interests, and, with this object, to have recourse to force of arms.

The Nutmeg Empire consequently considers herself henceforward in state of war with the Republic of North Carolina.

Elihu Root [/size][/quote]

Edited by graniteknight
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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1338825176' post='2976906']
OOC: Citing a one time signed in CNRPIC treaty with Old Greg, this is the result. Also because y'all are using modern stuffs so shall I.


Georgia finds it confusing how the Nutmeg Empire has declared war on United Carolina stating that they have destabilised North America when it is clear they have been attacked from a third party which is out to cause destabilisation. We recommend that the Nutmeg Empire withdraw their declaration and stand back and look over the whole situation before acting.

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Classified response to Nutmeg Empire

"Whilst we do agree they may be classified as a potential destabilising force, the same could be said of West Virginia as they were the first to declare a war espically so quickly after this attack by unknown parties. we request that you cease your war declaration for the time being until we find the culprits of this attack. For all we know West Virginia may have caused or funded this attack to get to United Carolina. To avoid further destabilisation we should put our support behind the defenders until this situation is resolved."

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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1338831547' post='2976936']
Classified to the Georgians:
While we respect your sovereign right to disagree with our policy just as you should respect our right to wage war.


We do respect your right to wage war as you wish however, as a sign of respect we will warn you it may bring us into conflict.

Following the request from United Carolina all twenty of Georgia's SU-30s would fly over to their territory where upon reaching the border would switch to Carolina frequencies to talk to their air controllers. On the ground roughly three thousand soldiers and accompanying vehicles would make their way into United Carolina to help with their defense.

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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[b] Official announcement from the Minister of Foreign Affairs...[/b]

After a review of what we could find of what happened, and because of our current treaty, Newfoundland will give the Republic of North Carolina and any-other another defending nation attacked by W.V, and the Nutmeg Empire economic and military aid. Due to our current representatives in our house however, we cannot declare in your defense. We are sorry for this, but we will be sure to help you in any way we can afford.


"So Dominic, who do you plane to do this?"
"Harley, just give them this envelope.
"What's in it?"
"Just make sure it gets there."

(message mailed to the Republic of North Carolina's government)
To whomever this concerns.

Although we can't help by directly declaring on your enemies, we are able to provide you with any raw materials you may need. Economic aid will also be given when needed. We also have a small navy that we could lend you to use to help patrol your coast, and keep watch from possible invasion.

Best Regards,
President Dominic.[/quote]

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"Today marks the day of another conflict amongst North American brethren. The reasons for the war are not our concern. The concern we have today is what caused this war. NADU, the treaty which was supposed to unite the continent, has failed. The treaty has made it impossible to allow true unity to exist, only petty fights. We do not blame any nation. Right now, the eastern seaboard of this continent is embroiled in a preventable war. Once again, we will not place blame on Carolina or West Virginia. We will, however, blame the nations outside both parties for expanding this war in to something it should not have been.

Mexico will offer Merida as a neutral location to hold diplomatic discussions to end this war. The sooner this continent is at peace, the sooner we can begin rebuilding the losses. As of this moment, should any Mexican citizen be harmed while stationed in a NADU base, it will be considered an aggressive act against Mexico and we will respond in kind. Should weapons of mass destruction be used or genocide occur during this war, we will see it as an act of aggression against Mexico."

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"United Carolina, (being our nation name rather then North Carolina) has made it clear that diplomacy is an option and we will not pose aggressively into West Virginia unless we absolutely have to."

OOC:Zoot, its a closed war.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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Jade Lithaen read the rather amusing news passed her way via the continent's news nets and diplomatic channels, smiling to herself while she read over the reports of conflict between the member nations of NADU. She was saddened by the reports of civilian casualties, naturally, but a part of her grinned like an idiot at the prospect of watching the NADU fall without her needing to lift a finger. She got on the horn to her mother. "Momma, I think you need to make damned sure we don't have any more troops than normal at the ready and to keep our air force in the borders. It just wouldn't do for these fools in the NADU to think we're having anything to do with this."

To the Public:

"The Northern Imperium condemns the wave of aggression that has overswept the East Coast, and offers non-military aid to any involved parties, should they require it."

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Charleston Air Base, West Virginia

General Landry was furious when his aid walked in and told him that Williams had activated his emergency transponder, it was something that was only a worse case scenario. He picked up his phone and dialed the Presidents office informing him of the operational failure. Landry hung up the phone after a brief and heated conversation with the president and turned to all the collective officers at the largest Airbase in WV, and said "Alright men, this is a Case Red. The President has ordered all planes in the air. I want the 40th-50th Tactical Fighter Squadrons up first, then followed by the 2nd-20th Tactical Fighter Squadrons. Our Supersonic Flyboys will be scrambling from Ohio soon enough. The 36th-40th Attacker Squadrons will follow suite. Each one of you must report to your respective squadron, call upon them to carry respectable load outs. The VA-2 Squadrons really need to focus on carrying AGM-88 HARMs, but should the base Armory be out of the, you are cleared to use GBU-27 PAVEWAY IIIs. VAF-2s are to carry strictly air to air Armaments, I will leave what it is up to you.

Most of the flight captains saluted, except for the Stand-In for Major Williams. "Sir, what about the 1st, we are ready to go even if we are a man short. Please give us orders to scramble". Landry sighed and said "Lt, you will get your orders to fly very soon, but I want your squadron to escort some VA-1s around border passes, and begin to collapse any Tunnels that would allow enemy armor to pass into the homeland on the Northern, or Eastern Fronts.


Two Hours Later, in the Immediate Airspace of Bluefield, WV.

The Largest Attack Force assembled in Modern North American History was loitering over the town, when the signal came that the VB-86(Armed with Popeye Standoff Missiles), VF-33(Armed with x3 AA-10R Alamo), and VF-32(Armed with x3 AA-10AE Alamo) had crossed into Commonwealth Airspace, and was beginning its opening assault on MCAS Cherry Point, Pope AFB, MCAS New River and Camp Lejune. The VF-33's were flying in a Formation mixed in with the XB-86 Aircraft, with the VF-32s trailing about 10 miles behind. The Entire force was moving at Mach 3.1 towards their targets, there would hopefully be absolutely no way for Carolinian Aircraft to not only reach their altitude of 75,000ft, but also be able to fire munitions going at the speeds required to maintain a stable lock. Should however the Carolinian Military scramble a defense for the two targets, the VF-33s would deter any attempted assaults on the XB-86s, while the VF-32s caught up and then engaged the enemy aircraft. Before the VF-32s would arrive though the 33s would turn off their Radar, and begin flying via Mark-1 Eyeball. Cooperative bracket, and scissor maneuvers would be used to get enemy aircraft within their sights to use guns if necessary. However, should the enemy realize the maneuvers used, and begin doing counter maneuvers tactics would be switched to Lag Pursuit, or Double-Circle Attack Patterns. Chaffs would be used sparingly, with a maximum of 10 deployed per perceived missile lock.

Meanwhile, the VAF-2, and VA-2 Attack would begin crossing the Commonwealth/WV Border, and head to the Carolinian Capitol at the very moment it was known that the first attack group had begun engaging their targets. This attack would not actually reach the Capitol, but instead be targeted at all Radar Emplacements in between Southern West Virginia, and the Carolinian Capitol. They would also destroy the Wreckage of the VAF-2 Piloted by Major Williams in order to prevent any Secrets from being gleaned. Should enemy attacks in the form of F-22s, or F-23s come, the VAF-2s would engage using their AA-10AE Alamo(x2 Per Plane), and if anything conventional came, they would engage using their AIM-7M Missiles(x2 Per Plane). They would also be using cooperative bracket, and scissor maneuvers to attempt to bring enemy fighters into their sights.


Should everything go according to plan, the mission would ideally cripple the Military Defense, and Counter-Attack Capabilities of North Carolina.

[OOC] This Attack is to by Synced with the one MO is posting in a few minutes.[/ooc]

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Classified to Georgia:

We understand and pledge to fight with honour.

Classified Military:
The Imperial Nutmeg Navy and Air Force let slip from their posts in New England split into two taskforce structures. Military satellites had discoveredthat major military movements were being conducted to the south in the territory of the Republic of the Carolinas. The plan was to coordinate a southern thrust upon the soft military underbelly of the Carolinas while allies in the north would provide a screening diversionary attack. Task Force 38 with the majority of the naval forces lead by the battleships and carriers with troop transports, and Task Force 58 which comprised the air attack wings on the ground in New England. Task Force 38 would seek to engage the enemy with 450 F-35 II fighters broken down into 5 attack wings lead by lieutenant commanders Hart, Jozef, Milton, Rodgers, and lastly, the commanding pilot, the Norwegian Ooway. 250 A-10 Warthog planes also lead by lieutenant commanders would break into squadrons of 10 planes each and would target military barracks and ground forces. The bombing wings of 96 B-1R's and 48 B-2 Barak bombers broken into units of 6 and 156 VAF-2 Shadowhawk fighter-bombers broken into 26 wings of 6 planes each would seek to crater the enemy airfields and supply centers. The plan would be for the planes to attack in their squadron formats, wave after wave of attacking planes would seek and destroy anything in their paths, be it an enemy fighter or bomber or ground installation which was proving to be quite the menace. The bombing runs would coincide with the attacks from the fighters so that the fighters were too distracted by the fight to attempt to intercept them. Each bombing section had responsibilities and targets including the Marine Air Station and Parris Island as well as major munitions factories and farming regions. Cruise missiles would be launched from stations located in New England manned with BGM-109G GLCM launchers while planes would also launch AGM-88-HARM missiles to knock out radar stations while AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles and AIM-9 Sidewinders would provide a punch against enemy attacks.

Task Force 38 would sail from New England and make headway to land in Beaufort, South Carolina. The battleships of the fleet would seek to unload their shells and tomahawk missiles upon the military infrastructure in that region in order to cripple the enemy's response. The destroyers and heavy cruisers of the fleet would provide covering fire for the landing craft of the invasion force which carried the majority of the 500,000 men and their commander William Wallace Wotherspoon. The Fleet would begin its operation by probing Carolinian Defenses, and commencing a short 15 minute barrage of heavy guns and missile fire on Parris Island, after which it would begin amphibious assaults on the isthmus connecting the Island with Beaufort Proper. Troops would also be landing on Ladys Island, Hilton Head Island, and on the Southern Part of Parris Island.

Transmission to Carolina:
You are in the Danger Zone.

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Okay, i've sat down with Isaac and Aiden and hammered out an agreement to allow this war to continue on with both parties satisfied about its entry rules since there was a prior issue.

1) This war is to be closed to everyone barring:

-Isaac, Kevz, Supercheese and Altarian Republic
-Aiden Ford and Graniteknight

2) The Isaac 'side' will be granted a 50% increase (1.5 x Force Multiplier) for the duration of this war, which includes Troops, Tanks, Airforces, CMs, and Navies

Good luck to both sides, and I look forward to see this war RPed out to its full conclusion. Let's have us a good war.

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