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TSI Summit- Shanghai


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OOC: Intended to be similar to a NATO Summit, non-member states can join panels. If you come please be prepared to have lively discussions, I'd like to do a fun diplomacy RP with actually some substance to it. There will be a members only part, members only communications will be clearly marked. I won't be arresting anyone unless they try something stupid, but consider non-violence inciting free speech in some effect.


The Sovereign Initiative would be holding its annual summit in Shanghai. On the agenda of the summit was the development of counter terrorism strategies to prosecute the continued asymmetric threat, counter operations against continued hostile threats from regional powers and near peer competitors, the final topic of discussion would be the formation of tiers below full membership for nations which lack capability but wish to contribute to the global peacekeeping contingency operations.

Attending the meetings for Tianxia would be Premier Wei Hai and Executor Ding. Workshops open for public participation would include:

1) Anti-Genocide Laws, which would encourage all states to act hastily and with great force to decisively end genocide in cases other than defensive nuclear war.

2) Cooperation against global nuclear rogues and joint SDI operations.

3) Establishment of extradition systems for apprehending global criminals.

4) Discussion on global stability.

5) Discussion on Balancing Universal Human Rights, Sovereignty, and the National Interest.

Additionally a open observation session would be held for a Tianxia proposed Partnership for Peace Initiative, based on the one between the Former Warsaw Pact States and NATO in the 20th Century.

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OOC: For those that don't know, Tianxia is closer to the civil rights situation of Hong Kong than it is to the PRC.


First workshop under discussion would be the anti-genocide treaty:

Wei: It is our opinion that the governments of the world have become too lax on the question of genocide instead preferring to defer to arguments about sovereignty. To us these seem the horrific international equivalent of 'boys will be boys' arguments. Systematic targeting of people based on race, ethnicity, or culture makes little sense in any sort of justifiable matter. Tianxia itself is highly ethnically diverse, we are aware the difficulties integrating many cultures into one nation. However it seems to us that there really isn't much of an excuse here. On that note we think that it is time measures both preventative and preemptive are necessary and should be codified as the international norm.

In terms of preemptive measures, we believe that there are standards all nations should be expected to obey. Not all civil wars need to be intervened in. However, if fights are dragged on where it looks like an entire ethnic group will be wiped out, as was the recent case in Papua, its our opinion that we not be involved in petty regionalist arguments. When decisive action is needed it should be the major powers that act. People often disparage the World Police, but the World Police are often justified in acting in our judgement.

We also believe that preventative measures are necessary. Namely the embrace of multi-culturalism, rule of law, human security, and civil society must become universal values. We propose that the underlying document to guide this be the principle of re-embracing the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the 20th Century adapted to local conditions. National body politics may choose more authoritarian and stability focused rule or they may choose more liberal and open society focused rule. These are legitimate choices and reflect differences in culture between East and West. However, it is our judgement that nations should not be able to choose systems based on Apartheid Politics, overly oppressive caste systems (though some allowance for culture can be made) where you have a permanent untouchable class, or any system of that sinister nature. It is our belief that by pursuing policies which embrace some rights of participation (this can very), a basic rule of law, rights of expression, and rights to healthcare, food, water, shelter, and other basic services we can lay a pre-emptive foundation against genocide.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1338136917' post='2973243']
OOC: For those that don't know, Tianxia is closer to the civil rights situation of Hong Kong than it is to the PRC.


First workshop under discussion would be the anti-genocide treaty:

Wei: It is our opinion that the governments of the world have become too lax on the question of genocide instead preferring to defer to arguments about sovereignty. To us these seem the horrific international equivalent of 'boys will be boys' arguments. Systematic targeting of people based on race, ethnicity, or culture makes little sense in any sort of justifiable matter. Tianxia itself is highly ethnically diverse, we are aware the difficulties integrating many cultures into one nation. However it seems to us that there really isn't much of an excuse here. On that note we think that it is time measures both preventative and preemptive are necessary and should be codified as the international norm.

In terms of preemptive measures, we believe that there are standards all nations should be expected to obey. Not all civil wars need to be intervened in. However, if fights are dragged on where it looks like an entire ethnic group will be wiped out, as was the recent case in Papua, its our opinion that we not be involved in petty regionalist arguments. When decisive action is needed it should be the major powers that act. People often disparage the World Police, but the World Police are often justified in acting in our judgement.

We also believe that preventative measures are necessary. Namely the embrace of multi-culturalism, rule of law, human security, and civil society must become universal values. We propose that the underlying document to guide this be the principle of re-embracing the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the 20th Century adapted to local conditions. National body politics may choose more authoritarian and stability focused rule or they may choose more liberal and open society focused rule. These are legitimate choices and reflect differences in culture between East and West. However, it is our judgement that nations should not be able to choose systems based on Apartheid Politics, overly oppressive caste systems (though some allowance for culture can be made) where you have a permanent untouchable class, or any system of that sinister nature. It is our belief that by pursuing policies which embrace some rights of participation (this can very), a basic rule of law, rights of expression, and rights to healthcare, food, water, shelter, and other basic services we can lay a pre-emptive foundation against genocide.

Hektor nodded "I agree, Athens itself has faced it fair share of civil wars due to ethnic origins; Bulgaria, Italy and to a lesser extent the Middle-East and Egypt. At the same time we are balancing the interests of about two dozen ethnic groups, at least half that amount of religions of which three actually have their religious capitals in the Federation. Each day we are faced with a difficult challenge, yet never were we forced to resort to genocide. No matter what anyone claims the systematic targeting of a group based on factors beyond their control is never acceptable.

While the Athenian Federation already has an even stronger bill of rights in its constitution we will gladly sign the United Nations declarations of old times for it is still very relevant. While we do not like to go to war we do recognize when it is needed, should a government or group resort to genocide. We live in a time where you can build a bomb in your country and bring it to my country, what goes on in your country is very much my business. So we should be for freedom from oppression, the chance to be black, white, yellow or whatever color without fear, freedom to believe in God, Allah, Zeus or whoever else you want to believe in. These ideas can not be met merely with our support, they have to be met with our strength, diplomacy, military, economically, whatever it takes. Isolationist countries will go crazy because we are imposing our will, extreme fascists will just go indiscriminately crazy but we can promise them this. If Pharaoh doesn't free his slaves we will free them for him."

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Vatican Portia had a confused look on her face as the talks of Anti-Genocide arose. She looked down at her documentation on the workshops and openly read through them. She worried that the rest of the members of the TSI summit would fear a Pro-Christian nation such as Diocese would one day commit these acts of Genocide. She began to put down a piece of paper and drafted a speech to give. While she is definately committed to her religion, she did not want to seem as if that was all she cared about. Portia put down her rough draft of the speech and stood up.

"As a Vatican, i can assure you that Genocide is a completely wrong subject. Not but a few years ago many situations of Genocide took place. One of the largest being the African Yaza Hajin. I do believe as a Christian nation people naturally assume we are die-hard right winged conservatives and would violate the rights of Muslims if we had the chance. That is completely false. We come from an all loving god, while we do not believe that we should have several religions, we do support all religions and their freedom as human beings. Diocese will never be a place of Anti-Religious freedom. We are majority Diocese Catholic do not get me wrong, but we would act in a heart beat to support an Islamic regime being oppressed by Christians before we would support Christians putting down the islamic. While the Islamic are not the only ones who are discriminated against every day, they are largely disliked due to the Yaza Hajin's actions. As the Vatican of Diocese, I will say that shall an act of Genocide ever take place in the world again, Diocese will be responding militarily."

Portia sat back down and looked around the room, she had hoped her speech would trigger a domino effect and other nations would take up to the cause of also taking charge against genocide. Portia grabbed her pen and began to jot down the notes and speeches that other leaders would contribute to the workshops. She sat back for a minute, closed her eyes, and began to day dream of a place where everyone got along. She then would wake up to hear the other attendants murmuring about her speech.

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OOC: I apologize in advance for the wall of text :)

Treize made a few quick notes to himself before addressing the assembled delegations:

[i]“As the representative of the government of the Serene Republic of Vaule, I will attempt to outline my government’s position on these matters as well as our consideration of the proposals outlined thus far.

Firstly regarding genocide, the Serene Republic feels that while the combined use of regional or international military force can often be a decisive advantage in cases where it is necessary to confront state sponsored acts of genocide, it poses other risks and complications. For instance, in the event of a nation undertaking a deliberate and sustained campaign targeting civilian individuals on the basis of their race, ethnicity or other such factors, we (being the international community at large) would require concrete evidence that such events were in fact taking place. While I admit that advances in military technology have made this process much easier, there is still a limitation on data obtained through such means.

This then raises several additional questions. If a state is suspected of engaging in an act of genocide, how much evidence of this is required before an agreement to begin military action occurs? What measures would be in place to ensure a rapid response to such actions? If a nation is suspected of such actions, but intelligence gathered is unable to definitively prove this, then what further actions would be justified in order to prove or disprove the claims? In the course of preventing an act of genocide, how do we prevent other nations (in the course of assisting the people of the affected nation) from using the call to prevent genocide as a two fold strategy to satisfy their imperialist ambitions?

From a moral and ethical standpoint, the Serene Republic of Vaule will stand in opposition to any nation that undertakes an act of genocide against it’s own people or against the people of another country anywhere in the world. We are, as always, committed to honoring all military treaties and agreements with our strategic partners. Despite this, I will say that we believe that a regional role must be paramount in preventing such violations of human rights from occurring. An ideal situation, in our eyes, would be a series of strategic and military understandings between nations in each major region such that those nations would lead any approach to combating genocide in their respective regions.

Regarding the proposal to use the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights as the basis for a new treaty, I wish to state that the Serene Republic holds significant reservations to Article 13 subsection 1 and Article 20 subsection 1 of the UN Declaration. While we acknowledge the importance of the document as a whole, it is my government’s belief that certain interpretations of the aforementioned articles may impact upon or contravene certain aspects of Vaulian law. To that effect, we would be willing to endorse a new treaty based upon the previous UN Declaration provided that the articles in question are either modified or removed.”[/i]-Treize Karolekov (Lord Protector and Chairman of the State Law and Order Council)

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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