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Conference of the Americas


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"We will definately not be signing this agreement should France be permitted full status. Observer status is fine, but as a non-American nation with American territorial holdings, we dont believe they should have full membership."

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The Californians whispered amongst themselves for a bit and let Farren speak, "Sorry France, seems like observer status it is then. I'm going to motion for signatures now Vice President Coleain."

"Motion for Agreement signatures is brought to the floor. Is there a second?" spoke Coleain.

"Motion is seconded," replied Patterson.

"Okay, motion for signatures for those who agree to the Agreement is now up on the floor. The document is right up here and ready for signing," stated Coleain.

President Colin Farren rose up and walked up to the front of the room and place his signature on the document that they worked on drafting. After penning his signature, he returned back to his seat.

[b]For the Californian Republic -[/b]
Colin Farren[/i]

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"While the intentions of the Californians are noble it seems clear that there still are reactionary elements that can't see the advantages of global trade arrangements through this pact. As we seem unwanted in the greater group I have been granted permission to engage in individual arrangements of a similar form as the proposed treaty with all American states that are open to it."

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1334518250' post='2953825']
"While the intentions of the Californians are noble it seems clear that there still are reactionary elements that can't see the advantages of global trade arrangements through this pact. As we seem unwanted in the greater group I have been granted permission to engage in individual arrangements of a similar form as the proposed treaty with all American states that are open to it."

"Unfortunately so. We regret at this time the economic agreement is limited to American nations. However, due the flexibility of the agreement and future evolution of our nations, it is our greatest hope to include our greatest foreign trading partners in future iterations of this Agreement. This agreement is just a start and we do encourage you Athens to engage in individual discussions as well as France and Tianxia in such a course," answered Farren.

"The following course of such an agreement will be classified as part of a growing number of Plurilateral Trade Agreements currently defined under the Agreement being signed currently, and as such, California will reaffirm it's foreign trade partners relations in a different treaty," said Secretary Patterson.

Edited by Tanis777
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Hopefully we can achieve a strictly American agreement. But seeing as how we have allies in Europe and Africa, I dont see why Gallifrey would not agree to this treaty.

[u][b]Signed for the Republic of Gallifrey,[/b][/u]

[i]Lord President John Smith

Lady Chancellor Amy Pond

Lord Ambassador Valyes[/i]

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Vivian, sent a quick scan of the modified document via his phone back to Edean, where it was reviewed by the council of Wisdom and the other Triumvirates - even Gildas, despite his being under the weather. The potential for future legislature within the bill provided by Article 2, Section II was somewhat disconcerting, but it was noted that should the article prove to later conflict with the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109055&view=findpost&p=2918625"]Edean Constitution[/url], then they could always withdraw in full or in part. It was determined that the remainder of the articles could be implemented through interfaces with the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109163&view=findpost&p=2921977"]EEF (Edean Economic Framework)[/url]. The modularity of said system was particularly well suited for such actions, especially when implementing new technologies such as the universal transponders discussed in Article VII (which was particularly of value to Edean after taking such a heavy hit in the UC-Peruvian War).

The greatest concern from the document came from Article VIII Sections 2 and 8, which seemed to require the implementation of a unified database for customs at border crossings. Edean itself could not require companies to register their components, as interfering in such business transactions would violate Article 8 of the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109055&view=findpost&p=2918625"]Edean Constitution[/url]. However, the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109163&view=findpost&p=2932622"]Free-Net[/url], which was freely available to all people and businesses across Edean and well loved, could be used along with the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109163&view=findpost&p=2921977"]EEF[/url] in order to allow businesses with international trade to interface with this system via an online web-service which would then provide the information to this treaties databases - in this respect, it would not be 'required' of the businesses by Edean, but required if said businesses desired to use this system for international trade (and said system would reduce costs, so that would indeed be desirable).

So, after deliberating on the matter, the Triumvirate agreed unanimously to sign the treaty, which would surely bring a breath of fresh air to the suffocating Edean economy.

[quote][u]For The Free Kingdom of Edean[/u]

Vivian Androcles, Alexander Gildas, Rodolfo-Avila
[i]~Triumvirates of the Free Kingdom of Edean[/i][/quote]

Edited by Zarfef
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"As of now, Mexico cannot agree to such a document which will force us to recognize outside trade agreements of other American nations. We believe in regional cooperation and unity. This treaty, however, does not allow for that. We will not allow our trade agreements to be placed under this organization. Not in the present or the future. This is a noble cause. Mexico will trade with the rest of the Americas, but we will do it on our own terms. I encourage the rest of you to think about what this organization will do for each of your respective nations. Should it truly serve the best interests of your nation, sign yourself to this organization. If it does not, I will encourage you to continue working with the rest of your fellow Americans on your own terms as well." said UnderSecretary Ventura.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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The president got news from one of his UNIT security agents. He stood up with a grim look on his face "I apologize, I must leave. It appears Gallifrey has come under attack from the commonwealth. I must return to defend my nation or it may not be there tomorrow." With that he left the room and took the first secure flight to the capital. He was secured by F-22 raptors on his way back home and flown by cover to the capital bunker.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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ooc: this is my last post here. typing on a smartphone,lol. I got not much time for this.

ic: " this new organization pertains to the enforcement of ensuring fair trade with current agreements and the future potential of an united trade agreement that is acceptable to those committed to that end. if your nation can't recognize others trade agreements, your indirectly hampering the freedom of movement of goods. this agreement is highly flexible, with ability to give nation's their last say with wavers. it's time to get out of the dark ages of going it alone trade. most of us aren't strangers , we shouldn't be treating each other like children. is this perfect? no, it is not. but we have the opportunity to make it better, to serve all our needs. you had your chance to add your two cents and said nothing. I have nothing further to say." President Farren concluded sternly.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1334612537' post='2954455']
The president got news from one of his UNIT security agents. He stood up with a grim look on his face "I apologize, I must leave. It appears Gallifrey has come under attack from the commonwealth. I must return to defend my nation or it may not be there tomorrow." With that he left the room and took the first secure flight to the capital. He was intercepted by F-22 raptors on his way back home and blown by cover to the capital bunker.


Not recognising this bullcrap about shooting your president down. Thats godmodding.

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