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TSA Restoration Movement

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1331174302' post='2935316']
Did the government of TSA request/approve this or not?
If they did not, then it is most certianly an unauthorized takeover performed presumably against the will of TSA's government.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but it looks to me as if this was done on the request of The Apparatus and not on the request of TSA. If that is the case, it paints a pretty clear picture that The Apparatus doesn't understand what the word "sovereignty" means.

It might not be done in malice, it might have the best interests of TSA in mind, but if an alliance isn't active enough to save its own skin, even by being active enough to ask for somebody else's help themselves, then it doesn't really deserve to live.

Wow. You are definitely missing the broad side of the barn with that one. Why don't you shoot an inquiry to WP, yourself, if you think this was anything other than the way it was presented? We certainly didn't put in any special requests--TSA has been one of our longest standing allies since before they were TSA, and before we were The Apparatus.

You obviously have no clue how The Apparatus operates and how much we DO value the sovereignty of other alliances, to take a blind wild stab like that. A look at how we regard our protectorates would be a good place to start. Asking us, or TSA directly would be an even better place to start if you actually care to learn more about our (TSA/TNoT/App) connections, or how we operate, or how this even came about.

I'm always available to chat, clarify, answer questions, etc. A shame folks so rarely take me up on the offer before blowing off so much hot air. Leave the steam to the Steampunks, eh? ;)

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I have been in contact with TSA, and TNoT throughout the entire separation. This is not any form of takeover. This is the former leadership of TSA returning home at the request of the membership of TSA.

The Apparatus, while in support, was not behind any of this being done.

This action has the full support of the Terran Empire and of all members of Arizona, of which TSA is a member.


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Best of luck to our friends in TSA in moving forward. I was saddened to see your decline after the last war. I hope this restoration helps you guys get back on track. You have RIA's support in these trying times. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask.

o/ TSA

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TSA has been a friend to The Apparatus as long as anyone has, and to think that we aren't acting in accordance with their wishes frankly places too high of a value on our input as friends and allies. We are helping to ensure a smooth transition for TNoT, whom we took on with the blessing of TSA in the first place... that's really our entire level of involvement here other than letting everyone know we supported this decision to revive TSA.

If anyone in TSA Gov had a problem with this move, I'm pretty sure we would have heard about it already.

Good luck folks -- happy to see the revival continue :)

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I think it would help if you had the current government of TSA i.e. WorldPeace come in and say he was for this it would help stop the confusion about the 'hostile' takeover.

[quote]The leaders of the Nephilim of Termina are acting against the constant threat of inactivity threatening to kill The Shadow Accord. So on behalf of our friends in TSA, and by the request of TSAs allies, we are returning.

This doesn't help either exposing your vanity like this.

I propose Omni as the original founder still remaining returns and takes over TSA and rename it to TSC.

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[quote name='Demag' timestamp='1331216226' post='2935478']
I think it would help if you had the current government of TSA i.e. WorldPeace come in and say he was for this it would help stop the confusion about the 'hostile' takeover. [/quote]

[OOC]no doubt that as soon as his computer problems get fixed he'll be right on[/OOC]

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Thank you to all our supporters

Quick notes: All active gov was in favor of us joining,

An actual election (gasp, democracy) will take place one weve cleaned up a bit... Per the rules of our constitution. At that point, the people who run and are voted in will be rightful leaders... If WP is still in active at that point, he will not be able to retain power (cause he cant run). However we continue our previous statement and reaffirm that once he returns, we will glady follow all his requests.

Im NOT gonna sit here and reason with people who are neither my allies or members of my alliance. When all members of the alliance approve, and all your allies are happy... There should be no further questions.

Haters gonna hate. Just do it else where.

All the rest of ya'll. Please stop by and chat, ask your questions at www.shadowaccord.co.cc

Thanks yall

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[quote name='Conred' timestamp='1331323223' post='2936036']
Thank you to all our supporters

Quick notes: All active gov was in favor of us joining,

An actual election (gasp, democracy) will take place one weve cleaned up a bit... Per the rules of our constitution. At that point, the people who run and are voted in will be rightful leaders... If WP is still in active at that point, he will not be able to retain power (cause he cant run). However we continue our previous statement and reaffirm that once he returns, we will glady follow all his requests.

Im NOT gonna sit here and reason with people who are neither my allies or members of my alliance. When all members of the alliance approve, and all your allies are happy... There should be no further questions.

Haters gonna hate. Just do it else where.

All the rest of ya'll. Please stop by and chat, ask your questions at www.shadowaccord.co.cc

Thanks yall

Yes because concerned members from a former ally (Asgaard) where questioning how this takeover was conducted are haters. Considering how you left are you surprised there are questions concerning this change in government.

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[quote name='Demag' timestamp='1331330485' post='2936082']
Yes because concerned members from a former ally (Asgaard) where questioning how this takeover was conducted are haters. Considering how you left are you surprised there are questions concerning this change in government.


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