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I'd like zoot to declare, in private to a GM, where exactly his remaining nukes are lurking. Mine are all within my nation's borders, but then neither have I expended 19 of mine. 


15 on chile, he did list 15 cities, not 14.


2 on Cayo Fragoso and 2 on Eva's Island. I also need 2 sdi rolls for the Cayo Fragoso nukes. 


That gives him 6 remaining plus however many he can rebuild. 


Given how disgustingly metagamish this whole thing is with Zoot blowing kittens over my "plot" to screw him up via Cayo Fragoso, I think this is a highly reasonable request. While I'm content to not make a formal protest about the ooc conduct on Zoot's part, neither am I going to be a passive victim to his shens. 

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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I'm maybe only indirectly affected by this, but still, can some GM roll these nukes?

Another squadron of B-2's were launched this time with the sad mission of saturation bombing of a nuclear kind. Each bomber fired a 20 megaton nuclear missile along the border with the American Commonwealth. The I-95, I-85, I-74, I-81 (on the warriors path state park), and Springfield Tennessee to destroy as many Commonwealth forces as possible and irradiate their gear. All were set for high altitude air bursts for maximum effect and coverage. This would hopefully either halt or disrupt the enemy attack for long enough to give the PSSA forces a chance to regroup and launch a counter attack.


After all, sooner or later it will need to be rolled anyway and people can at least think a bit longer about how to proceed with this.




Also, what part of Interstate-74 is Zoot nuking? The short piece in his own country or the Interstate at Cincinatti?

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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Alright, I've been seeing some multiplier misunderstandings going on here in this latest war, concerning naval vessels, and I've been made aware that multiple players may be in infraction of this rule.


Currently, the naval multipliers extend only to SCREENING VESSELS, hence, cruisers do not get a multiplier, they are considered a larger surface combatant and always have been.


The current naval multiplier only exists for the FOLLOWING VESSELS, per the decision by the community almost a year ago by poll;


  • Destroyers
  • Frigates
  • Corvettes
  • Submarines

That is it.

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I have always been under the impression that we can RP a stockpile of weapons, but can only fire a max of 25 a day.


For example, I have five SSBN submarines, those are my main source of nuclear deterrent with twenty silos on the ground in Florida, Georgia and Alabama.


If those twenty silos get destroyed, I still have five submarines each capable of carrying sixteen nuclear warheads.


In total I have fired twenty three nuclear weapons. My last launch was on Friday night, and its now Sunday afternoon. With a replenishment rate of two a day, that brings me back up to around six nuclear weapons remaining unless I sit tight and let them replenish to the full 25 which is around ten days.


In total I would have eighty nuclear weapons, currently depleted to fifty seven.


I am not replenishing my ground nuclear missiles because its not feasible given the time frame or the scale of the war, but I am using the nuclear weapons I have on board my SSBN as my replenishment pool until they run out because obviously, those nukes cannot be replaced either.


@Shammy about the ships, I shall edit my fleets accordingly, I always thought it was cruisers, not frigates, I can just change those two ship classes around in my posts and fact book thing.


@Evangeline, I am nuking I-74 in North Carolina at the big Pine Ridge junction where I-77 and I-74 split off.

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I'd like zoot to declare, in private to a GM, where exactly his remaining nukes are lurking. Mine are all within my nation's borders, but then neither have I expended 19 of mine. 


15 on chile, he did list 15 cities, not 14.


2 on Cayo Fragoso and 2 on Eva's Island. I also need 2 sdi rolls for the Cayo Fragoso nukes. 


That gives him 6 remaining plus however many he can rebuild. 


Given how disgustingly metagamish this whole thing is with Zoot blowing kittens over my "plot" to screw him up via Cayo Fragoso, I think this is a highly reasonable request. While I'm content to not make a formal protest about the ooc conduct on Zoot's part, neither am I going to be a passive victim to his shens. 


My apologies for listing 15 cities, it was supposed to be fourteen =/


If you believe me to be metagaming, then call it out properly, place a formal protest, and get the whole thing wiped. But if you're not going to do that, then there is no point bringing it up now is there?

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My apologies for listing 15 cities, it was supposed to be fourteen =/


If you believe me to be metagaming, then call it out properly, place a formal protest, and get the whole thing wiped. But if you're not going to do that, then there is no point bringing it up now is there?


And miss the slaughter? I'll stick to requesting you confirm you nuclear weapons locations to the gm in private. 

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I just told you, Florida, Georgia and Alabama.


Six silos in the first two and seven in Alabama. No need to PM it to the GM team, its just one more person you would need to get in contact with if you won the rolls, less streamlined.


Also, I'm going to have another post up by this evening to address your edited post in the war thread TBM and then another post tomorrow fingers crossed, addressing Tanis's post once the GM's have looked ever it and confirmed its legitimacy.


Also, if anyone in the war has any questions or points to raise about my own posts, please feel free to contact me or simply post in here and It can be resolved asap.

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Will the cratering of Martin, Union City and Tiptonville be in the reply to Tanis, or can one just assume you ignore that bit, as 14 shells at small towns/villages aren't important in the big picture where nukes are flying around?

Well, if you insist, I will put it into the Tanis reply, but its up to you, I don't mind adding it in :)

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Hey just a note, cause I just noticed it, but I've RPed naval forces on the entrances to the Pacific Ocean to deny access to other nations I don't want in (which is everyone whose not my ally), especially SSBNs.  Zoot really shouldn't be firing SLBMs from the Pacific without giving me a chance to shoot his submarines for entering my Ocean.

Edited by Triyun
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  • 2 weeks later...



Two spyrolls please


1st roll is to identify military facilities within the German enclave on Finland, and the other is to locate radar installations/airbases/places of a military nature along my land border with him in Sweden/Norway.


If I am asking too much, 1st roll remains the same, the second roll will be to identify airbases in the border region.

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Hey non-involved GMs I got a question, while the establishment of this Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, especially about Ukraine.  Ukraine was an active warzone.  It was also certainly about to become a second war zone.  For a principal generally is creating a state that can act as a buffer (especially when a war is clearly about to go the other way) in an active war zone ok?  The same thing applies to Poland but I think to a much lesser extent.


I know its been done in the past by people (including myself), when there is the possibility of a war coming down the pipe.  But not when a wars going on or is immediately imminent.  The sole exception to this I think has been in cases like Ireland where two people reroll into open space and fight it out which really isn't the same thing as doing it in long established territory.  

Edited by Triyun
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Hey non-involved GMs I got a question, while the establishment of this Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, especially about Ukraine.  Ukraine was an active warzone.  It was also certainly about to become a second war zone.  For a principal generally is creating a state that can act as a buffer (especially when a war is clearly about to go the other way) in an active war zone ok?  The same thing applies to Poland but I think to a much lesser extent.


I know its been done in the past by people (including myself), when there is the possibility of a war coming down the pipe.  But not when a wars going on or is immediately imminent.  The sole exception to this I think has been in cases like Ireland where two people reroll into open space and fight it out which really isn't the same thing as doing it in long established territory.  


So my thought on the matter is that 'ukraine' is really just an artificial administrative division we use for our own convenience, we could break it down into FLZ's or arbitrarily draw the borders as well. I think the move that interferes the least in the RP is one that acknowledges a valid IC claim to the territory, and makes only contested areas that are actually under occupation or in which battles are occurring. If they are only fighting in the Chrimea then that is the contested territory and the involved powers should work it out diplomatically in an IC manner. If they wish to invade Poland-Lithuania that is of course their right, but in either case this is something that needs to be worked out through rp not with a GM's magic wand.

Edited by iamthey
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Hey non-involved GMs I got a question, while the establishment of this Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, especially about Ukraine.  Ukraine was an active warzone.  It was also certainly about to become a second war zone.  For a principal generally is creating a state that can act as a buffer (especially when a war is clearly about to go the other way) in an active war zone ok?  The same thing applies to Poland but I think to a much lesser extent.


I know its been done in the past by people (including myself), when there is the possibility of a war coming down the pipe.  But not when a wars going on or is immediately imminent.  The sole exception to this I think has been in cases like Ireland where two people reroll into open space and fight it out which really isn't the same thing as doing it in long established territory.  

Your entire request assumes the creation of Poland-Lithuania serves solely to establish a bufferzone and is quite insulting to iamthey. That kind of conduct is quite honestly unacceptable for an OOC arena. As far as the matter at hand, the two week rule covers all exchanges of land so people are free to dispute it if they want.

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