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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1334585976' post='2954264']
There is a legitimate example of Artemis for example existing as a seperate force from Sargun's normal military. Same with Yawoo's mercs. Personally I thought those weren't the best GM decisions in the world, but they were there. The Legion was as I understood their history always a merc group in that respect.

Funny you should mention this - I was getting ready to restart Virtus International soon. Are the GMs considering a revision of the merc company rule or is this still considered to be an acceptable program?

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I figured I should state things clearly given Triyun's inability to understand the situation:

Grand Papua is now a protectorate of the Oceanic Union, and by extension so is the Republic of Zeon which is a republic within Grand Papua just like how [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105432&view=findpost&p=2887969"]Neukarlsland, Dokutz, and Fuso[/url] are Autonmous States within Grand Papua.

Given that I am no longer Grand Papua (and certainly not the Republic of Zeon), there is no reason to say that this situation is complex unless one tries to make it complex using strange logic (or for that matter, "watch the rage" as Triyun said on IRC). Furthermore, I have already discussed the relevant issues with Cent before I did the RP, as seen in the following logs:

[quote]Sun Centyrion_Lannister One question though, you aren't planning on running two nations right?
Sun Kankou phasing things out
Sun Kankou since the counterpart to the GP RP is a bit busy until the coming weekend
Sun Kankou sort of delaying the conclusion for GP
Sun Centyrion_Lannister well to be honest if you start to actively play in Scandinavia with movements there you need to give up Grand Papua
Sun Kankou your definition of give up is?
Sun Centyrion_Lannister all ooc control
Sun Centyrion_Lannister like a normal reroll
Sun Kankou sort of different from what you said on #cnrp about spliting forces
Sun Centyrion_Lannister that was assuming a normal involvement
Sun Kankou the only thing delaying my complete reroll is the fact that both the counterpart and myself would like to RP the situation
[b]Sun Centyrion_Lannister if you actually go all-in on Sweden rp'ing a governing organ and such you do need to reroll[/b]


Sun Kankou hmmm a question
Sun Centyrion_Lannister sure
Sun Kankou how do we consider Sarah's Amazons while she was RPing France
Sun Centyrion_Lannister What do you mean?
Sun Kankou she was able to RP the establishment of the Amazons while she was Socialist france
Sun Kankou it is because Triyun allowed her to RP, correct?
Sun Centyrion_Lannister Not so much that, Sarah had an independent organization rp there. The moment she actively rp'd the region as in Scythia and such she gave up on France
Sun Centyrion_Lannister and yes in that scenario the only owner agreed
Sun Centyrion_Lannister here Scandinavia was technically vekt's and KM's
Sun Kankou I'm basically asking about the reverese
Sun Kankou I can RP what I wish in former GP if the owner/protectorate gives permission, correct?
Sun Centyrion_Lannister Yes[/quote]

So yes, I'll make this very clear: I've rerolled into Scandinavia. Unless we're going to say that people are no longer allowed to RP in other countries/protectorates even with the permission of the owner/protector, there is nothing complex about this, unless one has problems understanding the fact that Zeon is part of Grand Papua, not some independent space state like what Lynneth was for a short time.

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@Yawoo: I would need to talk to the other two to give you a definitive answer.

In regards to the GP and my own government structure being 'beyond my comprehension', you will be warned only once this time to avoid insults. It seems that you insist on doing it on here each time. Its unacceptable and you've been warned before.

To the actual substance of the point: I'm quite aware what a Federation means, however GP does not exist as a Federation anymore if you've rerolled. Anyone who RPs it as such would be RPing two nations. What makes this more confusing from the GM perspective is the fact that you added a Federation member state literally minutes before you rerolled. Unless you intend to be RPing both or some other person intends to RP both please tell us why you are doing it. Or alternatively if this is basically a land hold i.e. an OOC gift then that would also raise problems, that is something the GMs will discuss among themselves.

Edit: As something was posted while I was typing this, I am going to talk to Cent about that. Another key difference was that it was part of a nation, not a protectorate which is what I understand GP currently is.

Edited by Triyun
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Saying someone is not understanding something is certainly not an insult unless one takes it as such, which is an entirely different problem.

Whatever happens to GP (and Zeon) is the jurisdiction of the Oceanic Union now. If OU decides to destroy the colonies, sell them off to Lynneth, or incorporate them into an OU joint territory, that is ultimately their decision, not mine, meaning effectively I gave up control.

As for Zeon, that was supposed to happen regardless of whether I rerolled or not, and the reason I did it in the current situation is to have a closure to the Zeonist dream. Grand Papua became a vehicle for space colonization since the Zeonist coming to power, and given my drive to at least finish what I do, to have a separate Zeon even if I rerolled almost immediately afterwards is only characteristic of me.

Edited by Kankou
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An unrelated question. What exactly happens should one ignore GM requests to be nice to them and the offending RPer is 'warned' by the GMs? As someone who has been warned repeatedly in the past, this is of great concern to me. If there is some hidden or CNRP specific warn level I have, then I need to know about it.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1334593181' post='2954291']
You'll be placed on double secret probation.

This is srs bns TBM. These GMs have gentle souls, and are easily insulted - and I'm an insensitive jerk. I just want to know what ramifications I might face in the near future from these guys.

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Look *flounder* (your new fraternity name), when I want to hear from you I'll tell you when to talk. Therefore, for the next two weeks you are only to be seen and not heard.

Just go... now.. be gone flounder.

As for Lynneth, your new fraternity name is *Poopsie Whoopsie*, carry on that is all for now.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1334593960' post='2954300']
Look *flounder* (your new fraternity name), when I want to hear from you I'll tell you when to talk. Therefore, for the next two weeks you are only to be seen and not heard.

Just go... now.. be gone flounder.

As for Lynneth, your new fraternity name is *Poopsie Whoopsie*, carry on that is all for now.

*salutes Tidyfratman and tries not to drop the spirit stick*

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1334592196' post='2954284']
An unrelated question. What exactly happens should one ignore GM requests to be nice to them and the offending RPer is 'warned' by the GMs? As someone who has been warned repeatedly in the past, this is of great concern to me. If there is some hidden or CNRP specific warn level I have, then I need to know about it.

In case of sustained GM abuse any measure from wipe to complete map ban can be issued. There isn't exactly a warn log, it's just if someone shows no improvement after multiple warnings they will be kicked out.

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I have a complaint concerning the Breaking the Monolith thread. It'd appear that Kankou is ignoring certain attacking while responding to others, which would benefit her more. So far, Kankou has not posted any losses. Examples below:

[quote]Xenias AWACs were sent in as well, to transmit the exact location of enemy fighters to make them easy pickings for the Luftwaffe. With the EWACs and AWACs pushing forward at full strength, the Luftwaffe swooped in for the kill. Thanks to the Xenias AWACs, the Lu-65's knew the exact location of the Swedish fighters. Using their own electronic countermeasures in the form of pod-mounted blue-green lasers and DFRM transmitters, the Lu-65s swooped in high and fast to engage the enemy fighters with their ATAIM-8 XSRAAMs. The Lu-67s would do the same, choosing to engage the enemy from a distance with their ATAIM-9 XMRAAMs.[/quote]

Kankou did not post losses and instead decided to skip this entire part.

[quote]As thee Luftwaffe battled in the skies, a large tactical strike was being readied against RADAR stations in Sweden. Despite the fact that they were shut down and useless, the Luftwaffe still wanted them oblitered. From dozens of mobile silos in the Northern Reich, three hundred "Aurora" Hypersonic Anti-Radiational missiles launched. The destination for these missiles were RADARs throughout Sweden to obliterate them completely.

This attack was soon followed up by the launch of two hundred Valhalla Air Defense Suppression Missiles.

In the ocean, the Kreigsmarine sat idle. However, the idle oceanic beast soon roared awake when it received it's mission to attack Swedish airfields. From the silos of various ships, one hundred Aurora hypersonic missiles launched. Their targets were airfields throughout Sweden. In addition, a few scattered missiles were launched to obliterate swedish ports.[/quote]

You ignored this too. I see a pattern.

[quote]As the battle raged, the Luftwaffe fighters would pick up the massive RADAR signatures from the enemies electronic warfare groups. Of course, increasing their RADAR power was useful in breaking through the Luftwaffe's electronic warfare shield, but it lit up on the German RADAR's like a flashlight in a dark room. A squadron of Luftwaffe fighters focused their attention entirely to the electronic warfare groups of the enemies and launched their ATAIM-9 XMRAAMs.[/quote]

You ignored this to an extent as I find losing just one EWAC to be rediculous. I understand you're shooting missiles; however, you didn't post any suitable response to my launching of medium range AAMs against your EWACs.

Last and not least, what about the constant attacks on your airfields? How are you continously putting fighters in the skies? You keep ignoring that too and I find it crazy.

Edited by Malatose
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Ah, apologies about the lack of fighter losses. I was too engrossed at the technology side to write those. I'll add them in.

However, I think the EWAC part is pretty possible, since they're behind the fighters, under the shield of the B-1Rs. I admit I should have mentioned that in the initial post.

As for the bases: Well, what's the time scale of the battles? I was thinking it as within two hours, unless you thought of something else. I'll arrange to match your thoughts.

EDIT: Added the losses and the part about the positioning.

Edited by Kankou
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Meh, its a well known fact anyhow..

Requesting two spy rolls on Zoot


Finding his fleet with training aircraft
Finding his fleet with magnetic anomaly detectors

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1334643219' post='2954723']
Ah, apologies about the lack of fighter losses. I was too engrossed at the technology side to write those. I'll add them in.

However, I think the EWAC part is pretty possible, since they're behind the fighters, under the shield of the B-1Rs. I admit I should have mentioned that in the initial post.

As for the bases: Well, what's the time scale of the battles? I was thinking it as within two hours, unless you thought of something else. I'll arrange to match your thoughts.

EDIT: Added the losses and the part about the positioning.

I don't believe a time scale has much to do with the destruction of your bases. Either way, it'll go in the same order:

RADAR shut down
Runways hit by two massive trikes
Munition dumps hit by IRBMs

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1-X is a win
(X+1)-100 is a lose

Where X is the percentage, for all future rolls I do

[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1334702340' post='2954994']
Meh, its a well known fact anyhow..

Requesting two spy rolls on Zoot


Finding his fleet with training aircraft
Finding his fleet with magnetic anomaly detectors

24 61

First one a win
Second one a lose

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1334702581' post='2954998']

Two rolls please.

One to jam military communication satellites
One to jam civilian communication satellites

95 58

First one a lose
Second one a win

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One squadron of fighters down while retreating, all airfields except in northern Nordheim destroyed, 15% of 690k troops as casualties. Unless your forces have "Power overwhelming" against troops that are on the same technological level as Germany fighting on home territory with most likely greater numbers than the landing troops, I'm pretty sure my losses are already extremely favorable to you. Unless of course you are RPing a casualty rate that would be twice as high as mine.

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1334811579' post='2955647']
The building up of forces continued. Now there were over one hundred thousand troops in Norway, being deployed to three strategic sectors. Thirty thousand to invade from the north, forty thousand to invade from the center, and thirty thousand to push in from the south and work in conjunction with German forces in southern Sweden. The invasion was to commence in the next couple of days..
One hundred thousand troops in less than two~three days? Do I see something wrong here?

[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1334973366' post='2956342']
Early warning satellites had detected the launch of the ICBMs, which was obviously a clear act of desperation. Since the Germans didn't have assets in the area for boost phase interception, the Germans would have to intercept the missiles in the mid course phase. From bases around Greater Germany, three dozen missiles with kinetic warheads were launched against against the enemies ICBMs. The goal was simple. Intercept the missiles before they could cause any harm to German citizens. However, as with any system, success wasn't guaranteed. While over 70% of the missiles were destroyed, a large number still made it to terminal phase. This is where Germany's Terminal High Altitude Defense system came into play. Over seventy missiles were launched to guarantee absolute intercept and destruction before the warheads could reach their destination. Indeed, success was great, but two warheads made it to their targets causing moderate damage, which would have been greater if not for the extensive EMP hardenings in the country.[/quote]
After Centurius using my example of 60% per country shootdown rate as a godmod, I'm pretty sure the above RP is a bit into the "power overwhelming ruler of the universe" range.

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