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SATINT rolls to establish approximately how many combat troops Malatose is stationing in Avalon. If first is unsuccessful, reroll.

If first is successful, the second roll is SATINT estimating Malatose's aircraft assets.

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Roll on SATINT estimating the types of German aircraft being deployed to Avalon. If not successful, reroll.

If successful, SATINT on anti-air defenses in Germany Proper.

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Rota has ignored every single movement I've made against her in my original attack. I asked her after her last post to rectify this, she posted again and did nothing to fix the problems.

That's 2 posts without responding to my movements. Now she's claiming she has some sort of functional government enough to send in spies after... I sent in teams to capture her leadership.

I'm going to need this situation resolved.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1328661149' post='2916415']
Rota has ignored every single movement I've made against her in my original attack. I asked her after her last post to rectify this, she posted again and did nothing to fix the problems.

That's 2 posts without responding to my movements. Now she's claiming she has some sort of functional government enough to send in spies after... I sent in teams to capture her leadership.

I'm going to need this situation resolved.

So far you put air planes in the sky, and insulted us telling us we did not know our butts from the ground? Am i being reported for not arguing with you OOCly?

And yes, As my government is still alive, I do believe I can conduct a spy operation. No, You are not indestructible.

EDIT: In a better way let me put this up where this whole situation can be understood.

[quote][20:58] [b]<+tidybowlman> You missed the part where I rounded up your army[/b]
[20:58] <+tidybowlman> keep going.
[20:58] <+LeVentNoir> tbm, links?
[20:59] <+tidybowlman> nah
[20:59] <+tidybowlman> it's a mess
[b][20:59] <+Rotavele[NpO]> Im pretty sure you cant gather up a whole nations army lol, without a chance for me to even RP back. They're gone. :)
[20:59] <+tidybowlman> Rota I never said I did[/b][/quote]

That pretty much sums it all up.

Edited by Rotavele
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Rota, you never RPed your response to his taking your few hundred troops. You would need to RP that before you went an said you still had a functioning government. Its kind of hard to have them when he RPed taking down pretty much every major member of your government along with most of your army because he was in position to do so. You said yourself in an IC chatlog that his troops were guarding your officials and were in your army.

[quote]08:30 tidybowlman can I consider this meeting IC as well to save time?
08:30 Rotavele[NpO] Yes
08:31 tidybowlman ok.. can you confirm my forces have made contact with yours and that my special forces troops are guarding your leaders?
08:31 Rotavele[NpO] yeah i read that
08:31 tidybowlman obvious first strike would be against your elected officials.
08:31 tidybowlman if this gets ugly
08:32 Rotavele[NpO] Canada vowed not to fire a bullet or missile into the RoP main land
08:33 Rotavele[NpO] But i did not, that was the only thing they said
08:33 Rotavele[NpO] Umbrella did agree to that too
08:33 tidybowlman In rp stuff happens
08:33 tidybowlman lots of
08:33 tidybowlman and who knows what'll happen next
08:33 Rotavele[NpO] Yeah im busy right now so i dont even know why this is happening or why im fighting here in Moscow
08:35 tidybowlman yep.. it's all good.. just confirm for me on that thread that my forces are meeting yours and my special forces are watching your elected officials and generals for their own good.
08:35 Rotavele[NpO] Done
08:35 tidybowlman thanks.
08:36 tidybowlman no matter what happens I will make sure that at the very least you aren't thrown out of Africa completely.
08:36 Rotavele[NpO] ty

Straight from the thread. You were given plenty of opportunity to RP fighting back, though I'm not sure how much you could do with a hundred or so soldiers. It is up to the GMs whether or not they let TBM just take your government seeing as you just flat out didn't RP that scenario and instead jumped straight after it. Until they rule on that, your actions after couldn't have happened without you RPing how they are operating without a central govt.

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[quote]Straight from the thread. You were given plenty of opportunity to RP fighting back, though I'm not sure how much you could do with a hundred or so soldiers. It is up to the GMs whether or not they let TBM just take your government seeing as you just flat out didn't RP that scenario and instead jumped straight after it. Until they rule on that, your actions after couldn't have happened without you RPing how they are operating without a central govt. [/quote]

Zephyie ol' bean, I appreciate the words of confidence, but I wouldn't worry about it. We'll let Shammy take a swing at this and whatever he decides is what he decides. I was almost going to just let her shoot few missiles my way but there is something about the way she's rping that I find tediously repetitive in the sense that this happens just about every single time she ticks someone off and get clobbered for it.

So yeah, Shammy whatever you decide is fine by me.

the short version is this:

1) I made contact with her troops.. she has about 350ns and that gives her roughly 8000 or so troops.

2) she got nutty and launched a spy attack on Canada..

3) I said oh hell naw and couped her with 34,000 troops that were integrated with her forces and watching her government leaders.

4) Rota refused to acknowledge the event by responding to it physically. I mentioned that to you in IRC.

5) She made two more posts and in the 2nd of those 2 posts she launched a spy attack on Legion without explaining what happened to her military or leadership.

6) I then posted the capture of most of her government and military. I put an ooc disclaimer that the full effects of the situation are really up to you GM dudes.

7) She finally posts some RP right after and then posts a cruise missile attack with some 1700 Cruise missiles.

So my points are.. while I can't claim I had her military integrated at all levels, I had fairly descent access. This makes for far more of a mass round up of 122 people or 1122 as she is claiming. Further, she's 361 or so NS.. where is she going to find the people to run her 1700 CM launchers?

Particularly after I did a coup on her government and military and was all up in her like I was with my 34,000 men, plus aircraft.That just sound horrible I know, but I still lol'd after reading it.

Anyway, this is giving me a bit of a headache already so whatever you decide is fine by me.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1328683227' post='2916594']
Further, she's 361 or so NS.. where is she going to find the people to run her 1700 CM launchers?

You do not have to be an armed soldier to operate a Cruise Missile Silo. With the 300 Million people in my nation, i can more than likely give away jobs to operate CM bases. Furthermore, before you start complaining I can do that because you have "Control" over my nation.. You do not. You posted saying you now politically owned my nation, however, you have not RPed taking over one CM Silo physically. Before you start complaining I cant have that many missiles, your own ally supplied 1,000 of them himself. :)

:wub: Triyun :wub:

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1328683227' post='2916594']
Zephyie ol' bean, I appreciate the words of confidence, but I wouldn't worry about it. We'll let Shammy take a swing at this and whatever he decides is what he decides. I was almost going to just let her shoot few missiles my way but there is something about the way she's rping that I find tediously repetitive in the sense that this happens just about every single time she ticks someone off and get clobbered for it.

So yeah, Shammy whatever you decide is fine by me.

the short version is this:

1) I made contact with her troops.. she has about 350ns and that gives her roughly 8000 or so troops.

2) she got nutty and launched a spy attack on Canada..

3) I said oh hell naw and couped her with 34,000 troops that were integrated with her forces and watching her government leaders.

4) Rota refused to acknowledge the event by responding to it physically. I mentioned that to you in IRC.

5) She made two more posts and in the 2nd of those 2 posts she launched a spy attack on Legion without explaining what happened to her military or leadership.

6) I then posted the capture of most of her government and military. I put an ooc disclaimer that the full effects of the situation are really up to you GM dudes.

7) She finally posts some RP right after and then posts a cruise missile attack with some 1700 Cruise missiles.

So my points are.. while I can't claim I had her military integrated at all levels, I had fairly descent access. This makes for far more of a mass round up of 122 people or 1122 as she is claiming. Further, she's 361 or so NS.. where is she going to find the people to run her 1700 CM launchers?

Particularly after I did a coup on her government and military and was all up in her like I was with my 34,000 men, plus aircraft.That just sound horrible I know, but I still lol'd after reading it.

Anyway, this is giving me a bit of a headache already so whatever you decide is fine by me.

After examining this, I have to say that Rotavele, given the fact that Tidybowlman embedded his troops in your country, and then made a shot, at least, at capturing your government, you have to acknowledge it, or there will have to be some retconning going on up in this hizzle. That being said, as military numbers do not include support troops, it is theoretically possible to have people running those cruise missile launchers.

On the flip side of that argument, it is possible to argue that equipment was rounded up with the people, so having full access to the military hardware you had, or what was sent to you, is questionable.

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1328737722' post='2916871']
You do not have to be an armed soldier to operate a Cruise Missile Silo. With the 300 Million people in my nation, i can more than likely give away jobs to operate CM bases. Furthermore, before you start complaining I can do that because you have "Control" over my nation.. You do not. You posted saying you now politically owned my nation, however, you have not RPed taking over one CM Silo physically. Before you start complaining I cant have that many missiles, your own ally supplied 1,000 of them himself. :)

:wub: Triyun :wub:

Triyun supplied you with 250 Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles (near useless against land targets), 250 advanced Surface-to-Air Missiles Launchers (also, useless against land targets), and only 500 Club K Cruise Missiles, as per [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=108937&view=findpost&p=2914626]this post[/url]. That being said, the launching of 1,700, or one thousand cruise missiles, by land systems, is a lengthy affair that I can grant response to. Cruise missiles aren't hard to track, ergo, their launchers will be vulnerable to counterbattery fire, especially firing off multiple missiles at once. I would rule it possible, especially if using silos, that not all cruise missiles would be able to be fired at once, ergo, the full strike of however many are/were/going to be/et cetera might not get to their targets, or even off the ground with a quick strike against those silos when they fire the first salvo.

But we're getting off topic here, and we need to stay on it, Rotavele, you have not put out a sufficient enough post to deal with TBM's move to capture your government and defang your military on his inside job, which I believe needs to happen before you can even launch a cruise missile strike on TBM. Until that is done, any posts/attacks/et cetera that are made against TBM, or anyone else for that matter, are retconned.

This is how I see this situation, and how its eventually going to get resolve, without having to go full retcon (which I'd rather avoid), frankly right now, this whole affair is not about numbers of troops and cruise missiles, and its not about who has the ability to launch them, although I do suspect that any homeless guy hired off the street would probably not be able to target any specific target if given a launch key. How this situation is going to get resolved is, first, there needs to be a sufficient and full post that explains how you, Rotavele, were able to overcome any of TBM's actions of trying to apprehend your government, and are still able to claim full independence over RoP's actions. We'll move on to any other issues after a sufficient post is doled out, but until that is done to a satisfactory nature, your actions and posts against anyone as RoP, are retconned.

Is this clear to everyone involved in this whole paltry affair?

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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Missiles, you have to explain how you were able to fire the number that you actually had while having Legion forces trying to capture you.

Then, you need to explain how you managed to escape with more than 1122 or whatever it is soldiers.

Do so while keeping in mind our forces were integrated, I won't claim they were integrated all the way down to the squad level, so that does give you some room to work with.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1328746454' post='2916957']
Missiles, you have to explain how you were able to fire the number that you actually had while having Legion forces trying to capture you.

Then, you need to explain how you managed to escape with more than 1122 or whatever it is soldiers.

Do so while keeping in mind our forces were integrated, I won't claim they were integrated all the way down to the squad level, so that does give you some room to work with.


Edited Accordingly. This would have went a lot smoother if you had just told me to do this in Query. I asked you how many soldiers you wanted dead... -_-

EDIT: Can someone please roll this?


2nd EDIT: Nevermind to save headaches and to save GMs from running to their Convience Stores in order to purchase over-priced Ibuprofen and Tylenol, I will be re-rolling.

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Two spy rolls against Canada, one on JED and one on Californian. Both to find their naval assets within the theatre. Since things have been pretty vague so far, i'll settle for them telling me where their ships in and around the islands are, within a reasonably spaced region.


50% against Ty.

70% against JED.

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1 Spy Roll: To Convince a Military Offical to work for FIA (Floridan Intelligence Agency)
1 Spy Roll: Transfer of Money in Exchange for Military Documents

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