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Imperial Announcement From Rome


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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Imperial Announcement of the Roman Empire[/SIZE]


So the other day ADude Mikey and I went down to the Bayou for a little hunting trip to get away and relax.

Alright so we set out, Weapons in our bags, Togas on. We headin' down to the bayou to have a good time!


Night fall comes and we are walking on a trail, a bit tipsy might I add :awesome:

Then suddenly we come across something a pretty well to put it midly, (for the children) screwed up.


Now that is just too much to take, especially when we are trying to relax and have a good time. I mean, Mikey shrieked in horror and went to the bathroom all over himself as the creature cried in a frail but yet understandable tone "I am Bcortell here me roar!" and I of course made ADude clean it, then he just threw up on me. It was a vicious circle!

So after that, we were at the table trying to figure out who or what could conjure such a nasty vile thing. We put two and two together and came to the conclusion that Pork Shrimp and Rodentia Dominatus conspired to disrupt our hunting trip with this "Bcortell" creature.

Of course, being goodhearted Romans we knew what we had to do, We had to kill it.


[spoiler]READ IT[/spoiler]

Stelios: Thor wannabe AKA Emperor of Rome
Mikey: Magister of the shriek AKA Magister of Rome
ADude: Carrier of the bad gag reflex AKA Praetor of War

Edited by Stelios
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Don't know about the pre-war stats, but as of right now RE has a better ANS, more nukes, and more NS. PS/RD have a small handful more nations though. (Hey, just following the trend of the stat police this round :awesome: ) However, I think RE will need all the luck they can muster fighting PS, they are vicious on the battlefield!

Good luck everyone and have fun!

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[quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1316411086' post='2803547']
Ill see If i can get the stats. They were fairly close.

NS was roughly +10k to you, nukes was around +30. Slight advantage for you guys, but no complaints here; as far as I can tell, it`s the most even matchup out there, and kudos for that.

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Hey.. That looked like someone I know... How dare you attack us over the looks of a developmentally challenged rat... He's actually quite a nice rodent... You prejudiced Romans!

And clean up that mess....!!! Puking on our lands... you clean that up!


o/ Bacon!!!!!

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[quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1316411100' post='2803548']
What? I didn't sanction this. My control over RE is decreasing. :D

Should be fun, though. Stelios, stop being a sissy and come after me. (Of course, you use your last slot on a guy 4K NS less than you.. )

Can you still come at me? Like youve been saying :smug:

And to be honest. You guys are even more active then I thought. And the GCs you already had stacked did alot. Congrats on that. You guys' coutner attacks that faster were pretty good. I was trying to anarchy him before he could jump/ troop dump because of those pentagons wouldnt allow me to get my attacks on Schad.

We tried to make it fair Schad.

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[quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1316412743' post='2803565']

We tried to make it fair Schad.

You'll hear no complaining from our side hopefully. As far as offensive wars against PS go this is about the most fair one we've seen in some time. You guys also had a better blitz than I expected. You've been improving.

Of course you missed me entirely. We'll fix that soon enough though.

Btw, we're never on RD's side. Should be fun!

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[quote name='ADude' timestamp='1316456989' post='2803836']
We couldn't let the ebil PS go without war while they were on the brink of getting WRC's :frantic:

Oh come on...we're harmless.

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