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OoC I'm going to come in and say it right now, leave these two alone. Learn how to respect and acknowldge planned RPs. For gods sake, I'm going to come into everyone of you threads and mess everything up. Just let them RP there business. Just because you can doesn't me you should.

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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1301269627' post='2678606']
OOC: As far as I understand its retconned-- Supercheese, if we can continue in the other thread this will go faster.

OOC: Alright, cool: I won't be drafting a response then.

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[b]Kimberly Waterfront[/b]

"Make ready and your bloody heads down lads, we kicked up a hornet's next this time!" Beckwith shouts as he urges his men to take cover. The impending howl of rifle fire, machine gun fire, pistol fire, sniper fire, artillery fire, mortar fire, and the screams of primal joy prepares to unleash itself from the ranks of the 'Australian Aborigine Movement' Battalion as they lock down a secure hold on the dock areas of Kimberly. As they go about their bloody business, the business of winning freedom, and loot, from the oppressed masses of Australia, they finalize there preparations for meeting the oncoming Pihana forces.

Fighting holes are dug, snipers deployed, mines dug in, civilians forcibly evicted and pointed towards the nearest exit out of town, and ambushes set up. With the oncoming forces of Major General Charles White not yet arrived it is imperative that the forces of liberation be dug in deep enough to fend off a counter-attack. While this important work goes on other equally important details are being undertaken inside the city and outside of the city.

Inside the city special teams loot banks, galleries, jewelry stores, warehouses, homes, and just about anything that looks valuable is carted off and poured into the holds of waiting ships. Prisons are broken into and the worst of the worst criminals are taken out, and shot if they've been convicted of violent crime. Entire houses are rigged for demolition as they are prepared to act as kill zones for massive ambushes against the Pihana military forces. Specially made Legion bicycle bombs, disguised radio controlled claymore mines, and nearly one thousand other disguised traps are placed in a thick perimeter around the Legion controlled waterfront zone. As maps are being made of these devices the scout teams outside the city, now reinforced, watch the civilian refugees pour out of the city limits.

The six original scout teams are joined by four combat engineering teams. These men are busy wiring up a series of radio controlled explosive ambushes that placed in discrete locations. One major trap is a massive overpass that is wired for demolition, with the wires carefully hid, and charges disguised. Several others are gas stations that have their pumps opened up and venting gas fumes to act as large open air fuel air bombs of a crude sorts and ringed with Legion made concealed claymore mines for extra spicy measure. Sniper posts are set up as well with the men being given ATVs to make hasty escapes and to lead aerial pursuit, if any Pihana aircraft attempt it, ambushes of specially located man portable anti-aircraft launchers in elevated locations.

[b]Deltrane's Forward Command Post[/b]

"Use land lines for now, no sense in leaking electronic emissions," Deltrane orders as his communications specialists rig up good old fashion land lines in triplicate.

"Yes sir, one to each company command post sir," his communications officer replies.

"Overwatch, what is the status on Battleforce Mayhem?" Deltrane asks.

"A couple days out sir," a tense officer replies.

"Ok, prepare escape and evasion routes by land and sea," Deltrane orders.

"You think it'll be needed?" asks one of his officers.

"Hard to say in these turbulent days my good man," replies Deltrane as he goes back to his work.


All civilians chased out of Kimberly.

Heavily defended zone established at the Kimberly waterfront.

Numerous buildings rigged for demolition to act as massive traps.

Nearly one thousand disused bombs and traps placed along Legion's perimeter in houses, stores, garbage cans, and such in Kimberly.

Several houses, gas stations, and an overpass rigged for demolition and prepped for use as ambush sites with concealed claymore mines outside of city.

Sniper posts and manpads established outside of city.

We are ready when you are supercheese. Let's have some fun. :)

ps. These are hastily rigged defenses, nothing massively permanent either. Nothing made of concrete, just what can be erected in short time using local materials, sand bags, and other stuff found lying around.

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The 6th regiment is about 5 miles outside of Kimberly.

"Drop your weapons and surrender or you will be removed by force." Orders General smith who is comanding this operation.

Soldier: You really think they will surrender?
General smith: Probably not but dosent hurt to try. Is your squad prepped? You will be leading the assault.
Soldier: Prepped and ready for orders.
Smith: Good. Lets wait and see what there reply is first.

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Smith: No reply?
Soldier: None sir.
Smith: Thats to bad. Save all of us alot of pain. Moveout. You will lead the assualt. You will travel 5 miles to kimberly in armored infrantry transports. Once you arrive create a defended position to allow the rest of our troops to move in. You will be leading 2000 troops into the fight. Beware of sabatoges and other traps. There gonna try to stop you.
Soldier: Yes sir. You heard em! NOVE OUT!

2000 soldiers begin the journey towards kimberly. With them 50 heavy armored transports. (look at my factbook for reference).

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"Due to a marked increase in violence in northwest Australia, as well as the loss of the four AWACS aircraft, the Southern Cross is increasing threat status from Security and Defense Level (SDL) [color="blue"][b]ECHO - Normal/Peacetime Readiness[/b][/color] to SDL [color="green"][b]DELTA - Increased Threat Level/Readiness[/b][/color]. This is standard procedure during regional or continental crises, and the SDL will be lowered upon the conflict abating."

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[b]Legion Scout Team Sierra Madre[/b]

"Send a burst transmission to Overwatch. Enemy armored transports are moving into red red mike one one seven four nine," the team leader orders.

"Copy sir," the radioman replies as he quickly records the transmission in an obscure African dialect, speeds it up, and burst transmits it to Legion Overwatch in Kimberly. The confirmation of reciept of the message is quickly recieved. "We can drop the pickle on them when ready"

"Copy," the team leader says as he makes himself ready to move.

[b]Legion Forward Artillery Base[/b]

The four 105 artillery pieces of the Heavy Weapons Company are deployed in a field. Heavy duty farm tractors have been used to tow them into position. "Ready you weapons for a salvo or two boys, but be light on your feet, no telling what sort of counter-battery fire we can expect," the Battery commander orders.

"All guns ready sir," the his 2iC replies.

"Fire a ranging shot," replies the Battery Commander as the number one gun immediately kicks out a white phosphorus round.

[b]Legion Scout Team Sierra Madre[/b]

"Adjust fire, two clicks left," the team leader orders as the white phosphorus round explodes in a field to the left on the oncoming Pihana column.

[b]Legion Forward Artillery Battery[/b]

"Left two clicks," the radioman says.

"Left two clicks," the battery commander orders as he concludes with, "Rapid fire six rounds each and move!"

The Legion 105mm cannons each adjust their range to the left and start belching out high explosive rounds as quickly as they can.

[b]Legion Scout Team Sierra Madre[/b]

"Ready on the charges," orders the team leader as he passes the order for the Demolitions expert to prepare to drop the overpass and cook off a few other additional goodies once the shells start screaming their way in on the armored vehicles.

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Soldier: Well these guys dont seem so tough. Where is everyone?
Soldier 2: Dont get cocky. Still get a ways to go.
Soldier: Yeah Yeah. I think your all just over....
Soldier 3: Shut up. Do you hear that?

Low whistiling.

Soldier: 3 Artillery! Take cover.

Several explosions. One transport is hit right off the bat.

Soldier: Command! Command! Taking artillery fire need support!
Command: Locate those guns. 2 helis will take em out but you need to find there position
Soldier: Got that. Locate those guns!!

Edit OOC: Tiddy how far are the artillery?

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OOC: 3 miles

[b]Legion Artillery Battery[/b]

The men hold onto their tractors and guns as they rumble away to their new destination. They've fired and moved in rapid order as they've trained to do for quite sometime. Their line of retreat has been carefully chosen as well as the men of a Legion anti-aircraft unit warm up their missiles in the event that air cover is needed.

[b]Legion Scout Team Sierra Madre[/b]

"They aren't stopping sir," the radioman comments as the artillery fire kicks up enough smoke and dust that the convoy is more or less obscured.

"This ought to slow them down," the team commander says as he readies the overpass charges.

Once the lead vehicle passes the overpass the team commander will fire the detonation charges the blows the supports of the overpass out from under. The expected end result is the entire overpass dropping on top of whoever is under it and temporarily blocking the road. It shouldn't block it for long, but more than long enough to cause the convoy to come to a halt in order to reorient itself and picking a new course if one is even picked.

This moment of hesitation is what the team leader is waiting for as he is also waiting to fire off the second set of charges which are five gallon plastic buckets of C-4 buried under the road with copper plates cover the explosives to create shaped charges which ought to be more than capable of sending a superheated stream of copper up and into any vehicle passing over it. Twenty five of these charges have been deployed at thirty feet intervals.

Claymore mines are waiting in the bushes on both sides of the roads in the event the men in the vehicles get it into their heads to dismount. They are rigged with pressure pads and trip wires. A second heavy weapons platoon is waiting some distance away as well with a section of mortars waiting to add their fire to the fury if it is called upon.

Along with the mortar team there are two additional Scout Team snipers ready and waiting along with the sniper from Team Sierra Madre. Their orders are simple, to fire at targets of opportunity once their team leaders give the command to open fire. All of the units involved have previously laid lines of escape and back up plans in the event something goes too horridly wrong, which is always expected as the fog of war is a fickle son of a gun.

ooc: This is one of the prepared ambushes. Essentially the overpass cuts off the road, the home-made anti-tank mines go off, and the claymores in the bushes are armed and waiting with pressure pads and trip wires.

In the interest of fairness I'm going to PM Cochin or EM on IRC and explain the full details of the other possible surprises you could possibly run into in detail to them.

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Lead transport: Moving into overpass.

Command: Continue.

Following transport: Lead transport fall back!

Series of explosions

Soldier: Sir the lead transport is destroyed and our route is cut off.

Command: Theres a second road about a quarter of a mile to the east. Use that

Soldier: Copy.

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[b]Australian Aborigine Movement Broadcast[/b]

"Today the Aborigines of Australia are proud to announce the formation of the Australian Aborigine Autonomous zone. This zone will include the city of Kimberly and the surrounding countryside for a perimeter of twenty five miles. While this area is not yet under our control, we are willing to pursue two courses of action to secure it.

The first we are willing to fight for it.

Second, we are willing to negotiate for it.

The choice is really the government of Pihana's to chose. We call for an immediate cease-fire and the immediate withdrawal of Pihana's troops from our Autonomous Zone. We request the assistance of the World Governments in helping us protect our borders and to keep Pihana from snuffing out the flame of Aboriginal liberty. We ask for little, so very little, and our loyalty to those who assist us is limitless."

Jude Bob, the spokesman for the AAM then points to a group of hood wearing individuals tied to stakes in an empty field. In front of them are a firing squad made up of Legion members. He continues to speak as he says, "One thing that is not negotiable is the whoring of Australia to some nutcase Hawaiian. What you see here are the leaders of this cabal of criminals who attempted to steal the cultural and physical heritage that rightfully belongs to the Aborigines. The sentence for this crime is death."

Jude Bob turns his head as he watches the firing squad do their work as they open fire on the men and women tied to the stakes. Rapidly the 'Hawaiians' are sent to their shallow graves in the dry soil of the Australian continent.

ooc, still waiting on your to figure out what you are going to do about those mines you seemed to either ignore or forget about.

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1301255556' post='2678418']

Norman Cross was a patriot, of course, that is what he thought of himself anyways, he had supported the downfall of Communist Australia and the Australian Free State. While he respected the new government in the Union of the Southern Cross, he had balked at its decision not to unify Australia fully. He was an Australian Unitarian, a more radical group of the Free Australian movement, even more radical then the militant wing of the group. The extremists of the Australian Unitarian movement could find a connection with the 'Weathermen' of the United States peace movement back in the '70s.

Cross had a deep resentment for Pihana, feeling it had proven itself at defending itself, and therefore the Australian people it governed. It had been international forces that had won the day and secured the Union of the Southern Cross its freedom, but it hadn't been enough for Cross. No, he knew that if Australia was not united once again, it could fall into disarray once again. This new movement in Northwest Australia was no comfort to him either, and felt this so-called 'Queen of Australia and Hawaii' would only make things worst. There was no word on what Pihana would do against this new force, but it appeared that Pihana was not going to stop her from usurping her own lands on the northwest coast of the continent.

When Cross got a contact through a friend of someone in Novak, someone who was looking to assist the Aboriginals, he quickly agreed to the idea, and agreed to meet this man outside of Melbourne in one of the many parks that surrounded the lovely city.

Hamzah walked over to a bench in one of the parks outside Melbourne. He searched for his contact, who would be wearing a red-faced watch on his right arm. After walking down a path for a half mile or so, he spotted a man reading a book under a tree; he was wearing the watch Hamzah was looking for on the right arm. He walked over to the man and kicked his shoes. He told him to get up and start walking.

"We have much to discuss." he said to the man.

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The ELINT Merat patrolling the Pihana USC De Militarized Zone would notice the broadcast by the so called Australian Aborigines Movement but would however do nothing more than pass it on to CNS Kirov, the Tactical Command Center for the Cochin Peace Keeping Force. Conflict between Pihana and any insurgency movement is no business of Cochin, the only prerogative of the CPKF would be to ensure that no armed entity traveled through the DMZ.

The brigades of the 4th Marine Division aka "Madras Marines" are at present rounding up native inhabitants in the DMZ and conducting them towards Pihana outposts where they would be handed over to Pihana authorities.

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The transports continued down the road.

Soldier: All clear sir.

Transport: Good.

3 More tansports explode.

Soldier: The road is mined. All transports stop.

The remaining 35 transports stop.

Soldier: You men with me. Were going to scout ahead for any more mines. The rest of the transports hold your positions untill we report back.

20 soldiers run ahead.

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[b]Legion Scout Team Sierra Madre[/b]

"Drop one of them," the team commander orders the sniper.

"Copy sir," the sniper replies as he sets the cross hairs of his scope on one of the advancing scouts and squeezes the trigger on his match grade 7.62 rifle that he has personally fired over 5000 long range shots on during training and in combat.

The rifle booms and a single 7.62 round is sent hurtling downrange as the team commander crisply orders, "Mortars and snipers make ready, we are going to bounce," he orders his radioman to relay to the other teams in a UHF burst transmission in the standard obscure African dialect used by all Legion radiomen.

[b]AAM Command Post[/b]

"Push forward four AT teams along with a ready platoon for a slightly more robust response," Deltrane orders as his officers go about executing his orders. A single platoon of forty four men and four additional AT teams are loaded onto light vehicles and given an escort of two ADA vehicles for good measure and sent forward.

"What is White's status?" Deltrane asks.

"He's about to hit the beaches sir," his officer replies.

"Good, tell him to execute Incheon Redux and to meet us in the middle," Deltrane responds as he listens to the reports of the extensive hauls of loot, valuables, construction equipment, fine art, and other goods that are being sent away by ship. Essentially, every bit of portable wealth in the city of Kimberly is systematically being stripped, put on captured ships, and sent to Macau.

"Copy sir," the radioman replies as the three men crawl away from their observation point and the other two sniper teams make ready to swing into action along with the mortar team.

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Soldier: Thats another mine down.

An explosion.

Soldier: Good work. Transport you are open to move to our position.

Shooting. A soldier is hit.

Soldier: Sniper fire! take cover.

Several soldiers open fire in the direction of the sniper but not aiming any where specific.

Soldier: Hold your fire.

The transports arrive.

Transports: Alright lets move ahead. Where about 2-3 miles outside kimberly.

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[b]Legion Scout Team Romeo Papa Angel[/b]

"Our turn in the barrel," the team commander quietly comments.

"Clear to fire?" asks the team sniper.

"You are clear to fire," the team commander intones as he watches the flurry of moving soldiers shooting up the countryside just after the first sniper fired. He turns his attention to his sniper as he watches the man take aim, steadies himself, breathes in deeply, breathes out halfway, and then squeezes the trigger of his .50 caliber sniper rifle.

The boom of the heavy rifle rips out only a minute or so after the sound of the first shot and comes from an entirely different direction. The heavy slugs hurls itself on its well aimed path towards the body of what appears to be the commanding officer of the Pihana scouting party. The target selection is deliberate as to ensure maximum chaos is spread through the ranks of the scouts.

A few seconds after the sniper breaks his stance the team commander leads his team to their new positions by crawling away. The sniper and the demolition man follow him in their own crawls. Scouts of the Legion have long since learned the hard way that when you are in the field that it never pays to announce your position by standing up, which is more or less like holding up a large sign that says, "Shoot me!" and waving it around for everyone to see whilst blowing a loud siren. These men don't advertise their movement by standing or tooting a horn, they crawl and they do so quietly.

[b]Legion Scout Team Sierra Madre[/b]

The howl and whine of rifle and machine gun fire is all the motivation they need to stay low and stay behind cover. They are far from being pinned down as evidenced by their impending arrival at their next firing position that is a located to the left of their original observation post. This time though the team commander and the demolition man take up an security position behind the safety of a large boulder while the sniper makes his way on his belly towards the firing point, which isn't very much farther away for him.

'Bunch of scared rabbits,' is all he thinks to himself as the wildly inaccurate fire whizzes around them without truly representing much of a danger to them.

[b]Mortar Section[/b]

The two 81mm mortar teams are quietly waiting for their orders to fire. They've been deployed to this location by truck, a captured pair of commercial vehicles, which actually are local ambulances. The hope being that aerial recon might be confused by the sight of ambulances and assume a less sinister purpose for them.

"Get ready," the radioman informs them as the mortar crews prepare their deadly rounds for their dates with destiny.

[b]Reaction Platoon[/b]

"Mount up damn it!" Lt. Fortana orders his men as they quickly jump into the back of several waiting all terrain vehicles. A short distance away he watches two manpad teams of the ADA variety jumping into the back of light utility trucks.

"Everyone set your frequencies to the 4 chan," Fortana orders as he switches the frequency on his tactical radio.

"Copy sir," his men sound off one by one.

"Good, get those AT teams loaded up and let's move to our departure point. No telling where that column is going to end up so we need to be ready to move quickly," he informs his men as he gets out of the way of his NCOs so they can do their jobs.

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