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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. Bombers


    Ford T-4 Bomber

    General characteristics

    Crew: 2

    Length: 44.0 m

    Wingspan: 22.0 m

    Height: 11.2 m

    Wing area: 295.7 m²

    Empty weight: 55,600 kg

    Loaded weight: 114000 kg

    Max takeoff weight: 135,000 kg

    Powerplant: 4× Chevrolet RD-36-41 turbofans, 4 х 16,000 kgs

    Performance (estimated)

    Maximum speed: Mach 3.0

    Cruise speed: Mach 2.8

    Ferry range: 7,000 km

    Service ceiling 20,000-24,000 m



    Dodge F-109

    General characteristics

    Crew: 1

    Length: 58 ft 7.5 in

    Wingspan: 23 ft 9 in

    Height: 13 ft 1.5 in

    Wing area: 194 ft²

    Empty weight: 13,800 lb

    Loaded weight: 23,917 lb

    Powerplant: 8× General Electric J85-GE-5 turbojets


    Maximum speed: Mach 2.3

    Range: 2,000 nm

    Service ceiling 60,000 ft

    Thrust/weight: 0.87


    Guns: 4× 20 mm cannon

    Rockets: 108× 2.75 in (70 mm) rockets

    Bombs: 4,000 lb (1,800 kg)

    Missiles: 8 x AIM-9 Sidewinder


    Can I get a looooooooooooggggggggggggggiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccccaaaaaaaaaaalllllllll Fallacy Alert?

    First off, the Sukhoi T-4 Ripoff, well where can I start...... Well, other than the fact that the Sukhoi T-4 was a ripoff of the XB-70 Valkyrie(Which exploded in flight btw). It uses a Honeycomb Structure, it relies on engines that cost billions to run per hour(Yes, refer to SR-71 Flight Costs, then imagine something for a bomber, that has to generate 4-5 times the thrust, and lift. JP-6 fuel is very, very expensive), it was proven to be a flawed design, and all further research was abandoned for a reason.

    Noooooooow, for the retardplane.

    First, lets look at the number of engines you have "claimed" to have on it. 8 mother licken fuzzy man peach engines. Eight Engines? Seriously, are your aeronautical engineers just like "lol, it doeszn work, give et more powa so eet can fliez". According to its IRL Design, it was supposed(Keyword) to have 2 Engines, each mounted on the wingtip(impossible btw, been tried, which is why this aircraft failed, hard irl)...... Let alone, it was to be in a Osprey Type of Layout, which (Impossible Btw, your using a motha licken fuzzy man peach turbofan engine, not a propeller) would mean that it is far beyond your tech, and anyone elses until you developed Automated Computers, Frictionless/Friction Powered Gears that can switch within a milisecond


    Final Verdict from the God of Cybernations Aviation.

    Your Aeronautical engineers are fail, and you should have looked at designs that are plausable, not ones that look cool. I look forward to blowing your aircraft out of the sky.

  2. The Sarnian Empire does not support the Osean attack, and would certainly help Neuveria out if it wasn't for the chronic lack of interest in Antarctic affairs in Sarnian Senate right now.

    Would there be anything you could even do about it?

  3. OOC: If you take the mainland, you do realize I'll counter-invade. Right? :P

    IC: The Imperium notes that Ellis Island is full of Tahoe Contractors. We would suggest avoiding any sort of action against Former Neuveria; we consider our MDP to be still in effect.

    OOC: I am still giving you what you wanted.

  4. SATCOM HQ, Baja California

    "B-29's....B-29's!" The spy satellite operator laughed. "They are going to need a lot more than B-29's to get through modern air defenses." With that, he called his superior, who called his superior, until the notification got to Tahoe Antarctic Command and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    On the island, the three convoy ships took shelter in a harbor, while the eight missile boats previously sold to Socialist Nueveria were re-taken over by Tahoan crews and then deployed around the island. The hundreds of gun and missile batteries installed by Tahoe for Socialist Nueveria were manned and readied for combat. Although the islands defenses were only at 60% readiness, it was well and above enough to deal with these pathetically weak interlopers. The two batallions of Tahoan infantry took shelter in the vast system of bunkers and pill boxes prepared over the island. The island was fortified to be resistant to attacks by nations as strong as former Imperial Wellington, much less the vastly weaker forces of Osea.

    Diplomatic Note to Osea

    To avoid an unwanted loss of life incurred by our military upon your...forces...we strongly suggest you back down. The island you are claiming was contracted out to Tahoe by Socialist Nueveria for fortification. We have spent hundreds of millions of marks doing so, and do not intend to leave with the collapse of Socialist Nueveria. We suggest you look elsewhere or suffer the consequences.

    Return note

    You seem to be looking for a fight, obviously. It is not uncommon knowledge that Tahoe is the rabid dog of America, and constantly looks for a fight with Osea, we will not give you this chance, and simply take the mainland.

  5. Give us the names.

    //The men and women have been shipped off to Antarctica.


    ///The Emperor <Ugh forgot name>

    ///The Crown Empress Taka Yoshiro

    ///Minister of War <Ugh forgot name>

    ///Minister of Internal Affairs <Ugh forgot name>

  6. The Republic formally objects to the claiming of Republic property and will be sending a sizeable force to former Neuverian land to claim what is rightfully ours. When we are finished, we will tell you.

    //The Republic has mobilized a 50,000 man army and a large force of civilians to head to Neuverian lands to retrieve what is Republic.

    We have no objections to this, we only request that certain special persons be left there.

  7. What about blowpipe warriors? Since my nation lacks the tech to supply a real nation with actual guns, I rely on blowpipe warriors to supply my soldiers. I should be lucky to even have that. Are these banned from the RP Forum?

    Of course not, but don't be whining when I hit you from 2.3km away with a AWP.

  8. OOC: Oh......I see. :mellow:

    OOC: I was corrected to, but I AM STILL GETTING THAT ISLAND...


    Red is what we are taking Direct Control Over, the Blue is Protected Area, any future nations that exist there will be protected by the Osean Federation if they so wish, and will be subject to investment(unless they are higher than me, but we still want to Monopolize on Foreign Relations, and hope to have a special future with any nation that rises from these, what would you call them? well, their ashes.

  9. OOC: this is a warning, in 12 hours, I begin an invasion of Socialist Neuveria to recover the former Imperial Wellington Island taken by Socialist Neuveria, and using it as a whaling station :awesome:

    IC: In Osea, the Military goes on high alert. 6,000 Marines are prepared, and 3 Cargo planes are being prepared to Airlift them to their destination.

  10. Pretty much, since alot of people needz Aircraft n such, I will be doing requests.


    Sample Work.

    It is the PLF-3, a Delta Wing F-4 that was resigned to give it a greater rate of climb, and better top speed.


    A UAV I have been working on, it uses the same layout as a F-5E, but with a Sukhoi Wing PAttern.

  11. OOC: Yeah, as I can tell from these posts, it's basically only covering the capital and it also isn't fully operational yet due to a lack of IG MDs.

    OOC: Actually, not fully active because it started construction in early sixties(my tech range), and ended in the mid 70s....

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