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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. 1300 Hours, Underground Tunnel Network of the Former Osean Federation.

    "Commander, they are about to break down the Second Blast Door what should we do?"

    "Are the Refugees further down the Tunnels?"

    "Yes sir"

    "Bring up several RPG-7s, and prepare to fire at the top of the Doorway to hopefully collapse that entrance. Then Fall back to the Third Set of Blast Doors, I figure they might try to come in through the Sewer Access Tunnels Next, they might have already Flanked us, you never know."

    "Alright, that seems to wo-"

    *The Blast Doors Fall Down as the Einherjar break down that set. Gunfire from several Partisans begins to bounce off their Armor as the Einherjar bring their guns to bear, and fire off a bit of fire at them until an RPG-7 Round Impacts the Archway to the Doorway where the blast doors. The Metal Buckled a little, then broke as earth fell down on them."

    "What were you saying Private? It doesn't matter now begin to fall back"

    *The Group begins to grab what they can carry, and fall back towards the Third Set of Blast Doors when a set of Figures Emerged from the Shadows. It was another Einherjar Team. the Sargent Thought "Damnit, they flanked us, not much we can do from here...."*

    "You got us boys, now lets play nice"

    A Stream of Flame was all that answered this subtle Surrender.


    Further down the Tunnels, screams were heard as another team began to tell Civilians to continue moving. One of the Subway Tunnels was just hit by a Bunker Buster, there would not be much more time for the remaining ones. Some people would simply have to surface and surrender. A Jeep was heard approaching the team, when a man they though would have been the first to leave the country stepped out of it. The King stepped down, in full Armor and began to speak.

    "You, head down the subway, try to keep the Civilians calm. I will hold the line here. Just go, go now...."

    They could not believe themselves, the King had gotten himself into an old rustbucket of Armor, and looked like a Knight from the Fairy Tails. It was common knowledge that he was somewhat mad, I mean he did approve a project to build a giant Artillery Piece that would have put many other "Kings of Artillery" to shame. Atleast he had an SMG to complement his sword. Well, Aiden had always had the motto "you reap what you sow" they simply guessed he was reaping what he had sowed. Gunfire was heard farther behind the tunnels as the Martinist Troops began to go in further. Several Thousand of his supporters within the Nation had risen up against the Government when the War Began, and given the Einherjar basic maps of the network, they simply guessed after that.

    "Run, GO NOW"

    The Men began to ran towards what would be freedom(The Novak/Osea border in which they hike up to RA, and disperse among the winds doing different jobs, but thats for later). Aiden turned around, and unslung a broadsword which had been given to him when he was named defender of the Catholic Faith, and pulled his SMG up to bear. He then saw the Einherjar emerge from the shadows, in which he began to scream, and began to run at them, firing his SMG, which had no effect. He got to only 60 feet away, and began to feel the pain, it had been a long time since he had run. he got to 30 Feet away, and felt the weight of the Armor bearing down upon him, then he got to only five feet away, and felt like he had never slept. He Then Swung his sword, which an Einherjar stopped with his palm.

    "Oh lord save me"

  2. OOC: Yeah, but he has only ONE. Or had, rather. I assume it got killed after taking down around 5 fighters of mine.

    OOC: 120 mm smoothbore gun, I might write something ICly later, doesn't really matter at this point.

  3. OOC: You know what's funny? The SAM system may have taken out a stealth aircraft in 1963, but the big issue,

    it shot down a plane from 1963

    Ubie has eighties tech, hence his stealth works better than the maximum amount of stealth your system can kill :awesome:

    seriously, how did no one else catch that?

    And (although it bothers me to do so) I agree with this statement. Hafnium is nothing compared to good ol' uranium, and until I see scientific proof beyond "I bombard scrapings from nuclear waste container with x-rays, they became radioactive", I won't change my mind.

    OOC: Your Logic is Flawed, and Made of Fail. The F-117 was a 90s Fighter, downed by a SAM from the 60s.

    Research before you open your mouth please.

    Martens, refer to this video to see what i mean't

    Around :35 - On


    Also, onto the Topic of Electro-Magnetic Pulses....

    I guess people have forgotten the following. An Electro-magnetic pulse is only devestating against a highly modernized country for the following reasons

    1. tubes.jpg <--- Yea, thats a 60's Transister, its held in a vacuum, not going to get an EMP into it to fry the important crap.

    2. Electricity is not widespread, and what power plants that do exist, do not work with magnetism except for Coal Factories, which even then, would only suffer from power surges. You are assuming I use Modern Microchips and electronics, when in fact, it was made to a point to use Cold War Technology. Yes, I do have wiring, but it is attached to Vacuum Tube Based technology... Why you ask? I am using Cold War Tech, what do you think all militaries, and governments prepared for after the nuking? Electromagnetic Pulses, what did they awnser the question with Vacuum Tubes. If I was modern, and used digital computers, yes your EMP's would completely devastate me. Your trying to kill a mosquito with a shotgun, its not going to work, your using the wrong tools.


    Onto the Point of Armor, yes, my Sabra's and Godka's are horrendously outdated, but if I get close enough to pound you with that gun, your armor is going to take a beating unless its some carbon-nanotube jibjab spider silk/ceramic Hybrid. Explosives+Ceramic Armor=Cracked Ceramic Armor. Cracked Armor+Second Set of Explosives=Dead Crew.

  4. OOC: Uhhm, Hafnium works as a regular explosive. You of all people should remember it from the really old RPs, other people should remember I used Hafnium Bombs in a Pomeranian rebellion sometime. They explode normally, just are stronger than normal explosives. It's been like this for over two years of CNRP, you can't just magically say now that they explode in the way you describe, you can't retcon two RL years just like that.

    OOC: I think the only reason I have been fearing Halfnium Bombs for the past 2 years, when Kang used them, and now you is because I don't want my "Organic Meatbags" to come liquified Mesh. Even if I intercepted a Hafnium Weapon, It would still kill my people, unlike a Fission Device, where I get mild burns. It doesn't matter though, I gotta run for the night....

  5. OOC: I have to call you here KM, but the gun is still there if you used a hafnium weapon (Which don't work anyway) but all the people around it are dead from the gamma rays.

    He has a point, so I am dead either way........

    Bunkers dont stop Neutron Bombs.....

    Oh well, I don't feel like being in this anymore anyways. It seems to be more along the lines of "Slob on mah nob" RP more than "A Realistic Political Simulation Roleplay" but then again, its an RP. Whatever stuff survives, including Data is Left to Rebel Virginia, and the SAUS as per the Will of my king, whenever his will is found....

  6. OOC: You still didn't explain AFX and SAFEGUARD.

    Anyway, the Stealth we use (I Don't know about Uber's) is more advanced than that, like Lavo's, so it isn't a part of that "family" and cannot be detected like that. It can, however, be detected by other means I will not mention of course. But just configuring an ancient radar in a fancy fashion is not going to do, so that would mean that when we came first you were unable to see us. I'll post the IC reply once I know about AFX and Safeguard.

    OOC: Then Praytell, how does your Stealth Work? Is it using a Cold Plasma Based setup? Because if so, oh well you are going to have quite a time hiding that because every time a RADAR wave is absorbed by the Plasma, its energy Signature, and Heat Signature bounce massively, ontop of the already large IR Signature. I may not have highly advanced RADAR, or Infrared Seaking Devices, but I am pretty sure I worked out ways to detect atleast 75% of the Incoming Types of Stealth, the Remaining 25% are Gravimetric Stealth Systems, which completely bend space around the Aircraft, which is theoretically impossible. Until you can atleast give a laymens terms on how your stealth works, we all have to assume that it is standard.

    SAFEGUARD is a System that I built in order to defend myself, I learned from the Past Curbstomping. It consists of 4 Active Phased Arrays(Similar to the Ones the USA Employed in ICBM Defense from the 60s, to well now.) that are used to detect incoming aircraft, which are synced with central command, which then feeds the data out to other Units in the Field, and the Missile Stations south of Oured. It is not a Small Array, such as that on Aircraft, Ships, or MSAMs(Mobile Surface to Air Missile Launchers), each one is a Large Array, build specifically for Missile, and Aircraft Detection.

    The AFX is a High-Technology Demonstrator that was jointly designed for RAAF, and OSDAF(Osean Self Defense Air Force). It uses advanced Pulse Detonation-RAMJET Engine Hybrids that could theoretically allow it to exceed MACH 3, but due to technological limits I imposed on its specifications, it can barely go past Mach 2.4 without its wings breaking apart. It carries either 2 AIM-9(Or AIM-120) or 48 UIM-12 Micromissiles(Explaining further down) in its internal Missile Bays. It is a Dogfighter, it is built to intercept the enemy, and deal with it. It has a great range(With External Droptanks it could fly to Rockport and Back, or Without them from Oured Airport, to the Transvaal Border one way). It is in essence, a 6th Generation Fighter(The F/A-22 being a 5th Generation, just getting Thrust Vectoring). It is not stealth because Stealth is a waste in my eyes, and Lavos due to the immense cost, and little reward. It has a Maximum G-Stress of 13 Gees, but due to the fact that a Human is in it, it is only allowed to hit 8 Gee while in a turn. It can out turn most fighters(Forward Swept Wing Design), and thanks to its Three Dimensional Thrust Vectoring, it can hover at a 90 degree angle, or quickly stall itself, and slow down.

  7. OOC: Ford, you DO know that both Martens and Uberstein has higher Tech levels than you? You can't claim to have technology that is 'beyond Uberstein and Martens's technological prowess when in fact, it is YOU that have lower Technological prowess.

    Besides, how are Uberstein and Martens 'godmodding'?

    OOC: Bypassing Existing Defensive Systems I spent valuable time writing, and RPing the construction of.

    For Baron


    Unless you have developed some great new stealth technology, you are still limited to the defects of the B-2, F-22, and F-117 Stealth Family Tree.

    Completely "Destroying" my entire Country before I can even write a response. Seems to be godmodding to me....



    The SAM system that downed the Stealth Aircraft in Question, year? 1963....

  8. OOC: You have no aircraft, and you activated your defences AFTER we hit, thats the beauty of blitz. I bombed your aircraft into scrapmetal.

    OOC: Ignoring your base Stupidity to hit the Underlying Problem.

    You would have been detected the moment you came within 1000 Miles. Why? Because Unlike you I am no idiot, I have my RADAR operate on a High Frequency, thus nullifying all known types of stealth except for plasma, which is way beyond your technological prowess, or Martens for that matter.

    Second, you know what, $%&@ it. You have bypasssed all levels of Idiocy to hit the rank of Sumeragi in my books. Congradulations, you are now on the list of RPers, along with Martens, that fails to realize that they do not always win. I will fight, but only after you realize, or a Mod comes in here and lays the smackdown on your godmodding.


    Edit- Martens, I will believe that because you rarely read others topics unless its a War Thread.


    OURED Safeguard Program. A Series of Advanced RADAR Arrays, and Defensive Armaments to destroy incoming missiles, and Aircraft.


    The AFX, an Advanced Air Combat Aircraft designed with Thrust Vectoring, Internal Missile Bays stocked with UIM-Micro Missiles(AMRAAM Format)

  9. OOC: Nice use of the OOC/IC Line, and complete bypassing of my Defenses, which you do realize, I did spend time RPing, unlike the stuff you are using today. SAFEGUARD is a legitimate System, same with the AFX. I might only have a Prototype, but I intend to use it with the Fullest of my Abilities. Now, this truly is Ironic, how you are supposed to be hailed as one of the Best RPers on CN, but now break one of the most basic rules, even considering how you were so opposed to the TPF's DoW.....

    Me <3 Irony.

    IC: It took a few minutes to register in Aidens mind, then he began to bark orders as the first reports of War entered his bunker. He then began barking Orders

    "Activate SAFEGUARD, scramble the AFX Prototype, and 4 MiF-15's to give it cover. I want Combat Patrols along the SAFEGUARD's Operation Radius. Let the outer Provinces fall, I don't care about them, just keep the Capital, and Surrounding Area safe."

    "Yes Sir"

    "Also, begin to evacuate the people into the Tunnels, I don't care if its a tight squeeze, just do it."

    "Yes Sir, also SAFEGUARD is Online and the AFX is sortieing now. It will take some time for the MiF's to be able to sortie, we just began to decom them..."


    Aboveground the AFX got into the Air, and began to move to take out the Aggresser Aircraft.

    Soldiers recieved their orders, and using the Anti-Aircraft Armor(Remember, I RPED converting half of my Armored Vehicles to Anti-Aircraft/Missile Weaponry). They were told to move into the Mountains, and use the Defensive Network in place there to destroy anything, and everything that did not fly the Osean colors, and was not an Osean Aircraft.

    OOC: I would add more, but the complete and utter level of Godmodding Asshattery in this thread astounds me.

    I point specifically at Baron, and Martens.

  10. 8 Tahoan Fighter Bombers streaked into the night sky from Qeshm Island. Flying low to avoid radar, they approached the site of the "supergun" and buzzed it at 500 feet flying Mach 1.5. They circled three times and roared off to the north.

    Later guards would notice a bomb casing that landed three feet from the muzzle of the gun. Inside they found a note.

    "Next time this will be high explosive."

    Godmod, not recognizing it. You do realize that flying low over water does nothing. You would get detected. Let alone the fact that it is within the most defended Area of my Nation.....

    IC: Right, we know to take the words of the den of thieves that calls itself PAC like the gospel itself.

  11. OOC: God, if you're going to accuse me of Genocide, offer some goddamn proof

    OOC: You said it yourself, the Osean Peoples no longer exist in Osea Proper, thus, they were either killed off, or left.

    So please, lrn2rememberwhatyousay.

    IC: Yes, because finally the Afrika Reich feels what we feel every Day. Osea has always had a gun pointed at it, it is common knowledge that PAC keeps its missiles trained on our cities, so why don't we simply level the playing field a bit.

  12. "Fantastic! Do you want a Swastika Armband with that? Or perhaps a red banner with Stalin's picture on it?"

    OOC: Lol, please don't take offense.

    OOC: I find it Ironic that you post that, when you are supporting the Stalin/HItler of Africa....

  13. This is clearly a threat to Franzharia and the security of all of eastern Africa. We hope that the leaders of the world see this project for what it is and bring an end to this terrorist state before its plans come to fruition.

    Yes, and while we are at it. Let us do the Following

    1. Sponsor Genocide

    2. Sponsor the Mass Displacement of a People from their homeland

    3. Sponsor the Recolonization of Africa

    4. Sponsor well, Abusing Human Rights as a whole.......

  14. OOC: First for reference.

    Under Project Babylon, Bull extended his HARP gun design to build the barrel in segments, with a total length of 512 feet. The gun would be able to fire 600 kg projectile to a range of 1,000 kilometers, or a 2,000 kg rocket-assisted projectile into orbit.

    As a component of Project Babylon, Bull built a smaller gun, nick-named Baby Babylon, as a prototype for the larger gun. This 40 meter long gun was first constructed for horizontal testing in the summer of 1989, and installed at Jabal Hamrayn, ninety miles north of Baghdad, in central Iraq [Jabal Hamrin MTS]. The gun was positioned along a mountainside at an agle of about 45 degrees.


    IC: Under Project Aidens Revenge, work has started on a Supergun. This Gun will be constructed inside of Jabal Ash Sham, and will be aimed towards Africa. With a Total Length of 512 Feet, and the ability to shift 3 Degrees in either direction(Small Really) it will mainly be aimed towards Osea Proper. Its Location, will allow it to be protected by the SAFEGUARD, and Strateigic Air Command Fighter Patrols.


    Work has started on a series of Delivery Methods for Fuel-Air Explosive Warheads, and other hollow Gas Canisters that will carry a variety of contaigens, or gasses.

  15. ooc: and I suppose the removal of the ventral stabilizer/electronics boom, making the $@pit a bubble that moved up and down to let the pilots out, and adding vector panels to the engines don't count as MAJOR modifications. even in the anime they said that they were developed by different people.

    OOC: May I point you to the F-16 Standard, and F-16 NASA/HDTV Setup. The F-16 NASA/HDTV lacks a Canopy Completely, is flown by Camera's and HDTVs.

    Then the MiG-15, and MiG-17. Same Aircraft, different Varients.

    The F-5, and F-18, Same Basic Airframe, different modifications.

    The Fact is, developed by different people using the same Airframe is a part of History. The F/A-22A, and F/A-22B are designed by different people, using the same Airframe. Aviation is like evolution, different factors, working from the same roots bring about different results.

  16. ooc: banging head against keyboard*

    OOC: Its Two different models of the Same Airframe. Notice how they have the same basic setup? Their Wings, and internal Hardpoints are the only major difference, and yours lacks the butterfly tail. Its like the Strike Eagle, and Standard Eagle, technically same Aircraft, just Airframe Modifications.

    Anyways, im over it. You are wasting a great Aviation Model on a Recon Role when it is really better of being a High Speed Intercepter, or Naval Based Attacker.

  17. ooc: well I was planning on this one for a while.

    IC: This plane has been designed by us without outside help or insight. However sometime engineering may lead to similar designs by different groups.

    IC: We just hope you do not use our Revolutionary Pulse Detonation/RAMJET Engine Hybrids

  18. ffr31d.jpg

    We introduce the prototype plane designated R-01. As of yet we are not releasing any details on its capabilities however, we will state that its max altitude is above 80,000ft with a top speed exceeding Mach 3, however specifics will not be released yet. All of its technology has been adapted from the F-22 or developed from scratch. The plane can take very detailed images at altitude as well as operate as an AWACs to support friendly forces. The deployable boom underneath also houses meteorological equippment for gathering weather data and features a complex computer system to analyze and interpret the data as well as disperse it to allied elements.


    Feels Copied

    IC: Osea feels this is a slight copy of the AFX Airframe with "slightly altered" wing layouts.

  19. The Live Broadcast Continued, until it showed the Unknown Aircraft landing at an Osean Airbase, where a good picture of it was shown.


    The Specifications, and Names of this Fighter are Classified, yet it is expected to be a supreme Aviation Fighter as the RA, and Osean Airforce Emblems are on Each Butterfly Tail.

  20. A Live Broadcast is soon found about this "sighting".

    Live Broadcast, the Dribble News Network

    Hello Abdul, this is Riyhad and behind me is the border between Osea, and Rebel Army. As you can see, there is a Osean Airbase not far from view, and if you look far off to the west, you can see the so called UFO in flight, it seems to constantly be doing curves that would make a Mif look like a brick.

    *A Sonic Boom is heard overhead*

    Look, there goes a flight of MiF-15's to intercept the Aircraft, holy !@#$ look at the fighter, it just deployed around 12 Missiles, how in the hell can an Aircraft Carry that many?. Oh lord, oh lord

    *Explosions are shown as the MiF-15's are destroyed, with only one evading the first 3 missiles after it.*

    Oh lord, what could possibly be going on here Abdul? I think we are now at War......."

  21. OOC: First, I am pretty sure everyone remembers a while back, I bout a decent amount of aviation parts from Lavo, and I plan on importing more, but first, for teh Prototype.

    IC: The Daily Dribble News

    Recently, a Rash of "UFO Sightings" have begun to appear accros the Persian Gulf, Novak, Osea, and the Northern Coast of the Afrika Reich. Reports indicate that the UFO seems to resemble the SU-47 Fighter, or PAK-FA as it is more commonly known. Since the only Nation capable of developing a Fighter in the region, is known to be the Rebel Army, yet it is commonly known that General Resource Ltd. just imported a great deal of advanced Avionics Parts from the Rebel Army, it is suspected to be a Joint-Aircraft Development from the Two Countries, however, neither side has commented. However, one person caught a Video Tape of the "UFO" firing a Set of Odd Missiles at a MiF-15 Feagle Fighter Squadren. It is expected that these were either A. Drones, or B. an Conflict between Osea, and some unnamed Country with extremely Advanced Avionics Technologies has broken out. However, based on External Combat Data on the MiF-15, that could be unlikely, its service record would be contradicting to this since a MiF-15 was only destroyed Once, in a Flight Test.

    Disturbing News Indeed.

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