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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. The LIM-49 Missile has just begun its testing.


    A LIM-49 moving to intercept another Missile.

    Weight - 700 kg

    Length - 5,800 mm

    Diameter - 410 mm

    Warhead - M248 Composition B HE blast/fragmentation with two layers of pre-formed fragments and Octol 75/25 HE blast/fragmentation

    Warhead weight - 91 kg

    Detonation mechanism - Proximity fuze

    Wingspan - 920 mm

    Propellant - Solid-fuel rocket

    Operational range - 160 kilometres (99 mi)

    Flight altitude - 24,240 metres (79,500 ft)

    Speed - >Mach 5.0

    Guidance system - Radio command

    Launch platform - Silo

    The LIM-49 Spartan, is to be used as the primary Anti-Missile Missile in the Osean Inventory. Since the current military doctrine states that all missiles produced that are to either be AMRAAMS, ABBMs, or ABICBMs, it is expected that the Spartan will be widely used.

  2. ooc: trust me, once i hit 2012-2016 my bloc upgrade on the f-22 will bury whatever you can come up with.



    It is completely guided by a spherical HD TV that is givin its image by a system of Camera's around the Aircraft. Also, it has thrust vectoring, and scramjet engines(akin to that on the SR-71)

  3. ooc: and ill be sure to fix it so that it unfixes your fix. or ill just get galm team mobius and razgriz to make a super squadron and totally break the rules of balance. :P

    OOC: An I will throw Solo Wing Pixie at you....

    Also, Fear my 2008 Fix, it will make fighters invincable....

  4. ooc: alright ill retract most of my argument based on your point, but the F-22's max speed was released by the DoD as Mach 2.42 not what wiki says.

    Also with the cannon that the f-22 supports a short 1 sec burst (about 30-90 rounds) would shred any normal fighter craft. that combined with the advantages of its low RCS and the fact that most radar systems on fighters are blind in the back, would mean an easy sneak attack.

    OOC: Once i hit 2008 Tech, I will fix that....

  5. OOC: Thanks but I'll try and design one for myself. I just got some somewhat decent ships done on MS Paint and even a new assault rifle for my military. Planes are just about the last frontier for me on that program. I think with my current tech levels puts me at 2008 so I think I can start RPing the development of a new and superior fighter to the F-22 ^_^

    EDIT: You wouldn't happen to have extensive knowledge in firearm ballistics or know anyone who is do you?

    OOC: Nope, I do Aircraft and Naval technologies.

  6. OOC: Yeah, heavy bombers aren't really effective unless you have complete air superiority and decent SAM suppression abilities or good stealth. I think I'm gonna go ahead and develop my own new next generation aircraft sometime soon.

    OOC: Whats your Tech Year? I could do it for you if you wanted....

  7. OOC: Then that would be a different story but I'm sure that even if on a different mission an F-22 would keep at least one or two missiles for defense. How many fighter pilots would really like to go out on a mission completely unarmed? I really wouldn't use an F-22 for bombing missions anyway unless the enemy air force is completely wiped out although it's stealth characteristics could make it useful for special bombing missions or recon. Otherwise I'll stick with the tried and true heavy bombers like the B-52/B-1/B-2 or other ground attack aircraft.

    OOC: S-300 SAM would eliminate them all, so I am not to scared. However, yes there are F-22s that are working towards a Completely Bomber Varient, and you have a point, but you want atleast 2 missiles per enemy, because of flares, chaffs, and other things.

  8. Instead of insulting people who have already said they don't know what a coilgun is, you can explain it to them in nice, clear terms that don't have edgy hostility behind them. Being nice goes a long way.

    Actually, I was giving a nice clear definition. I have no hostility towards Mirreille, actaully I <3 Mirreille. If you sense hostility, maybe you should reread....

  9. I admit I am fuzzy on what exactly a railgun is or requires but from what little I know perhaps the OP does have a point. I mean if you can have railguns on tanks then by extension your infantry should be packing laser rifles or something equally crazy.

    Though I am almost completely in the dark so far as coilguns, are they a type of miniature railgun? I was under the impression they were something else entirely.

    Comparing a Coilgun to a Railgun is like comparing a Paintballgun to a AK-47.....

  10. OOC: The F-22 is capable of carrying 6 AIM-120 AMRAAM and 2 AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles plus 480 rounds for it's cannon. So it theoretically could go on about a 1v10 odds and still come out on top.

    OOC: We know that, but what if its carrying a different loadout, like a recon mission, or a short range bombing run(the F/A-22 is a Fighter/Attacker Aircraft, remember that)

  11. OOC: Considering EMP is two words and I said 'five', you should have guessed I was kidding. If anyone has stupidity, it's you: "oh, I was here first I get whatever I want" "oh I designed it myself so only other things that other people design can beat it and because it can last until 2020 it's super special and blah blah blah".

    OOC: Yes, because I use research and facts to back up my designs, what do you use? Magical Fairy Dust? I have not ICly requested, or Claimed any Special Technologies or lands, without being willing to fight for them, which is more than I can say for others *Looks at Martens and Mercy*. Furthermore, once your ignorance wears off, I recommend you finish high school, and start researching.

    Also, EMP is a Abbreviation for Electro-Magnetic Pulse, 3 words, but in actuallity is a Thermo-Nuclear Electro-Magnetic Pulse, since the only effecient way to create an EMP is through the detonation of a Nuclear Device, of course, you probably failed to realize that.

  12. OOC: five words: EMP?

    OOC: God..... I do not rely on advanced computers, or anything. this is not a Modern Fighter, it is designed using MiG-21 Parts, which last time I checked, WAS NOT EFFECTED BY AN EMP. Stop with your freaking crutches, and reliance on a system that only works against Modern Technology, and even then, only half the freaking time.

    Also, Analog FTW!

    OOC: Or just use any real world pic from after 1965. Seriously, this is one of the places where tech has most influence. If they have better tech than you, they win.

    Ehhh, yea, text/research should pay off more....

    OOC: I'm gonna have to say that tech/training is probably going to be the biggest deciding factor in a naval or air battle. In both the terrain is generally going to be the same. Open skies/open ocean. Tactics can play a role in this but seriously. An F-22 will definitely decimate an F-4 anytime in pretty much all conditions in a 1 on 1. Hell, even in a 1 on 6 the F-22 will probably win.

    Depends on loadout.

  13. OOC: Unfortunately for you, you don't have a IG SDI. I'll give the ability to tech them, but you are not able to do anything about it.

    IC: The Technocracy of Rockport admires the use of these radars, however would not more modern systems be more suitable?

    OOC: I have 2 Missile Defenses, which is technically what this is. It Protects me against ICBMs, it does not cover my entire nation but a select area. Instead of spreading those defenses out, I r so small I plan on stacking them into multiple systems over one area. Also, doing research into this, it will not be active completely and 100% Operational until I have 50 more tech. Construction started in 63, ended in 75......

    IC: Modern RADAR? This is top of the line in our neck of the woods. Unless you have better Radar, and are willing to either trade it, or sell it, this is what we have

  14. Another piece of equipment is being added into the Program. A Sabra Modification, the ZSU-23-4 will be intergrated into the defense network as a system for Anti-Aircraft, and Cruise Missile Defense. With this, 100 Sabras(100 IG) in the current inventory shall be converted the ZSU Specifications, which are as follows.


    Weight 19 tonnes

    Length 6.535 m

    Width 3.125 m

    Height 2.576 m (3.572 m with elevated radar)

    Crew 4 (commander, driver, gunner, radar operator)

    Armor welded steel, 9.2 mm turret, up to 15 mm hull


    armament 4 x 23 mm 2A7 autocannons (AZP-23 "Amur" quad automatic anti-aircraft gun), ammunition 2,000 rounds

    Engine V-6R, 6-cylinder 4-stroke airless-injection water cooled 19.1 litre diesel

    280 hp (209 kW) at 2,000 rpm

    Power/weight 14.7 hp/tonne (11.0 kW/tonne)

    Suspension individual torsion bar with hydraulic shock absorbers of 1st, 5th left and 6th right road wheels

    Ground clearance 400 mm

    Fuel capacity 515l


    range 450 km (road), 300 km (off-road)

    Speed 50 km/h (road), 30 km/h (off-road)


    OOC: effectivly marking a change in doctrine, switching from a Infantry based Battleplan, to a Fortication based one.

  15. The Osean Government has ordered the construction of a New Defense System.

    The PAR is a large phased array radar which was intended to detect incoming ballistic missiles as they crossed over the north pole. This information was to be relayed to other command and control sites. Two were intended to be constructed on the northern border of the Osea, one in Saham and one in Muscat. Potential targets detected by the PAR will be sent to the Missile Site Radar and National Missile Defense Command.


    A PAR Station in Saham(Ignore ze Winter)

    The Missile Site Radar is the center of the Safeguard system, it housed the computers and a phased array radar necessary to track and engage incoming ICBMs. The radar building itself is a pyramid structure several stories tall. Structures similar to the Saham site can be seen on aerial images of that site. The MSR complex includes Spartan and Sprint missile launchers.


    Missile Site Radar (right) and Intake / exhaust stacks for the Missile Site Power Plant (left).

    Remote Sprint Launchers (RSL)

    Remote Sprint Launchers were established around the MSR main complex in order to position missiles closer to their intended targets and thus reduce the flight time to the target.


    Aerial image of Remote Sprint Launch Site No. 2.

    A Proposed upgrade for the system, is being made, currently the system that has been approved so far must be constructed.

    * Two Daryal-type bistatic phased-array early warning radars, deployed at Saham and Muscat radar in Oured

    * Hen House radars at Nizwa, Ibra, Sur, Barka and Fuhud.

    * The Don-2NP (aka Pill Box to the west) large battle-management phased-array radar with 360ยบ coverage for the long-range interceptors supplementing the Dog House and Cat House radars.

    * The ABM-3 phased-array short-range battle management radar, replacing the Try Add radars.

    * 16 launchers of long-range SH-11 Gorgon exoatmospheric interceptor missiles at two launch sites with eight missiles each. Comparable to LIM-49A Spartan (at least in function).

    * 68 launchers of short-range SH-08 Gazelle endoatmospheric interceptor missiles at five launch sites with 12 or 16 missiles each..

    * Command, communications and intelligence services.

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