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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. OOC: You !@#$%* an awful lot for someone who has the habit of selfdestructing their nation

    OOC: I find this tank weak, and not going to be capable of going up to peoples expectations. Here, let me design an aircraft that can transform, and claim it can do all the amazing things as in the game, only to have it utterly fail....

  2. OOC: True, but it could also be sucked up by a soviet magnetic satellite too, however very unlikely. Anythings possible, but its doubtful. Don't be a negative nancy or you can't have one. -_-

    OOC: I don't want one, a Tauchpanzer III would do the job better, with much less technology.

  3. OOC:

    OOC: Its not designed for anything other than amphibious landings and island hopping. It's not a battleship.

    Tell that to the DD Sherman, one wave, and it will tip over and sink

    OOC: Hm, for some unknown reasons that I can't wholly comprehend, this looks very familiar.... :awesome:

    Your Avatar is HAWT

  4. The Emperor had just proposed his hand in Marriage to a yet unnamed girl, who would not be revealed to the People, until that is the time was right. Preparations had to be made, invitations had to be sent, and most of all, the Gift to her Family, and much more had to be prepared, and be ready to hand to them, and lets not forget the gifts for many of the Guests.

    A Short, and Simple Wedding Invitation was sent out.

    All Leaders, Dignitaries, are invited to Sector 12, Oured, for a Wedding between His Highness Aiden, and his future wife, who will not be revealed until the day of the wedding itself.

    Of course, they had to prepare the sector for the massive amount of people expected to attend. The Emperor had not been seen since he was 6, nearly 18 years ago. Quarters had to be prepared, and cooks had to be at the ready to prepare massive feasts

    OOC: just RP arriving, I will start this tomorrow.

  5. Yannic continued to run, and noticed something out of the Corner of his eye. It was a metal hulk, moving, he continued to run, he could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins making him run faster as the gunfire picked up even more. He felt a bit of pain go in his leg, and something warm running down it. It did not matter, he had to get to the checkpoint. He was within view, and saw his comrades, they were calling out his name, but he tripped. Something was wrong, he began to shift his body weight around, when he saw that Metal hulk approaching him. A Sabra Tank, he had not seen one, but he had heard. They were antique, before the days of Rebel Army, and almost every nation in existence, except Duestchland of course, the Sabra had ruled the plains of Africa. It began to rumble over him, and he rolled to avoid its tracks. Thank god he was thin, his nose barely missed the bottom of the chassis. The Heat was unbearable, but it was quickly over. He blacked out, and awoke a few hours later. He looked around, and noticed he was in a Medical Tent. An Odd Coat of Arms was hanging over him, and the blankets all had this weird insignia. He looked around, and finally saw something out of the History Books, and something countless of the people had painted on the walls.



    He heard someone speaking in a language that everyone had said forgotten, and outlawed, then a Man walked up, and began to speak in Hebrew. "Why did you fire at us? We did not shoot at you until you shot at us. We will patch you up, but then you leave" in a broken Accent, it was hard to understand, but he got the basic jist, and nodded.

    6 Hours later, a truck carrying 8 Wounded began to head towards the Border of the Occupied Osea Zone. Casualties were not wanted, but a few happened. If only people were not spooked so easily..........


    The Rocket, oddly enough sat in Orbit, and looked harmless, as if it had just been a launch to gain surprise.

  6. Oured, Osea 5:00PM, Sunday

    Yannic was walking down the streets on Patrol for the Rebel Army rebuilding commission when he began to feel a rumbling on the ground. It was nothing major, just enough to make some of the goods on the many market stands in this dusty city to shake, and fall onto the ground. To his left, he saw what was the Once great Oured Government Sector. 4 square Kilometers of Bureaucracy, Military Structures, and Black Gold Headquarters. Osea, had in its day when this world was young been one of the strongest nations on the Earth. Its YF-23 Fighters, which the Rebel Army, one of its many sucessor states still used soared among the skies, still showing that after 60 years, (2.5 IRL years) Osean Engineering was some of the best in the world. Dyrden Silo, once the home of the now antique Soyuz Missiles stood derelict, and abandoned, or atleast to the naked Eye. Yannic had heard that for decades, when Osea was in remission, its Royal Family, President, and much of its Government would hide in extensive underground tunnels around the nation. Rumors, for the most part were true, even in Realm, and parts of the RA, massive tunnel complexes, underground Cities in some of the more complex area's were being discovered. He had heard that one team had been lost for 11 weeks underground, and barely survived, their tattered bodies only made it to the surface after an extensive search had been made. He also knew that there was life down there. The Government denied it, but he had seen it happen before. Only Six years ago a Osean Task force had emerged, and attacked many nations around the world, attempting to reclaim what was once theirs. The Rumbling began to increase, and Yannic heard screams, and a massive roar. Dyrden, came to life. A Missile, a massive one at that took off, and began to pierce the heavens.


    He heard gunfire, and began to run towards the nearest checkpoint. This was not in the recruitment manuals.

    OOC: Lavo knows I am back, just RP a response to the Missile firing, and nothing more, you have no Idea about gunfire, or anything else for the moment.

  7. A Random Dude simply wonders why they do not bust in with Special Forces. A Barricade can only last for so long(1-2 hours) against a determined enemy.

    OOC: A 98k, even with Iron sights is a powerful tool. If N. Reeki is flying UH-1s(early choppers), a round will simply go through, and hit the Pilot. He has a more effective range with that 98k, than someone with a standard assault rifle, or machine gun.

  8. OOC: Ugh, You can't just walk through the Front Gate of Swabia........ Its not a Above Ground City, and I fail to see any tourists coming in armed with weaponry, it would get detected at the front gate. If you wish to pull some Ceramic or Plastic Weaponry BS, I can call you on it with more facts than you can shake a stick at. The fact is, its pretty much impossible to live on the surface where I am, so I am underground. I will be providing a Diagram, and Map Later, but I highly doubt tourism is even possible in my nation, mainly because I lack an Airport, or Harbor.

  9. OOC: Expect me to make sure that doesn't happen.

    IC: The RA is somewhat... Disturbed... By this successor to something that should have none.

    The Fuhrer, before he was frozen, regretted many of the things he did. There is much he has to tell your people.....

  10. OOC: Are you sure? Were did you get your facts?

    OOC: Ugh, do I need to slap you with a factstick? Let me BOLD FOR EMPHASIS

    An esoteric Hitlerist legend recounts that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide in 1945, but fled to Argentina, then to an SS base under the ice in New Swabia during the early 1950s where he resumed his career as a painter.

  11. OOC: Hitler himself? I'd heard he'd done some art, but I didn't know he was any good. Those are some nice paintings.

    OOC: An esoteric Hitlerist legend recounts that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide in 1945, but fled to Argentina, then to an SS base under the ice in New Swabia during the early 1950s where he resumed his career as a painter.

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