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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. We surrendered about a week ago. Most of our nations were in bill lock and many still are. I'm pretty sure the terms of surrender said we had 75 days to pay.

    Unless we get our members out of bill lock, we wouldn't have the ability to even start rep saving. Our government just had a discussion on saving methods. So much for that. You tell us to decom down to 25% then you blitz us. Cheap shot. This isn't about reps, you have been wanting to destroy us. Thanks for being so patient.

    You cant speak when your Members still Attacked NoV Members even till this day, after they were called out on it they simply switched their AA to None, and continued.

    Your Alliance has no Honor, yet you claim to Protect an Alliance that is called "Way of the Warrior" I love how that works....

  2. A Nation of Bushido sent Monetary Aid, but it was to late, the Unjust Forces were already in an Occupation, and the Soldiers that were trained using that Money were wiped out in a Battle South of Warsaw. It seems that Belka has fallen completly.

  3. Craven, on Friday I shall Treat you to some Food at Kuramas, taken I am not already busy with a certain friend of yours....

    Or Maybe I will just shove some of that green stuff into your face next time your around Lavenders...

  4. The People of Belka awoke, only one day after the "Victory" day on all fronts, to a surprise enemy attack, the entire Military was wiped out, and the people were being massacured in the Streets. The President, and his entire Goverment has been executed, and what remains of the Nation is Anarchy. A Maroon War Veteren Named "Ford" has risen to the occasion, and is leading what is left of the Maroon War Veterns Society, all of 14 People to resist the Invaders, however he has something to say to planet bob.

    What has the world come to, when the people who Surrender, and accept the terms of peace, rise up only one day after the conflict and attack a Nation that is asleep? What kind of Alliance would allow such activity(EotRS, and GOD I am looking at your)? What kind of people could sleep at night knowing this is happening

    OOC: Srsly, wtf your terms were very generous..... I mean we could have made you pay more than 60 Million in Reps to NoV, witch is estimated to have atleast 500 Million in Damages..

  5. :ph34r:

    You plan to help your former enemy pay its debt? Wouldn't fly in the NPO.

    Better check with your leaders.

    I doubt NoV will really care what they do, I mean its not a big deal if Starfox wants to waste his money, when its really going to come right back to him...

  6. This thread is like SOOOOO TL;DR, so if anyone could sum it up in a maximum of one word, that would be great.

    Serben, if you had been in the SKA I would be ashamed. This is a Roleplaying thread, so it is not to be summed up in one word.......

    Jesus, this is why we need standards...

  7. The Warriors of Allah had retreated, and the March Continued. Along the Fourth Sky Bridge however, Great Warships of Steam, Smoke, and Steel began to fire apon a City on the Other End of the Bridge. The General could tell that those People needed help. With his "Magical Long Distance Scopes" he saw that Warriors were raiding the Village. He called to his Warriors

    "Martaans has demanded that we march into battle twice today! The Protection that O'Nei grants apon our city does not extend to this one, so we shall move into it and help their people fight back the Warriors of Allah. Who is with me?"

    *The Army Cheers*

    As Positions are taken up along the Ramp leading off of the Bridge, the Swordsmen began to charge. A Volley of Musket balls were sent towards the Landing Craft. Soon after the Invaders landed, the Swordsmen popped out of Houses, and buildings to ambush the Enemy. Though the Enemy had Guns, they were not able to fight in Close Quaters

    *Battle Report*

    37 Warriors Lost

    205 Enemy Warriors Slain

    Their Guns are to be intergrated into our Army.

    We now have 100 Musketmen

    200 Repeaters

    Almost 250 Swordsmen

  8. OOC: This is a Part of the Kaiser Martens IIB:Redemption Denied Universe. If you want to join PM either me or Martens to the signup/Database Area.

    IC: It was a unusually cold day on the Coast as the Fishers began to bring in their Latest Haul. The Two Headed Tuna, and Gulping Gulpees were becoming rarer and rarer as people fished more and more. The Sermon was about to start in the Temple of the Three.

    Those who do not forsee the great Calamity to come here are blind, already the North Winds tell of a Great defeat to the Empire to the North. The Great God O'Nie has blessed us today, for the Thatchers gave birth to their third Healthy Child. The God Ner has shown our people nothing, and we must thank Martaan for keeping him Busy. Now, to the main point of this Sermon, We the great descendents of O'Nie are faced with a vast Decision, with the Omens showing the Empire is back once again, and our City growing to large to feed we have two Choices, we can either move Forwards and rebuild the land of Oseas, or we can sit back and allow the Heathens to the North to overrun us. Warriors of Allah attempted to capture Mogadishu Recently, however our Cousins to the North Report that it was a Great Victory for them.

    So, shall we send them Aid, or shall we sit here and do nothing?

    Nearly the Entire Crowd Gathered around the Temple of the Three rose, cheering "Help our Brothers, push back the Invaders"

    Soon the Ancient "Road of Seven Four One" was trembling with the March of 700 of Oureeds Greatest Warriors, carrying their Swords, and Muskets north.

    Along the way they found a Camp of Allah along the Coast. They left the "Sky Bridge over the Water" and took a Position to attack the Camp. Soon the smell of Gunpowder was in the Air as the Musketeers fired on the Camp. Then, in a Great rush, 600 Swordsmen began to move down towards the camp. The Warriors screamed "Let Ner take pity apon you" as they clashed with the Warriors of Allah. By the end of the Day nearly 300 Men lay dead from both Sides.

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