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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. The Belkan Transitional Government, led by Richard Wimmer took the stand.

    Today, I have some things to say, but first I would like to quote something that a great person once said

    "There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer, no disease that enough love will not heal, no door that enough love will not bridge, no wall that enough love will not throw down, no sin that enough love will not redeem... It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble, how hopeless the outlook, how muddled the tangle, how great the mistake. A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. If only you could love enough, you could be the happiest and most powerful being in the world..."

    Now that I have said that, I would like to hold out a big Olive Branch, and Bottle of Wine to the Soldaten of the World. We salute you, and hope that you accept it. We also wish that all the leaders, even those of nations that currently do not have Diplomatic Relations with us to Warsaw in order to discuss some things.

    Then the crowd stood and clapped, and the communique ended, the Invitations were sent, and the Hotel rooms were reserved.

  2. I like your selective answering SGA, answers whats easy and ignore the damning truth

    and I love your Avatar. I answer what I see, and see what is the Truth

    I am to be Perma ZIed, and feel like creating some kind of Scene, in a NoVish Fashion. Like a Drama Queen, so yea have fun with that.

    I rescind my Comments about you on the NoV Forums, you are not an upstanding dude, but one who stands with those who love the Drama Llama.

    PS. Almost everything NoV does is just for attention. I hope you guys realize that now.

  3. @ PrinceArutha: I think he may be referring to the aid coming from this nation.

    @ SGA-Ford: As I recall you were aware of a gag order and even acknowledged that you were violating it when you posted in one of the LSF war threads to voice your support of LSF. Pile that on top of your attempt to give orders to one of our members despite not having any form of officer position, your unwarranted diplomatic attempts toward LSF, and aiding Comrade Yev [ (21:10:55) (WAR[NoV]) SGA FOrd says:Heh, I bet no one Noticed how I got Comrade Yev 1.5 Million... ], your punishment is quite fitting.

    Considering that I negotiated a Tech Deal for Yev, I guess that giving Aid to a Member. I acknowledged the Gag order after I found out about it during my second Post. My Attempts to give the Member orders were in order to save the Entire Alliance from an International Inncident for mistreatment of PoWs. My Diplomatic Attempts were to Comrade Yev, and Comrade Yev Alone. They were not to the LSF, but instead of a Fellow Player whom I have owed a debt for a long time.

  4. When one is suffering for a crime, I would hope that they would be at least remotely familiar with the reason for which they are suffering. Unfortunately, this is not the case with you.

    Furthermore, this thread serves no point past making the original poster look foolish, and I hope that a mod comes and spares him in due time.

    Considering that this is not the first time I have watched something of the sort happen, because we all know, NoV's Leadership is unstable like a fat person who has a pie on a pole attached to their head, but no arms, and no neck. You guys just found a good reason to keep a member from moving on, and starting a Leftist Alliance for the Former LSFers to go to, that would attempt to bring peace to the Right/Left.

  5. according to this post comrade yev resigned and surrendered on the 9th. Today is the 14th. I will now go check your nation to see when you sent him aid.

    Hmmm, it has been deleted. Which means it was more that 10 days ago. which would mean it had to be before the 4th that you sent the aid. Which was 5 days before he could have surrendered.

    Nice try SGA ford

    I aided him through a Tech deal, witch never got to finish. I was to send 50 more tech to a Player Named Bouki tonight, and he would send Yev 1.5 Million Dollars


  6. I talked to Martens about Leaving NoV during wartime, and was told not to. I told him I was leaving after the War, and WHAM ZI List of me. Voicing your Opinion on a Fellow Member of the Cyberverse(That was not a Bad One) has never ever gotten someone in this much Trouble.

    As for my Pills, Those are just a trick people make other people take to think they can control themselves, my real problem is that the Inlaws were in for Dinner, and began this whole thing about how I have no Ambition. This is just me venting Steam. Of course, I have never looked back, so this is not the time to start.

  7. You also Aided Yev during the conflict, that is treason in the highest order

    Not until After the Conflict, unless Personal Converstations on MSN are considered Aid.

    comrade yev was on the Perma ZI list..... he couldn't surrender.

    He was Removed from it, due to many people saying he was a cool guy.

  8. Well actually that's not true.

    I and another person left during the war, and are not on their Perma-Zi. However, we also didn't aid and embed LSF.

    Wow, how did that happen. Last I checked that was NoV's Policy. Even some Members that I am still in Contact with proved it to me. Leaving During War time is never Permited.

    Also, I only Aided Comrade Yev AFTER NoV decided to ZI me.

  9. ok cool I agree with you. So were are in agreement that you betrayed the nation as a whole. At least you realize what you have done.

    Betray a Nation as a Whole? For defending the Honor of the Nation?

    Comrade Yev Surrendered

    NoV Continued to attack

    I asked them to Stop

    They did Not

    I asked again

    They decided I was a Traitor

    When someone Surrenders you do not treat him/her like a Slave, or less than any other Nation. NoV acted out of Pure Hatred for the LSF, and refused to accept his Surrender.

  10. Also, there is no way you should have even NEEDED a warning. You knew what you were doing before you did it. You knew it went against the alliance..... it would have gone against ANY alliance. Had you been in Nueva Vida and done the things you had done I promise the result would have been the same. Aiding the enemy? speaking out against the alliance. Next time, Just resign and change your AA to some unrelated alliance. Then at the end of the war go join the enemy.

    The left shall never unite.... They are too disorganized and lack the leadership (literally and figuratively).

    Those who Leave NoV in Wartime are Perma ZIed for "Treason" so that was out of the Question.

  11. well, after this NoV will probably be sentencing you to ZI anyway, so you might as well fight back now.


    Perma ZI for the Win. However, I will fight through a Dozen Incarnations if I have to.

    @Nintenderek Perma ZI, I am supposedly a Plague, and should be dealt with.

  12. at only 44 days old you have fought in more wars? must have started over.

    Any who, you aided the enemy LITERALLY, and disobeyed a DIRECT order from a superior. You should have just left NoV and joined LSF if you like them so much. I watched the way you acted in a lot of threats despite MANY attempts by NoV.gov to tell you to shut it. It was disgraceful at best..... Fight back if you wish.... But with no aircraft, no CM's and the inability to purchase them, it will be very useful. But of course since you have fought in more wars that ALL of NoV I am sure you already knew this.

    I hope your stay on planet bob is a long painful one.

    I have had to re-start my Nation Twice because of Inactivity issues. SGA-Ford has always been my Name in this, and will always be.

    I am a Loyal Follower of my Alliance, not her Leaders. NoV was an Ideal for me, and her leaders were just Tools for the entire Community to Further those Ideals. Nationalism is not about the "Select Few" but as the Nation as a whole.

  13. If you have to create a poll of public opinion on whether or not to "do something about it" I question your self-convition on the subject.

    You shouldn't run headfirst into the thresher unless you have a damn good reason.

    Morality is my Reason for this, and I do not want to fight those who do not deserve it. Much of NoV's members are good guys, but those "Elite" are just plain ole ****s. Reich Zealand, I defended you when Yev showed me those things about you, but now I feel that I was wrong.

  14. Aiding (literally) the enemy, disobeying of direct orders, engaging in unauthorized diplomatic errands on behalf of the Verein, disrespect of superior offices in public and private. Any self respecting alliance worth their salt would do the same as we have.

    Fight back, if you want. But the outcome will remain the same.

    Well, when your "Warning" to stop actions comes nearly 1 hour after the Sentancing (Finally looked through all the Messages, Thor gave me the warning exactly one hour after you sentenced me)

    Well, there's one of you and 201 of us. I think we'll win.

    201 to 1, I like those Odds...

    NoV may be the Child of NoR, but the Result will never be the same when Nations do not fight for Honor, Glory, and of course, Basic Human Rights.

    As for the Appeal, I personally asked Martens before I posted anything, I was called a Traitor, Scum, and not fit to even Wear the badges that I have been awarded in the Past.

    I see why NoV split from NoR, it was not because of the Nazi Elements, its because you wanted all those upstanding ones who stood against your freind Martens out of the way before you could create your "Pure" German Alliance. Your Recent Nordland Doctrine has proven that, and your actions in the past two weeks have also.

    I was proud to be in NoV only a few hours ago, but then it hit me with all of your deviousness. Martens is a man with a Silver Tongue, and will eventually be punished when the Left finally Unites, and as a Man from the Right I have the right to say that. NoR, and the PrF were good Alliances, with Good People, but NoV has removed to many of them to count, and only a few that I have mentioned on the NoV forums deserve respect, and those many who disagree with you, but do not voice it because of your Actions against me.

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