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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. The Welsh Prime Minister realised after you said it that permanent European force in the Middle East wouldn't be a good thing.

    £96,900,000 as that is the money that will be needed for the deceased families. We will be removing the ruins in Cardiff and building a memorial instead of rebuilding the flats.

    The Oil from the Persian Gulf Platforms will pay for that Debt that the Persian Government has aquired.

  2. iran_ogdetail.gif

    OOC: Yea, they are.... You obviously dont study much for your RPs. Also, to my Knowledge, since you are a Former RA Nation, he would control what was Iraqi Offshore Oil, or Persia would.

    IC: The Osean Federation will not allow Babylonian Military Units to pass through, but a Un-Armed Civilian Unit could come in to inspect the Platforms.

  3. OOC: Yea, and as I said, I am moving in to control the Oil Derricks, which are Offshore, since that is where all the Oil Is.

    IC: The Osean Federation will not in good faith hand back Oil to a Potentially Violent Regime, however we will wait, and allow the Persians to gain 1/20th of all Profits made to help rebuild their Nation, whit 18/20th of all Profits go towards International Charities, and another 1/20th goes into a Un-Disclosed Source.

  4. OOC: Somolia, so its well within my Naval Capacities, and they are under my flag until I deem it fit to return them, which as Persia is acting now, may be never. They have provided Ample reason for me to do this, and it is a good way to prevent them from rebuilding into their Military Habits again because to tell the truth, I dont believe Persia one bit o.O

    IC: The Osean Federation will not back down from the Persian Gulf Oil Derricks, and it will gladly escort Babalyonian Ships through the Gulf since due to Persia's civil War, Piracy, and of course, Corruption.

  5. OOC: Considering a Third World Nation according to IRL Standards began the Development of Carbon Nano-Tube Technology, and a Basic MAC cannon can be created in a Modern Garage, then going with the Face that a CWIS Cannon is a 5 Barrel Chaingun attached to a Electrical Gear set that can rotate 360 Degrees in a few seconds, which is very possible using Cheap Parts, I am pretty sure that this is possible by a Nation of any Technological Level within the past 60 Years, expecially considering it was designed in 1943.

  6. The PT-9200 has a Modern and Sophisticated form of Anti-Aircraft and Cruise Missile Defensive Measures, its CWIS Cannons which are intergrated into a "Land AEGIS" are mixed in with its larger MAC Cannons(Which are used to fire "Buckshot Rouds" when needed) to create a field of FLAK that even the most fearsome Pilot and Plane would be afraid to enter. The Armor itself is made using a Titanuim/Carbon Nanotube Alloy that can easily withstand fire from almost any Weapon, except the Larger Guns of a Battleship from the beginning of the 1900s.

  7. The PT-9200 Tank is the Newest Generation of Osean Weapons to be deployed on the Modern Battlefield, the PT-9200 "Twardy II" or "Resilient II" is to be a Massive "Land Fortress" that will be used to project Osean Power around the Battlefield

    Weight : 1000 tonnes

    Length : 35.00 m

    Width : 14.00 m

    Height : 11.00 m

    Crew : 20+

    Armor : 150 - 360 mm

    Primary armament : 2x 105 mm Magnetically Accellerated Cannons

    Secondary armament : 8x CWIS Cannons

    Engine : 8x Daimler-Benz MB501 20-cylinder marine diesel engines, 2x MAN V12Z32/44 24-cylinder marine diesel engines

    Operational range : 200 Miles

    Speed : 40 km/h

    The Twardy II, is estimated to be the Largest Tank ever designed, and as such only a few Select Bridges within the Federation can hold such weight, and fewer around the World.

  8. OOC: With a Hiroshima sized Bomb, of the same Tonnage, I could do this


    Then lets consider this, if there are over 1,000 Nuclear Mortars(Yes MORTARS) all around Former NATO Countries, that are just sitting there gathering Rust that contain about 1/3 of the Power that the Little Boy Bomb had, it would easily disappear. Then there is the fact that a Conventional Bomb, or Nuclear Reaction(Even that of a Micro-Wave) could do whats needed.


  9. OOC: You do realize it only takes one Electro-Magnetic Pulse to wipe out your Country, and you just got hit by DOZENS, let alone the Fact that no one is harmed, its just now you are without Power, and every single Electric Generator within your Country is fried and will have to be replaced, then if you DARE launch Nuclear Attacks, I will just have to deploy COIL on your arse.

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