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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. If Ustio will not cave into these Demands, then the Osean Federation will just have to join the MEC, but under the Following Terms

    Osean/MEC Union

    The Middle Eastern Coalition shall re-organize, and work towards creating a Senate, House of Represenetives, and Presidential Cabinent.

    Each Member State of the Coalition will Appoint 6 Members towards a Senate

    Each Member State shall appoint a X amount of Members for House of Represenatives according to their Population

    The President of the Coalition shall act as Speaker, and Announcer for all Major Announcement, changes, and Economical Programs within the Coalition

    The President will be chosen each year by a Popular Vote within the Federation, from a pool of Canidates, Each Nation is allowed to nominate 1 Person.

    The Coalition shall adopt a Common Currency, preferably the Osean Federal Dollar, which is already in wide circulation around the Middle East, and Eastern Africa.

    The Coalition shall form a Unified Military, and it will be led by a "Democratically Elected General"

    The Coalition will require a 3/4ths Majority to launch a Military Action

    The Coalition shall share Military, and Economical Resources(Technology, Strategic Resources, etc)

    The Coalition shall work towards the creation of a Nuclear Fusion Power Plant based within Oured, Osea, along with another in Kuwaiti City, Babylon. So that the Entire Coalition has a Cheap, yet Reliable Form of Energy other than Oil, which will allow it to move forward in Sales.

  2. OOC: I think my demands are reasonable, and if they are met, I will join the MEC, and work to unify the Economies, and militaries of the Coalition, and turn it into a Power Capable of beating Europa o.O

    IC: The Osean Federation is looking at your MEC, and sees Potential in it, however it will not join unless Ustio is part of the Federation. The Federation is a Direct Democracy, and the Peoples there will be able to do as they please, they will also receive the Benefits of a Socialist State, and will work towards the Greater good of the Middle East.

  3. Osean Diplomatic Corps arrive, and demand the following

    The Republic of Ustio secede Yeman to the Osean Federation.

    The Republic of Ustio will become a Oblast of the Osean Federation(Member State)

    The Republic of Ustio will disband its Military, and Intergrate its Armored, and Missile Forces with the Osean Federal Military

    The Republic of Ustio will take a Total Census of its Population of figure out how many Senators it shall have in the Osean Federal Government

    The Republic of Ustio will hearby be known as Oblast Ustia

    Persia shall disband her Military

    Persia shall stop the deportation of Somali Nationals(Oseans)

    Persia shall officially recognize the Osean Federation as the Regional Leader in International Military, and Political Affairs

    Persia shall halt all Production, Development, and Maitnence of Chemical, Biological, Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Fusion, and Conventional Missiles.

  4. The Osean Federation hearby demands the Following.

    The Republic of Ustio secede Yeman to the Osean Federation.

    The Republic of Ustio will become a Oblast of the Osean Federation(Member State)

    The Republic of Ustio will disband its Military, and Intergrate its Armored, and Missile Forces with the Osean Federal Military

    The Republic of Ustio will take a Total Census of its Population of figure out how many Senators it shall have in the Osean Federal Government

    The Republic of Ustio will hearby be known as Oblast Ustia

    OOC: Pretty much you are like the Texan Republic of the 1830s, you exist, but as a part of the USA. You are free to do what you want, except Military Operations, and I will take over defense of Both Areas.

  5. The Osean Federation responds.

    "If you say your not getting revenue, you must be blowing all your money on Opium. Of course, that is probably what you are doing since you are a Terrorist Group. Osea will re-take the Platforms, and then it will procede to destroy them since Persia is being so 'intolerable'. We will ensure that you do not get profit, or money period from them, and maybe that will cure you of your 'addiction' to the Opium, and maybe then you will realize how to run a Nation"

  6. I did not think it was State Owned Property, but instead owned by a Corperation within the Persian Nation that owned the Oil Platform, unless of course, the Persian State is a communistic society that believes in State Capitalism, and uses State Owned Businesses to run its entire Nation.


  7. OOC: Osea wont give up its Claims because

    A. Its out of Charachter for me as a Arabic Supremacist Warlord

    B. Its part of a Traditional Empire

    C. Its just well, bad for my Economy, and Populace because if you do research you will find that the region my peoples are from is based off of warfare.

  8. Persia will not be bankrupt, it will be aided by a Organization of Osean Bureaucrat who are highly skilled in Managing Money, and as such have created a Super "Litigation" Think-Tank that will help the Persian Government establish a Thriving Economy based on a Simple Barter System, and it will use Eco-friendly Fuel Sources such as Human Feces in order to Maximize Oil Exports. This also ensures that the money is utilized properly and effectively so that the Persian Government may further increase its Cultural and Economic Growth instead of Military Growth. The Osean Government shall also help in the defense of Persia, as its "Military" Think-Tank has already come up with a Plan that will help further increase the Maximization of Persian Military capacity while not increasing the spending, and size of the Persian Military.

  9. OOC: Sorry Balomesh, but from what I see, it is a Paternal Autocracy, not a Democracy. Anyways, that money will go towards Reperations that Persia owes to foreign Governments, then towards rebuilding Nations that have been attacked by Persia.

    Also, if you paid attention to all of my Posts, I took care of the Welsh Money stuff, its not like I am using all of the Money for Personal Gain.

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