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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. All but one Laufer, and 3 Marines were dead.

    The Remaining Osean Forces began to regroup, and concentrate on organizing an effective resistance. The Laufer itself, was seen fleeing into the Cities Waste System, while the Marines began to gather groups of Rebels, and pulling them back. Once nearly 60 people were evacuated, the group ditched the Laufer in the Sewers, and ran for the area where it was purified, running out into the countryside.

  2. Yes it is, because then people will ALWAYS attempt to hit that Area, and we can predict Counter Measures, and thus, defeat them before they try. For all you know, that may not be its weakness, but its strength, and we are just tricking you.

  3. The Osean Laufers, noticing the disablement of an Anvil, proceded to concentrate all of their firepower on the Disabled unit, hoping to keep it from being Captured by Uberstienian Forces. From within the Containers, also came 18 Osean Marines, from the 12th Raven Battallion. They began to fan out, and attempt to rally the Rebels as much as they could. As they began to move around, their Armor, being almost as Fearsome as the Imperial Armor, became a rallying point for Rebels. Of course, who would not rally around the Ravens in their Hulking Armor.


    OOC: By chance could I get a map?

  4. A Few months ago, the Federation purchased 4 PzF Laufer Mecha from the German Reich. It of course, quickly began to study them, and work on developing its own Mecha, and thus the "Alligator" Program was born.


    The Alligator, bearing little resemblance to the "Laufer" unit it is based off of, is the Pinnicale of Reverse Engineered Imperial/Osean Technology. Its Armament, includes a 4inch Howitzer, 2 Armor-Piercing 3 Inch Auto-Cannons, and 1 Internal Surface-to-Air Missile Pod(2 Missiles). Its Armor, is also a mixture of Osean RADCOWS, and Imperial Chobbam Armor. Its lead covered Generator, and Circuts, protect it from Electro-Magnetic Weaponry, and its Special AI, nicknamed "Skynet" has been programmed with an innate Loyalty to the Osean Army, yet for some reason not the Government.

    After Two of these Units were constructed, they were tested in a game against 8 Captured Persian Tanks, and 3 Captured Persian Aircraft. The Mecha substained 0 Damage, and destroyed all of the Targets, so it seems, unless they are tripped, they are invincible against Small Arms, and some Medium Weapons. However, it is known that a well positioned attack on the Central "Joint" of the Unit from the Sides can tip it over. However, upgrades are already in development to stop that.

    Maximum Running Speed - 32kmph

    Crew - 0

    Armament - 1 4inch Howitzer, 2 3inch Auto-Cannons, 2 Surface-to-Air Missiles.

    Defenses - 6th Generation RADCOWS/CHOBBAM mixture.

  5. Osea remains neutral in the Conflict.


    Four Containers, containing "Humanitarian Supplies" have been shipped to a Rebel Held Port. When they arrived, they were marked "Red Cross Package", but when the Rebels Opened them, death spit out in all Directions. From Each Container marched a Laufer, painted with the Osean "Blood Raven Battalion Markings". The Laufers, using their Sensor Upgrades, saw the Anvils, and began to attempt to create a Network Link with them, in order to maximize their Firing Potential.

    "Always fun to test these babies out"

  6. 1




    In the Opening Minutes of the Race, it was clear who would be taking the Spotlight. The Shillian Avanti, Osean Spitfire, the RA Mustang, and the Uberstienian Mosquito were the clear competiters in the Race. They races off, with the Aventi, Mustang, and Spitfire tied for First, but soon, the true test would begin, and the Canyon Points would be approaching.

  7. The Defense is weak because there is no hope, there are no reasons for them to fight, or for me to fight for them if they are just to be hauled off to a gun-range because they fought for Freedom.

    I move for a Mis-trail, as the Jury, and Judge are all probably German Imperial Citizens. I also call for an International Hearing to oversee this case.

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