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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. OOC: Still haven't learned how to read, eh? I said "closed system"

    All people need is food, water, and shelter. It was a simple society ment for peace. You've always been the radically-rightwing aggressor. I remember what you told me exactly back on that forum, it went along the lines of, "If you didn't have your allies, I would attack you for how you think!"

    First of all, its spelled "Meant" Second of all, I have not always been the Radical Right-Wing Aggressor. I have my own Ideology, and the very fact that you took a Beautiful Country, and ruined it with your "Filthy" Ideas insults me, and insults a great deal of people around the World. Now you also twist my words, I said

    "In a Situation where it was me versus you for World dominance, and with your Hostile Attitude towards anyone not within your "Communist" Block, I would quickly invade you, and destroy you just for the fact that you exist in an Enemy Bloc, and then the fact that you have pretty much spit in the face of EVERYTHING that I stand for, and are so closed minded that you think your Ideology should remain supreme."

  2. OOC: Atleast I was not a Hungary with no freaking Economy that relied on a Bartering System from the Stone Age, and thought it would actually WORK.

    Also, last time I checked, you were a Council Communist, or did you change your Ideology like you change underwear?

  3. OOC: Yay, im actually annoying

    /jumps in happyness.

    Also Baron, I remember back on KJ's Boards, your RP was 100% Phailure due to lack of any knowledge of Economics. Also, half of you and Reich's posts were failure.

  4. OOC:your forgetting that as long as its osea vs ubersteind, uberstein doesnt stand a chance.... (realistic RPing here)

    OOC: QFT, and there are reasons why.

    Baron would lack any form of Aircraft that could reach me

    Baron would be forced to launch an offensive campaign thousands of miles from home, and therefor is forced to maintain a long supply line, which I could harass with anything ranging from Blue-Water Boats, to Submarines

    THEN He can still only deploy a fraction of his Army, and as such would be forced to maintain a beachhead, which of course, means he could not deploy any of his Fancy Mechas, which Realisticly, with his only 200 Tech, are impossible for him. Martens, Lavo, and the other Major Players, ok they can have mechs, but Baron has gone up above, and beyond them when it comes to those, his designs look more like freaking comic books, then Martens, and Lavos walking Tin-Cans.(Sorry Laufer, and AT-AT).......

  5. So wait, let me get this straight, you launched a Multi-Billion Dollar Operation, to get 5 Million Dollars, Jesus, with people like you for World Leaders, it should be SO EASY to Conquer the Market.

  6. The Uberstienian empire is looking to take their "Reperations" through the looting of Osea.

    In Osean Bars, and Radio Stations, a new song has taken the lead as the Most Popular in the Nation

    Oh, I'm a good old Soulja

    Now that's just what I am

    For this fair land of freedom

    I do not care a damn.

    I'm glad I fit against it

    I only wish we'd won.

    And I don't want no pardon

    For anything I've done.

    I hates the Constitution

    This Empire too

    In uniforms of blue.

    I hates the nasty eagle

    With all his brag and fuss

    But the lyin', thievin' Nords

    I hates' em wuss and wuss.

    Three hundred Nords

    Lies still in African dust

    We got three hundred thousand

    Before they conquered us

    They died of African fever

    And African steel and shot

    I wish they was three million

    Instead of what we got.

    I can't take up my rifle

    And fight' em now no mo'

    But I ain't a-goin'to love' em

    Now that is sartin sho'

    And I don't want no pardon

    For what I was and am

    And I won't be reconstructed

    And I do not give a damn.

  7. To say this, I will say it, I was on the recieving end of a FANPile for a Week, alone with no support. I Survived, Anarchied their guys, and came back stronger with a bonus 20 Tech(I think). FANpiles are not that great, and NoV was under strict Orders not to fire back, so yes they were bleeding, and told not to fight back


  8. In the Command Bunker, Commander Aiden's Mind was racing, he had not anticipated this move. Martens was a straight forward kind of Commander, when did he change his Tactics? He leaned onto a Computer Screen, watching the battle unfold.


    Then he figured out what his next move would be, though it would probably be his last. He grabbed the Microphone to the Nations Emergency Broadcast System, and began to speak


    Soldiers of Osea, lay down your Weapons and Surrender. We are outgunned at this moment, but I assure you, this will not be your last chance at glory. There are other times, and other battles for you to fight, but not tonight. The Europeans, they are to strong, and to numerous for us. We cannot fight them, here, while we try to support our Allies abroad.

    We will attempt a chance at peace, and if they reject it, well then you will know, and you will fight. Until then, stop with the fighting, and retreat, retreat into the Highlands, and await our Orders.

    To the Europeans invading our Land. Know this, while we may be surrendering now, and raising the white flag, Your days in the Light will only last so long. Osea may be defeated, but Africa, and the Middle East as a united Coalition will one day surpass you, and may even destroy you, or they may extend a hand in friendship, one can never tell with the future. However, today, in the here and now, I will attempt a chance for peace, though I will not hand over our General without a Proper Trail. It is Osea's Philosophy that no man is left behind, and we would fight for that one mans life, even if it cost us a Million.

  9. OOC: To bad they killed it before I could go really epic. Poor Iowa Class Battleship, Oh well, I was wanting to upgrade to those damn Montana's. Also, to lord Wellington, I hope you know, you dont have any Carriers Listed there, so yea.... How in the Hell are you getting Aircraft into my Airspace when you are half the world away. Its Impossible. Let alone the fact that none of your Aircraft are able to be carrier based. Along with that, I would also like to point out that the Transports of your Mecha, and Armor for a first assault is impossible, expecially giving the time that you had to prepare(only a few days). Its going to be a long, grueling Infantry fight, for a while until you guys capture a port to bring in the Heavy Stuff.

    IC: The Area the Imperials Chose to land had a small Garrison, only 80 Men, and a Pair of Tanks, along with 6 Artillery Pieces.

    **On the Coast**

    "Hey, Johnny, pass me a paper, I gotta smoke"

    "Here ya go bud"

    *Wraps a Ciggerette with one Hand/Lights it*

    "Whoa, Johnny, look at this, you better call Command, it seems as if our unit will get the brunt of it...."

    "Nah, I will let the CO take care of that, we couldnt be part of the First Oured Howitzers if we decided to !@#$% out of this."

    The Howitzers Opened up on the Landing Forces as soon as they could, while Machine Guns, and other Positions attempted to hit the Imperial Infantry that were landing.

  10. As the Torpedos hit, they were mearly like bees stinging a Cow, damaging the superstructure, but otherwise, not sinking the Ship. Its guns fired only 4 Salvos until the Halfnuim Rocket hit, breaking the Ship in two, and almost vaporizing the Water around the Ship. Steam, and Heavy Fog surrounded the place where the Justice once stood, but when the Imperials finally got a look at what was left, it was nothing but boiling water. The two Vindicators, being almost 50 Years older than the Justice, did not even survive the first Salvo's of Torpedo's. The Osean Fleet was defeated, and the Escort Carriers in the Harbor began to sink.

    Razgriz however, began its part of the attack, dropping torpedo's into the water, and firing at troops that were on the surface of the ships when they could. Keeping a Low Profile, along with their Zig-Zag Blue/Black Paint Scheme seemed to help them remain undetected until they had struck.


    A Razgriz bomber.

  11. I actually raise my Stein to this brave lone warrior. I am more then a little jellous as well.I actually raise my Stein to this brave lone warrior. I admire his unbridled hatred and strength of conviction. Maybe in another alliance we may have even been friends.

    I am a member of the Recruitment Dept. In NoV and generally scan all applications, it is my hope that you do not sneak in, but simply announce who you are and your intention to join up to uncover this “great evil†that you think is among we brothers of the Nordlands. *turns to the people of Bob and declares * AND I SEND THIS OFFER TO ALL NATIONS...*turns back and looks at you* not only you.

    Because once I let you in you will uncover the fact that we are made up of many ethnicities, in even the highest ranks, and share a trait of only patriotic fervor and loyalty to our brotherhood based solely on them having “Norden Verein†in their AA slot and acting in the interests of their Brothers. And that you uncover the fact the we indeed harbor none of these “Nazisâ€, that we will have brought into the fold a furious warrior that I would be damn proud to fight beside.

    Heil Alik Kyznetsov!

    May we meet on the battlefield as either opposites, or allies.



    /Kicks a Idiot into a Hole

    No, really, its true, except when the Leadership Hates you

    Oh yar, what happened to Wheedle then?

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