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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. An excellent, thoroughly enjoyable and on-topic post by a member of the one of the world's most esteemed and respected alliances. We thank you for your noble contribution to this discussion.

    We were respected, and we were more esteemed than the NPO, it showed when we actually HONORED our treaty, and did not "Isolate" our allies.

  2. He's better thank you'll ever be sga, but don't hate the playa, hate the game. If you're so upset and enraged by what went down, no one is forcing you to play. Just because you are blinded by your hate as to what really happened doesn't mean you should get angry with those who know the truth.

    No, he only knows the stuff that has been fed to him by the Spin-Masters in the NPO. I must admit, they are good at spreading lies and dis-information, but those who know the truth will continue to be the playa hatas.

    Also, its "Than" not "Thank". I think they covered that in the second grade, I think you graduated that so COMON HORDE CHECK YOUR POSTS.

  3. lol, your too much of a consipracy theorist

    your alliance quit on you. You aren't forced to do anything in this game.

    no, you just have no knowledge of Politics in CN. You are just a State Sponsered Troll. Thats how it went down, why don't you look all around the thread about the IAA's disbandment, the NPO would not hand over peace because our Emperor would not lie and admit to faking logs, which he did not do because he even had screenshots of the real logs, and then the fake ones that the NPO said he made, which he did not do since it was THEM that posted them.

    You are forced to do stuff when the Largest Alliance in the Game, and its group of Cronies gang up on you, and your ally for no plausable reason other than a grudge from the Second Great War.

  4. 1.) You guys chose to disband. you were never "forced" to do that.

    2.) The New Pacific Order has never fought NoV.

    1.) You Demanded we admit to faking logs that your side had faked, so don't even try to say anything like that.

    2.) But your allies have, and you have supported them in that. Their Caussus Bellia was completely OOC and that right there is proof that the game no longer respects that line.

  5. Mind to show some examples? I'm honestly just curious about this. You mentioned this in another thread as well and I ignored it because I doubt your answer will be worth the wait.

    I would love to hear about it though.

    Look at the 1V/GATO War, I fought in it, my alliance was forced to disband because we would not suck up and lie.

    Electron Sponge has now joined Yaridovich, 404Error and /b/ in the cesspit of CN History. Whatever accomplishments he had in the past are rendered completely null and void by his recent actions.

    As far as I am aware, no one in Pacifica has a problem with the body Republic of the New Polar Order. Our quarrel is with Sponge.

    Sponge is great, you however are nothing but a Pacifican Troll, your entire alliance is nothing but state sponsered trolling.

    What time and place is better than this?

    ES has revealed private information without Moo's permission. He has crossed the line between IC and OOC in a disgusting and unforgivable manner. It's not hyperbole - it's truth. There is no way you can possibly defend or justify his actions, Doitzel.

    Like you guys have not with Nordren Verien, Hypocrits

  6. Nobody cares what you have to say. begone.


    Ford, don't you see? IAA fell for ideals and honor, the fact that you are claiming that the government and membership illegally disbanded the alliance and then set yourself up as "acting emperor" does not speak well to your intentions nor to your purposes in this. The Empire is sacred to many and to use it's flag in vain is not very honorable nor amusing, especially without the consultation of it's former members.

    You are in no position to make that call, you were a military official and not an IRC Officer, and your seeming premise that it was not actually disbanded is false. Please lock this thread and allow the Empire to rest in peace, and trouble Her no more.

    EDIT -- the only person who could now challenge the decision anyway is the former chancellor, according to the charter, and he consented and voted for disbandment. There is absolutely no legal case to your argument, and now you are letting the IAA haters crawl out of the woodwork and have a field day.


    I explained my reasons to you, and you explained what you thought to me, I agree I should have consulted you, along with that, well this is over. Lock Please.

    Also, people read the FIRST SENTENCE OF THE FIRST POST, Does it remind you of something.

  7. Ivan, you need to talk to your children, they are fighting.

    I recommend Doitzel and Dilber be put in the Corner, and given spankings, and ES be grounded without TV for 2 weeks.

  8. Listen, Cat. It's always tough when things go wrong and the people you thought would help you don't. We get that. But sometimes there's only two options. Be part of the problem or be part of the solution.

    My tiny nation has only known war since its inception. The current war was already going on when I joined GATO. So I never received anything from GATO. There literally wasn't anything to give. But I've fought the opponents that I've been able to, and have redirected 2/3rds of all aid that I captured from the NPO to help my GATO brethren. We're not disbanding because we believe that we have the right exist regardless of what anybody else says, be it the big cheese in NPO or a former brother who (somewhat understandably) feels betrayed. We've been launching attacks because if we're all going to end up bill-locked and ZI'd anyway, we'd rather go down swinging.

    So I won't apologize for attacking NPO nations, and what a lame excuse someone's using to continue intimidating you!

    I'm sorry that you felt you had to leave, because it sounds like you had something to offer. I'm sorrier that you're staying so firmly under their thumb.

    I leik this.

  9. Yet again, realize everything has its purpose. This had its purpose, it served it, stop posting please, if you wanted to know the purpose, and why I say it was for the lulz, feel free to talk to me on IRC or PM me, but of course, since you probably just want to think it was some "Horrible Joke" go ahead, think that, there are a few who realize what this purpose was, and will learn the results.

  10. How do you go about reviving an alliance that democratically decided to disband? While I'd be overjoyed to see the Imperial Assault Alliance come back, you're merely reviving a name and a flag, friend.

    First of all, the IAA's "Vote to Disband" was not democratic, I remember according to the charter requiring 2/3ds to disbanded, it wasn't even close.

    Is this a serious announcement, or just someone trying to have some lols?

    It was mean't to get Dilber, Doitzel and Sponge to chillax, atleast a few of them knew of my intentions

    Erm, what? I'm confused... Let the dead rest in peace.

    They are

    Seriously, Ford, you really can do nothing right. This is a dishonour to IAA's name, and is quite frankly a disgusting way to get your daily dose of attention.

    Seriously, it was an Illegal Disbandment, and you can say nothing about dis-honor you have your alliance hiding in peace mode.

    No. Ford, please don't piss on the IAA like this. It was a great alliance full of great people, and I was proud to call people like Chimera, Junka, and Lavo my allies. However, you are not what made the IAA great. You are simply an anti-Order troll, and one of the reasons that they are no longer here today. I thought you said you were retiring SGA-Ford anyway. What happened to that? Because it's definitely a smarter course of action than this.

    I think this was a retiring party, after all, now everyone hates me and there is no reason for anyone to get me back.

    To add to what I said earlier; altough your intention is good and I can understand the difficulty in letting such an awesome alliance drain away through your fingers, this stunt gives me the impression that you just want to cash in on the reputation of the late IAA to jumpstart your own alliance.

    I would not want to cash in on the IAA's Reputation, it would not be wise after all have you been deaf for the past 3 months, its not that good.

    More like unwelcome back.

    The IAA was great, when it lived. We disbanded for a reason, and we did what we felt was right. This is a disgrace to everyone and anyone who truly loved and contributed to the IAA. Ford, don't do this, because this is not IAA. The IAA was not about sticking it to the orders, and that is really what you are making it seem. Stop this now, and let the IAA rest.

    Where in that Thread did I say I was sticking it to the Orders, this was actually supposed to get them to relax.

    Ford , WHY !!!

    No more Dr. Thunder and Krispy Creams, I told you after the first time it had a bad effect.

    I am going to go burn my family tree...

    Fine, I don't love you anymore either.

    FORD WTF ARE YOU DOING. Let the IAA stay how it is! This is disgrace! And technically the IAA is still at war. So I beg NPO and everyone else that was at war with the IAA, please kill this monstrosity.

    This was a Joke Thread designed to relieve some tension, obviously it failed. Along with that, it was designed to gauge the reactions of people, obviously those who were not informed beforehand re-acted horribly.

    Junka, in the Military Heirachry it went




    Then Me

    I think I stated Military Arm.

  11. You know, I have spoken to both Dilber, and Doitzel.

    I must say, with this current situation, I cannot really take sides. I guess I will steer myself and the IAA towards the Neutral Menace.


    Doitzel, from what I have heard, and determined has Honorable Intentions for what he is doing, so for that, even if you disagree with him you should respect him.

    Dilber, from what I have determined is trying to defend his alliance, and their sense of Honor, which varies from Doitzels.

    Both of you are Honorable in your own way so

    \\// Live long and Prosper.

    | |]

  12. I don't imagine 4th in command of IAA would have been very difficult, to be honest.

    Actually, considering I did it in 2 Weeks, thats an achievement, let alone the fact that I got a hailfest for it.


    If you do, I don't like you and you don't get any of the Achohol

    *Reveals a massive Warehouse of Achohol Behind him*

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