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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. Let me Clarify this yet again, for any other person who got the wrong Idea's last night.

    The NPO never once stated its support for this document, The Divine Bovine Overlord just gave his imput, and helped shape the Document, this is not a promise of support, it is not a promise that this will happen.

  2. Hey Braveheart GTFO my Nation or I will break out the Sutherlands


    :awesome: I un-un-un-retired from CNRPing so yea :awesome:

    Osea will carve a path through you if you dont comply, and dont think you know Dijoubti better than us.


  3. The most difficult part of this entire idea is that the citizens of CyberNations will have to be reasonable enough to follow these rules. I, frankly, doubt that it will come immediately, but eventually, people will find their way.

    A real life example of this is (no offense to anybody, this just came to me- also, I know its not totally gone, but its a metaphor so shutup) racism. Over time, its just kinda... disappeared... unless you live in Alabama. :awesome:

    I think that's what will happen with the ethics enforced in this Bill, which is why I support this completely.

    I won't be in that channel tommorow, cuz 8:30 is too early for CyberNations, but I will be interested to hear what went down.

    I got teh Logs, I will PM them to you if you want.

  4. Rights..the thought makes me tremble.

    You the "oppressed" will not have rights. We are the evil NPO, not the good NPO, not the kitten NPO, the Bovine Armies of NPO will oppress you, beat you, if you don't like it, fight back, don't cry. (Yes, I am aware your fighting back, but you will cry afterwards, or at least thats what the weather man predicts)

    Let it be known. The manure from our armies of cattle, will be put on your land, and from it will grow the fertile, strong corn of the NPO produce.

    The man you stole your name from is rolling over in his grave now.

  5. Normal lies from Vox.

    I see you've deleted all the sanctions against nuclear rogues that did exist. You've also removed all the messages our other hard working councillors had posted.

    So, do you fancy yourself president or something?

    Pathetic politican. Say one thing "I want sanctions only against nuclear rogues", then you delete them.

    No, He removed the Sanctions against STATE SPONSERED NUCLEAR STRIKES

  6. It is when when members of that alliance arn't allowed to reform a new alliance with the same members.

    That is an issue that I do plan on taking up, however, Claus Number Four has been the Topic of much arguement, and in order to appease all parties, we are trying to make it feesable, also its supposed to read like this

    The Fate of a re-rolled player is determined by his IC actions in the present, not the past. If Said player runs around telling everyone "Ya, I went Nuclear Rogue on the NPO then rerolled and got away with it", its obvious hes not another IC Persona, but the same one, thus, he is still sentenced to ZI.

  7. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. :blink:

    Also, I'd like to second what Lord THAC0 has been saying. The purpose of this document is not as some kind of set of rules that must be enforced through military might. We all know that won't work. The purpose is to act as a set of ideals towards which we can strive as nations and players. It's a symbol, and symbols can be more powerful than any military.

    I loled everytime he said it.


    detrimental (comparative more detrimental, superlative most detrimental)

    1. Causing damage or harm.

    Smoking tobacco can be detrimental to your health.

  8. I think what Corinan meant was, what's going to happen to those who violate this Bill of Rights and who's responsibility is it to enforce it? How will that be organized? Who will judge what constitutes a violation? Who can sign? Etc, etc....

    It's nice in theory but it's the practicality y'all need to figure out.

    I think it would be up to all alliances, all Citizens of Bob to Enforce this.

  9. He is helping to draft it. He does endorse it. He has said it is showing a lot more promise than he thought it would when he first came to discuss it (sorry, I don't have auto-saved logs, but you can ask him yourself). He is helping write it, he is adding ideas, and he is contributing to discussion.

    Please don't assume you know everything about everything; try actually watching the conversations themselves.

    That does not mean he is endorsing it, it merely means the he is contributing to it.

  10. Would these become part of the CN code of conduct or whatever it is we sign to play the game?

    No, it would be something like a "UN Treaty" or a "Universal Treaty" there is no true enforcer but the players themselves.

    Updated with New Version

  11. Tonight many people got together, of many creeds, and ideals, and began to talk. It was about a CN Bill of Rights.

    If you wish to watch it, type /knock #sgalair on Coldfront.

    We have gone into a Brief Remission, please stand by for secondary Programming.

    People are people

    So why should it be

    You and I should get along so awfully

    People are people

    So why should it be

    You and I should get along so awfully

    So were different colours

    And were different creeds

    And different people

    Have different needs

    Its obvious you hate me

    Though Ive done nothing wrong

    Ive never even met you

    So what could I have done

    I cant understand

    What makes a man

    Hate another man

    Help me understand

    People are people

    So why should it be

    You and I should get along so awfully

    People are people

    So why should it be

    You and I should get along so awfully

    Help me understand

    Help me understand

    Now youre punching

    And youre kicking

    And youre shouting at me

    And Im relying on your common decency

    So far it hasnt surfaced

    But Im sure it exists

    It just takes a while to travel

    From your head to your fist (head to your fists)

    I cant understand what makes a man

    Hate another man

    Help me understand

    People are people

    So why should it be

    You and I should get along so awfully

    People are people

    So why should it be

    You and I should get along so awfully

    I cant understand

    What makes a man

    Hate another man

    Help me understand

    I cant understand

    What makes a man

    Hate another man

    Help me understand

    I cant understand

    What makes a man

    Hate another man

    I cant understand (people are people)

    What makes a man (why should it be)

    Hate another man

    Help me understand...

    We believe that players in CN have certain inalienable rights. These rights derive from fair gameplay, and exist in addition to the CN ToS.

    1) Players have the right to assemble in common cause to form alliances.

    2) Players have the right to be judged only by their behaviour in-character.

    3) Players have the right to have RL confidentiality, and not to have OOC information used against them for in- game purposes.

    4) The Fate of a re-rolled player is determined by his actions in the present, not the past. If a re-rolled player continues to maintain his past persona and character, they forfeit this right.

    Most Up to date version posted

    The Meeting as gone into recess until 8:30PM CN Time for Sunday August 17th.

  12. Why would you want to attack MK? *Awaits witty responses*

    I was saying, they could attack our allies, and give us even worse PR, atleast then its understandable, this however, is a very very bad show.

    anways <3 MK didn mean to offend you.

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