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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. No. You don't have the ingame means Ford. I don't think you'd like to face my guns ether.

    And soon once Persia is created (see the Persia thread in the Wars forum) as an autonomous region, Turkmenistan will be let off for new players, and then I will be done letting go of home territory. For serious, this war will cause the destruction/shrinking of many nations, and thus open up a lot of land. As well, there are a bunch of other nations that could easily do this. Such as the massive Tryun. >_>

    Just because I have been at the !@#$end of Pacifica's guns means nothing, I will rebuild, and I will reclaim my land. regardless of what you foos say.

  2. we'll send people over with buckets of sand to reshape Europe to its former glory

    OOC: First of all you cant even RP something like that happening without it breaking the realistic RP agreement

    also we're already short on land for new players so...

    OOC: Actually he could, by sending a Proton through a Specially Calibrated Magnetic Field, he would create a Graviton which would allow him to litterally rip his cities from the Earth, and pull them into Space, and give them their own atmosphere at that.

  3. Erm, they're an invasion alliance from the Paradox Interactive forums. Most invasion alliances tend to incorporate symbols from the "home board" into their flags and such. Check the flags of LUE, RIA, or GOONS.

    More on-topic, I think it's amusing that MK and Polaris, the two main alliances in this war, get matched up against their long-time rivals, NPO and Q respectively (well, most of the Continuum). It makes it a lot more dramatic and interesting when there's so much emotional investment in the battles. It's so good you'd think it was planned to end up like this!

    I do not recognize any alliance claiming to be from Paradox without OHGamer cause he is <3

  4. You aren't offering anything. I doubt that you can provide a better CN.

    Also, "honor", "freedom" etc., are so abused words these days that it is rather pointless at this point, to throw them around. That goes to all sided in this wars.

    Really? Considering my First act as Future Viceroy of Valhalla would be to clean up the Treaty Web, and actually *GASP* make friends with those that I choose to sign treaties with, and *gasp* bring back a sense of Worth, and make the NAP a meaningful treaty *Gasp* maybe I should not be Viceroy of Valhalla.

  5. yea that'll go over very well. <_<

    Hai Justinian we miss you over at KMRP :'( Also, remember if seniority counts for everything, it should be taken into Account that some of Martens land was Originally mine, and he stole it from me back in 06, thus I should get it back, with interest.

  6. Did I state otherwise? Did I even imply anything different?

    In my post, covering my analysis of the nature of your alliance, I have clearly stated that your ring leaders started this all from a vendetta agenda. Seeking vengeance on individuals in NPO. Seeking vengeance is a natural human emotion. There is nothing to be ashamed for. I have stated that multiple times now.

    What I have though, judged as inappropriate from your side is, that your ring leaders have packaged this vengeance crusade in a bunch of shinny empty rhetorics which spell "better CN", "honor", "freedom", etc. and sell that to the masses. That is just silly.

    Maybe it will be better, and considering your sides CB, which was paper thin, I think we are the ones retaining our Honor here.

  7. Of course, keep in mind that most of the territory is "$%&@ed up" and "almost inhabited", the only exception are places for new players which can enjoy a good, fresh start.

    Martens, tell them you give me All your Wimminz everything.

  8. Sorry, I must say this Arcades057, if you look at your "Senate Panel" like I have you would see right below it.

    Baatelus (Ashenkine) Bakunin's Dream (Comrade Gabriel) 8/17/2008 Trade & Aid Enemy of the Pacifican State

    Muspellheim (Surtr) Bakunin's Dream (Comrade Gabriel) 8/17/2008 Trade & Aid Enemy of the Pacifican State

    Zero. (jayskate) Bakunin's Dream (Comrade Gabriel) 8/17/2008 Trade & Aid Enemy of the Pacifican State

    Hungarian Empire (Lord Thomas Drake) Bakunin's Dream (Comrade Gabriel) 8/17/2008 Trade & Aid Enemy of the Pacifican State

    Vacuum Valley (Vinzent Zeppelin) Bakunin's Dream (Comrade Gabriel) 8/15/2008 Trade & Aid Enemy of TPF

    You used it first, you are suffering, stop going baw baw.

  9. Sanctioned

    Sanctioned by

    Bakunin's Dream (Comrade Gabriel) Ottawa Empire (kingzog) 8/17/2008 Trade & Aid Perma-ZI is Bad

    The Borat Empire (Philosopher) Ottawa Empire (kingzog) 8/17/2008 Trade & Aid Sanctions Are Bad, Right?

    Middle Earth Vault (HordeOfDoom) Ottawa Empire (kingzog) 8/17/2008 Trade & Aid Hello, Bank.

    Gronland (Umbrae Noctem) Ottawa Empire (kingzog) 8/17/2008 Trade & Aid Didn't want to do this.

    Resonel (tcaublack) Ottawa Empire (kingzog) 8/17/2008 Trade & Aid *sigh*

    So all the talk is just that, eh? You make baseless accusations that we of Pacifica violate the "rights" of others, that we cause harm and bring havoc for the mere sake of such things.

    Yet you of "Vox Populi" get a senate seat and immediately sanction our members... Something looks fishy here. Perhaps it is your ideals.

    This is not to change the minds of the mindless lemmings in Vox; this is to show you as what you are to the rest of the people here, the ones who still have open minds and eyes to see. You are clearly nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, talking out of one side of your mouths and acting out of the others.

    You do realize your side started the "sanction war" first... Oh wait, you refuse to believe anything that does not fit into your preset Idea that the NPO is always right.

  10. Not many could. I never expected NpO to win but when you claim to be the best you should atleast put up a fight.

    They are putting up a hell of a good fight, or else your divine Bovine overlord would not have gotten so butthurt with the Radiation to grow a second head that would call for all the other cronies to jump in and try to save him and his first group of Cronies.

    God, being a Cronie must suck.

    Hey (Dac)Syxygy, its called SDI

  11. I'm only saying that because in the past NpO has talked about how great their military is and how much everyone else sucks. Honestly Vox Populi is putting up a better fight and they were just thrown together in a couple days.

    Your Trolling of Polaris's ability to fight seriously annoys me. Could your Pathetic Alliance(Also, nice rip from the Paradox Entertainment Logo nuublets) survive against the odds stacked up against it?

  12. The only thing funnier than this thread is Polars ability to fight.

    Funny that you have to say that while you assemble the largest forces in history, and still suffer horrible losses, and have most of your higher up nations in Nuclear Anarchy, I must commend you, continue to talk trash while you are not in his range, or mine for that matter, and within Nuclear Striking Distance.

    Also, Of Mice and Men your Avatar is hawt :awesome:

  13. It's interesting to see vox supporting this because a project like this will inherently serve to only unify the entire game against anyone that chooses to play it differently then them. If a nation chooses to do it his own way, will everyone in vox help in punishing him?

    If so, how? He's doing what he thinks is right, and pixels don't matter if that's the case. So from a vox standpoint there's really no reason to even draft up this document because it shouldn't affect what anyone does anyway.

    Wait, what is the vox standpoint? Nevermind, I don't want to derail a thread that is relatively trolling free.

    But seriously, for this to be global it would require super bloc enforcement. Sovereignty is sovereignty, only some sort of force can overcome that.



    To be honest, Vox does not have a standpoint, some support this, some do not. It is Anarchy, it is complete Freedom.

    Hello Vox Populi

    I just have a few things that I wish to ask, I hope you have the same respect as I have, In asking them to reply to them.

    your points:

    1) Yes, every player has the right to form an alliance or be part of an alliance

    2) Not always, if a player use OOC to attack someone then they should be judge via OOC, this means any IC they make will be judge the same way, what do you call IC ?, for me someone going nuke rouge because they are leaving is an OOC attack, the reason been is because they are only nuking for OOC reason IE no longer want to play the game.

    3) 100%

    4) Who has the right to say if the player is acting in the same way, the person who the re-roll attacked before, or YOU.

    Who was in on this meeting, I was not asked to turn up nor was many others so what give you the right to set the rules for how the rest of us play ?

    I think Mogar Spammed a decent number of Channels at the meeting, along with the fact that I *think* IRON had someone in there, if not, please, by all means I apologize, this was not planned for, it was a spur of the moment thing that has infact gained some attention, and some support from other individuals. Also, it is not my job to setup rules, or is it any other players Job, it is the Almighty Admins job to do that. This is not a document of rules, it is a Fluid Document that is more of an agreement. Also, to awnser your other questions

    2) Ok, what if it became public that I had cancer, and was going to die in Three Months, and some random person began to spread this around Cybernations using it as a tool against me, does that not give me, and my allies/friends the right to Nuke Said Player into Oblivion for crossing the OOC/IC Line? Expecially since they would be bringing OOC Knowledge to harm my IC Persona, along with my OOC Feelings, that is just plain wrong. IC? That is simply, IC is the Nation/Leader/Gribbly Monster you play as in the game, someone going Nuclear Rogue they may or may not have a reason, regardless, they have to face the music, even if they do not care.

    4) Look, if someone rerolls and continues on the same path it would be obvious to the offended Party, and others who knew of the situation. I however, must assure you, I would not be doing any of the decisions.

    Also, yet again I must apologize that you did not get into the Channel, I hope that tonight you can join us. Also, I am sorry if I have offended you by what I have posted here, it seems alot of people are getting offended by my posts nowadays.

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