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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. Well would you look at that, he's from TTK.

    But whatever, I won't make any unfounded accusations.

    He never signed up in any Vox thread I can find, and as to that, when I asked if he was a Vox member in our sekrit buttsesk chan, no one came forward confirming.

  2. Hey, Did you Polar really to stupid to read?

    Gustav VonSonderbar, I see what you did thar, ghosting is bad, attacking an Neutral is alliance is bad, expecially one as Honorable as AE(Atlantic Empire for those who learned from Bob Sanders). Seriously though, we apologize for this, and understand that you are very angry with us, as such, we wish to give you something AE


    Seriously though, if any nation is caught Ghosting the Halls of Vox, and is not an ally of the people, may god help their sole, and may everyone run in fear of the response that the Peoples Boot shall have when it hits their #@%! Now seriously, bad bad show here, dont send ghosts into our AA to attack an innocent alliance, the least you coulda done was try to get them to attack MK or something, jeez.

    Also, :awesome: 162 :awesome: members and growing

  3. nobody fought and defended GATO some months ago, which was attacked for a similar reason (CK's reroll's actions)... if siding with NpO here is "right" why wasn't siding with GATO "right"? its just that people didn't like GATO while people like NpO.

    I should shank you with a footlong shiv for saying that, My Nation fought and lost many of its Pixels for GATO, and you know what, you can bite me oh not so good sir

  4. But, it seems that you do not accept all from the people? It seems certain individuals are even pre banned from joining.

    So, how does that make you Vox Populi, if you do not accept all from the folk, but only those which original ring leaders have no problem with?

    I advise a change of name.

    Vox of butt hurt individuals*

    Also, will you answer to all those which you dragged into your personal vendetta scheme on false pretenses that this is something other then that, "holier"? To be a tool in your personal jihad?

    *individuals refers to original ringleaders which started this personal vendetta agenda.

    Why do we not allow some to join Vox Populi? Because there are those, who have actually decided that Vox shall go somewhere, and that they should spy on it. We are not oblivious to the NPO's attempts to get a spy within our ranks, and to the fact that they have succeeded.

    Now, why would the people want a spy within their ranks, someone who will betray them, and make it to where they are harmed by their enemies?

    Also, Yes, Vox is here to stay, and as the Future Viceroy of Valhalla, I promise you that the new World Order will be peaceful, yet it will be grand.

  5. OOC: Ingame alliances do not esixt here. Ask anyone--including those RP'ers who are your ingame allies.

    You know, I have been RPing in these Subforums since they were formed, I know that much, but I am stating, I am attacking you regardless because at this point, my Nation has been raped by almost every nation in the RP that actually matters.

  6. VoxFlagcopy2.jpg

    As of 9:45 PM Eastern Standard Time Vox Populi has attained a number of 50 MEMBERS.

    As such, by that math it makes us the fastest growing alliance of all time, while under immense fire.

    As such, we are handing out caek, and Pics signed by Doitzel in #Vox_Populi


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