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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. Your just as off mark as everyone else has been. This is the reason of the state of CN.

    Those from NPO who fought me might give you a different opinion as to toughness, not WHINING, for their casualty list shows the toll of doing battle with me.

    It is just a shame to be called everything in the book because of someone else's lack of action. And this is what you get when you stand up and speak your mind? And worse--ITS THE TRUTH!!

    Get the chance to know me and you might find a competent opponent as well as an honorable and faithful ally.

    To be Honest, if you were in the IAA, and had surrendered because of JUST THAT, not because the Alliance disbanded. I would have promptly hunted you down post-war, ZIed your Nation, and blacklisted your SN until you were ready to go infront a court of your peers, who may just determine that you would not DESERVE to live until you created a new persona.

    But then again, you would have gotten atleast 100k every time a bank came out of peace.

  2. Not only destroyed, but not allowed to continue to exist, all because they did not appreciate the way Electron Sponge treated them and stood up to him.

    I hope you are not talking about the IAA good sir, if you are, you have your facts very much wrong. We always had a nice relationship with Sponge, and treated him with respect.

  3. And the Ordinance still stood. As a question, should I have allowed Polaris to threaten my allies? Am I not bound them as well? You know as well as I do the only reason CIS was not destroyed over all the issues over the past couple of months was due to their relationship to Polaris. Are we not entitled to the same respect?

    Good Question, does an alliance deserve to be destroyed because of who it is tied with. Well, according to the History of CN, yes it does.

  4. It's not that.It's just...Odd to see your friends being resurrected by people you don't expect to resurrect it.

    You did not think SGAFord, that guy who had risen from like nothing, to Fourth in Command(Military Branch) in 2 weeks would try to ressurect his new home? Shame on you.

    Hello Doch, I hope that Corona does not disable your ability to drive to work.

  5. Of course we will kill you all over again. It's what we're good for. :)

    Seriously expect to be back at war unless brokering peace before reforming.

    Of course I will broker for peace before we reform

    /me begins to go attempt to get some measily offerings from some street beggars to attempt to appease the people who hate the IAA.

  6. iaaflag12.jpg

    This is an Imperial Dispatch, this is not a joke, do not attempt to adjust your moniter, you, along with so many others are about to encounter something that is known as the "Twilight Zone"

    The Imperial Assault Alliance, now re-affirms its existence, and seeks peace with the NpO, NPO, 1Vision, and all other Alliance it was at war with, if they so claim to be at war with it.

    Along with that, the Imperial Assault Alliance hereby announces that supports Raptor Jesus, and the Flying Sphagetti Monster in tonights Drama.

    For the Final Announcement, we would like to show you what we have been doing since we disbanded. Along with that, we would like to extend a bottle of Corona to those who made it possible *Hands Dilber, Electron_Sponge, Doitzel, Z'ha'dum(wait, he didnt do anything, WELL HE STILL GETS A CORONA), Moo-Cows, Doch, Admin, and of course, Raptor Jesus all Coronas* So ON TO THE PHOTO SHOW!


    Picture of the IAA chillin in an NPO PoW Camp in Hawaii


    Our home for the past month, no, wait thats Alkatraz


    There, that should be the right picture of where we were staying


    The IAA enjoying more of the world since our disbandment, no wait wrong picture again, screw it I quit with the Picture show

    Anyways, we are back, any questions please be routed here.

    SGA-Ford, acting Emperor of the IAA inside of the NPO PoW camp

  7. Actually, they wanted Chickenzilla for giving out his login information to the VE board to people that didn't have access to that section.

    Kind of like how I wanted FAN to pay for attacking one of my members, and spying on my alliance, but instead I got ZIed.

  8. Dilber, I LOVE YOUR AVATAR.

    Hakana No Lelouch.

    Anyways, I am not sure what to make of it.

    I like Dilber, and I have trusted him in the past on issues


    The NpO, and Sponge mainly have been nicer to me since I surrendered, and did not "Re-PoW" me after I was released.

    so, for now I think I will go with my original stance of supporting Polaris, why you ask?

    It does not matter who is telling the truth, you support your friends no matter what, and at the moment, both GR and the NpO have been nice to me, unlike the NPO. However, Moo-Cows has been somewhat Nice other than refusing to talk about the release of PoWs.

  9. I didn't join the NpO lightly.

    I joined after carefully considering my options, the various alliances that were out there, reading of NpO's history and learning of their accomplishments, and listening to the opinions of those who I respected. Everything pointed towards Polaris. Having joined and learned more about them, I have no second thoughts whatsoever about the wisdom of my decision, regardless of the current political situation.

    I've been ZI'd (or damn near ZI'd) before. Just makes tech & infra cheaper. Bring it on.

    The NpO is an honorable alliance, you made the right choice.

  10. Today, in the Lands of India, in an un-claimed region of the World, the Osean Federation is going to start hosting the "World Fighting Armored Suit Fighting Compition". Each Nation is allowed to enter one Mech, with a Pilot. The rules are as follows

    * The Mecha may have no Nuclear Weaponry

    * The Mecha may have no more than 8 Weapons

    * The Mecha must have a built in Ejection System

    * The Mecha must comply with FCC Standards in their Power, and Life Support Systems(None of those Air killing beasts)

    * The Mecha may not use any "Electro-Magnetic Weaponry"

    The Osean Federation will enter one of her Sutherlands, and awaits other nations entries

    (Please, Post your Basic Specs, if you want to say Classified, you can but in OOC you have to say "<Insert Spec Here>" Any godmodding by using "Classified but OOC" Knowledge is godmodding, and will get you booted from the Thread.)


    Specifications of the Sutherland

    * Series: RPI-13

    * Height: 4.39m

    * Weight: 7480kg

    * Weapons:

    o Slash Harken � 2 (These Weapons that fire out, but are attached on cables, serving as Anchors when firing a large optional Cannon, or as weapons when wishing to drag in an enemy unit)

    o Assault Rifle � 1 (The Anti-Tank, and Mecha Weapon)

    o Chaos Mine � 5 (Massive Grenades that fire out Tungsten Steel Ball Bearings, however, the entire blast is directed in one Direction)

    * Equipment/Installment:

    o Factsphere sensor

    o Landspinner propulsion system

    o Cockpit Ejection system

  11. OOC: A player of this RP gave me those Mechs, one second I will Pm you guys the players name, don't release it just ask him.

    IC: At this moment, the Osean Federation will not be sending out Councils, or Diplomats, we are working on the Internal, and Military Structure of our nation.

    Along with that, the Submarine is designed to be detected. After all, it will be used as a Surface weapon to fight off our enemies, and only submerge when it wishes to make speed without been seen by the visable eye. The Fukushahadō will have a special surprise built in if there are people who wish to get "close" to it, say 1 mile close, but that weapon is in development.

  12. Oseaflag.png

    In Mogadishu crowds march along the streets, with 8 Unknown Mecha. They are cheering as Osea has just achieved her Independence from Rebel Army. It had been a long fight for independence from Tahoe forces, and when the leader of Osea, Aiden disappeared, everyone had wondered where he, and his forces the Black Knights had disappeared to, yet now, people could see what had happened. Aiden had left, and secured a new unit, more advanced than the Osean Panzer-Hummel had ever been. The Sutherland, a new Type of Mecha that would strike fear into even the most advanced Uberstienian and German mecha had been developed in secret, in a Country that shall not be named, and built by the Osean resistance for the day that it would be needed. However, after a few months, the Tahoeians thought it was safe, and handed Osea over to Rebel Army, and then, Aiden lost much of his support. Yet now, after 7 long months of Occupation, Aiden won the battle on the Diplomatic Tables, and achieved his Independence once again.

    "Pax Osea

    Pax Osea

    Pax Osea"

    The Crowd Cheered as he rolled down the street.

    It was a new day for Osea, and a day that would be remembered as she took up her place again


    OOC: Pic, Specs will be up soon, PM me if you wish to know the Nation.

    * Series: RPI-13

    * Height: 4.39m

    * Weight: 7480kg

    * Weapons:

    o Slash Harken × 2 (These Weapons that fire out, but are attached on cables, serving as Anchors when firing a large optional Cannon, or as weapons when wishing to drag in an enemy unit)

    o Assault Rifle × 1 (The Anti-Tank, and Mecha Weapon)

    o Chaos Mine × 8 (Massive Grenades that fire out Tungsten Steel Ball Bearings, however, the entire blast is directed in one Direction)

    * Equipment/Installment:

    o Factsphere sensor

    o Landspinner propulsion system

    o Cockpit Ejection system

  13. Any Statements that Chimeria ran out on the IAA is just pure falsehoods. I was there, I know he warned us good and well. Yes, he was happy rebuilding in the ____, but he was a NEW PERSON, and a NEW NATION.

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