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Aiden Ford

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Posts posted by Aiden Ford

  1. Actually, I have quite a list of people that this has happened to.

    To ANY Ex-IAAers who have surrendered. Change your AA to NPO PoW. It does not seem to matter WHAT alliance you were PoW of, you are being transferred. Remember, the Force is with you and after your release you are free from the Terms, now you need to just pray that it is soon.

  2. Well, Prime Minister Aiden Ford was going over the Finances of the Past 3 Years on Planet Bob when he noticed something curious. As he went on his first vacation from Cybernations, Aiden Ford had put what was estimated to be nearly 6,000,000(With Interest) in funds in the Second Bank of Cybernations. Now, after 2 years Aiden went to their Offices to see if the Bank was still open, and if he would withdraw his funds. He noticed something strange, a new place called "BLEU Trade Circles" had popped up where the old ISCN building was. So, Aiden ventured into the BLEU Trade Circles Offices, and noticed stuff was strange, so he left, and went back to doing Finances. Now Aiden Ford is undergoing charges of Embezzlement of Goverment Funds by the PostWar Belkan/Osean Judicary Council. It seems such an oversight will cost him dearly.

  3. #1. Decommission all military (tanks, aircraft, CMs, nukes) including ALL MILITARY IMPROVEMENTS (barracks, guerrilla camps, satellites and missile defenses)


    #2. No more than 30% soldiers.


    #3. Decommission any hidden missile silos and/or SDIs.


    #4. Remain out of peacemode.


    #5. Change AA to POW of whichever alliance you are at war.

    tR POW

    #6. Publicly resign from GATO.

    No, but I'll resign from the disbanded IAA.

    #7. Publicly apologize for eating Vladimir's hamster

    Well, Vladimir should stop filling them with Cheese, I mean jesus that was the BEST Hamster I ever ate, it really hit the spot.

  4. I offer myself to be destroyed so others may actually live, I've been put on Eternal ZI before(Great War 3, thank you so much Sel.), and I've seen what poor leadership decisions can do to an alliance, if you're an alliance leader, and you make the mistake that gets you involved with the war, you either take responsablity for your actions, or you let your alliance die for your mistake. I make a mistake while in charge of an alliance(oh I dont know, let's say I joined a war on the losing side, like say Great War 4?) I'll always take responsablity for that, and ifthe enemy alliance wants my head on a platter? so be it, my brothers shall live on, You want to sentance your brothers and your alliance's name to non existance? be my guest, but I would rather see my flag(OOC:z0mg my AA!) raised another day.

    Mogar, that may be YOUR choice, if that was YOU. However, any member who can without a second thought hand over their members is a spineless coward and deserves to die. You can do that, but what if others protest huh? What then?

  5. Honestly even if NPO was lying(Which I doubt) I would have said I was lying just to get the alliance peace, one nation isnt worth losing the entire alliance.

    Well Mogar, it is clear that you lack any shred of Honor, Decency, or Nobility flowing through your veins. Junka was our Comrade in Arms, and he would stay that way forever. No man left behind. Now, I have to say on this part, Junkalunka did not face the logs, if you look at the IMAGE HOST he used, it is notorious for RESIZING Images, which gives off the "Illusion" of being faked, yet if you look at Mary's logs, they were CLEARLY COPY PASTED from Notepad, and edited, as if you look at Junka's she was never sarcastic, and I am pretty sure that I have NEVER seen an IO be sarcastic in their life.

  6. I just saw the CB, you need to make it public. It still however, does not make your claims Valid until it is Public, and because of a Member who is NO LONGER NoV Blood, and Stormfronts Arrogence and abuse of a system means nothing. Work from within to purge a Alliance, dont make Innocents suffer, but alas, you guys will anyways.


    There is the CB, not really solid stuff I must say, but then again, I am a Former PrF/VL/NoR/NoV Member, and I know for a fact the Majority is not rascist.

  7. Im sorry, but I just saw the full out CB, an entire page devoted to making NoV look like Nazis. Well, I found most of it a Joke, it seems someone went through KM's Photobucket, took a Picture of him standing on a Rail, and having people Heil Him, which was for an RP I might add, and claimed it meant he was a Neo-Nazi, along with his Crack-Pot Evolutionary Theories, which I might add, most Nazi's are either Odinist, or Christian, and therfor dont believe in Evolution to that level, they just believe their better period.

  8. Victor, your sarcasm has made the NPO go up to #3 as my Favorite Alliances

    #1 LUE(I miss them)

    #2 NpO

    #3 NPO

    #4 NoV

    #5 IRON

    #6 SKA/SPTO(Ahh those good old days)

    #7 RoK

    Darn, only two more targets and you guys become my Favorite lol, anyways, I hope teh NPO spam forums are having a good discussion the last one about EVE Online made me feel unwelcome. ./cries

  9. getting rolled? I wonder, have you ever fought with 1:7 Odds? I notice 1V/Continium is just making up reasons now to fill up their slots, whos next? You guys gonna attack the Green Menace again? Or maybe it will be the Mushroom Kingdom, who knows you know why, because War keeps this game going, and the NPO loves to eat Babies.

    Joking about the Babies Part, but rly


    Smallfrog, I have respected you for a long time, and I do have to say this.

    The Allegations are clearly false. The CB is less worthy than the CK being Harbored by GATO one, but you know what, atleast that one had a Reason. If the CB is about the Q having Screenshots, where are the Screenshots, why are they not Public, and WHY WERNT THEY POSTED IN THE DOW THREAD? I have pondered that, and talked with some people, this war is pointless, and its just a "LOL FILL TEH SLOTS WAR". You may hate NoV, but your Hatred lacks any Political Basis.

  10. Funny, I don't see Nazi's when I look at NoV, I see Nationalists. Could someone care to point out why Idiots keep mistaking the two?

    Nationalist - One who works for the unity, independence, interests or domination of a nation.

    Nazi - # relating to or consistent with or typical of the ideology and practice of Nazism or the Nazis; "the total Nazi crime"; "the Nazi interpretation of history"

    # a German member of Adolf Hitler's political party

    # an offensive term for a person who is fanatically dedicated to, or seeks to control, some activity, practice, etc.

    Of course though, if I argue on teh Intrawebs I only prove one thing, even if I win I would still be a retard because well, CN is like the Special Olympics.

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